
最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库完整版附答案【黄金题型】 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、 ( )是指对未来现金流量以恰当的折现率进行折现后的价值,是考虑货币时间价值因素等的一种计量属性。 A.现值 B.公允价值 C.重置成本 D.历史成本 【答案】: A 2、She would rather that her husband ___ travel during the bad weather, but he insists that he return home today. A.do not B.not C.must not D.did not 【答案】: D 3、抗日战争全面爆发的标志性事件是(  )。 A.1939年9月1 日德国突袭波兰 B.1937年7月7日E1本制造卢沟桥事变 C.1941年12月8日日本突袭珍珠港 D.1941年6月22日德国突袭原苏联 【答案】: B 4、Some women in recent years have brought successful court challenges to gender discrimination in job ads,but the______the companies were ordered to pay was low。 A.regulation B.occupation C.permission D.compensation 【答案】: D 5、In the experiment , the researcher placed a rat in a maze, ___ it was presented with different smells to see if it can resist the distraction and get to the exit. A.what B.that C.where D.which 【答案】: C 6、资料:Zhang Qiaoli uses her spare bedroom for storing her stock of ladies’ fashion-wear and photo shoots. She is one of more than five million small online stores operating across China, some from small apartments or even college dormitories. She buys dresses and accessories wholesale; at prices under $5, using the website Taobao, she sells them on as the Kitty Lover at prices under $10. A.She sells dresses and accessories on Taobao B.She buys goods at higher prices and manages to sell large number of them C.She purchases goods at wholesale and sell them online at higher prices D.She makes profits by selling dresses and accessories at retail stores 【答案】: C 7、 ( )是指按照当前市场条件,重新取得同样一项资产所需支付的现金或现金等价物金额。 A.重置成本 B.公允价值 C.历史成本 D.可变现价值 【答案】: A 8、下列用于判断收入分配公平程度的经济指标是(  )。 A.赤字率 B.基尼系数 C.恩格尔系数 D.生产者物价指数 【答案】: B 9、We all convinced that the project was(  ). A.fertile B.inevitable C.inherent D.feasible 【答案】: D 10、After a long and difficult strike,the plant workers will show up to work______Monday. A.starting on B.afterwards C.instead D.outside 【答案】: A 11、打开Word文档一般是指( )。 A.把文档的内容从内存中读出并显示出来 B.把文档的内容从磁盘调入内存并显示出来 C.为打开的文档开设一个新的空的文档窗口 D.显示并打印文档的内容 【答案】: B 12、趋同适应是指亲缘关系相当疏远的不同种类的生物,由于长期生活在相同或相似的环境中,接受同样生态环境选择,在外貌形态、内部结构、生活特点、生理特征及发育等多方面表现出相似性,具有相同或相近的形态。 A.在同一片森林的地被层和草本层中,栖息着两栖类、爬行类等动物;在森林的下层——灌木林和幼林中,栖息着莺、苇莺和花鼠等;在森林的中层栖息着山雀、啄木鸟、松鼠和貂等;而在树冠层则栖息着柳莺、交嘴和戴菊等。 B.哺乳类的鲸、海豚、海象、海豹,鱼类的鲨鱼,它们在亲缘关系上相距甚远,但都长期生活在海洋中,整个身躯形成为适于游泳的纺锤形。 C.沙漠植物都是肉质叶或者茎,雨淋植物都是宽叶而寒带植物多是针叶。 D.蝙蝠、翼龙、鸟类为了飞翔,将前肢进化成强有力的翅。 【答案】: A 13、将八进制数165转换成十进制数是(  )。 A.165 B.119 C.117 D.159 【答案】: C 14、—“Is there(  )here?” A.anybody B.everybody C.somebody D.nobody 【答案】: B 15、按照保险对象的不同可将保险分为(  )。 A.人身保险与财产保险 B.自愿保险与强制保险 C.保险与再保险 D.信用保险与人身保险 【答案】: A 16、资料:There's a good chance that spicy crunchy tuna roll you ordered for lunch doesn't actually contain any tuna at all. A.Sushi restaurants verified by Oceana provide no fake fish B.it would be better not to eat sushi in America C.the new technology can help deal with the fake sushi to some extent D.fake or mislabeled fish will no longer exist in the sushi market 【答案】: C 17、资料:How did Tencent take WeChat so far ahead of its rivals? The answer lies partly in the peculiarities of the local market. Unlike most Westerners, many Chinese possessed multiple mobile devices, and they quickly took to an app that offered then an easy way to integrate them all into a single digital identity. In America messaging apps had a potent competitor in the form of basic mobile-phone plans, which bundied in SMS messaging. But text messages were costly in China, so consumers eagerly adopted free messaging app. And e-mail never took off on the mainland the way it has around the world, mainly because the internet came late; that left an opening for messaging apps. A.team of PC insiders invented weixin for Tencent B.team of outsiders acquired by Tencent invented Weixin C.Tencent asked the QQ insiders team to create a product D.Tencent copied a pioneering Israeli messaging service 【答案】: B 18、资料:China's Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent of Millennium BCP, Portugal's largest listed bank, and potentially lift its stake to 30 percent, following a having in its share price in the year to date. A.Yes B.No C.It’s up to Portuguese and EU authorities D.It depends on whether Fosun is able to appoint at least two of the 20 BCP board members, and up to five members in the event of increasing its stake 【答案】: D 19、Bilateral relations have entered a new stage of development both in terms of_____and breadth. A.profundity B.dimension C.implication D.innovation 【答案】: A 20、In the past men generally preferred that their wives( )in the house。 A.worked B.would work C.work D.were working 【答案】: C 21、资料:The daily changes of the market can lead investors astray.The ups and downs make t

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