
最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库完整版及答案(网校专用) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、下列各项,不影响企业利润表中“营业利润”的项目有( )。 A.主营业务收入 B.营业外收入 C.投资收益 D.资产减值损失 【答案】: B 2、资料:Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned. A.preferential policies for the poorer children B.more comprehensive research into its causes C.headteachers good at inspiring talented children D.solutions to the conflict in the education sector 【答案】: C 3、资料:The Oakview Cafe A.A newspaper reporter B.A musician C.A cafe owner D.A chef 【答案】: B 4、American travelers abroad have discovered that they can buy more foreign____with their dollar. A.currented B.currently C.currency D.current 【答案】: C 5、2017年4月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高9.4个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长14.0%,食品制造业增长18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业增长13.9%。1—4月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高4.5个百分点。 A.9.5 B.10.2 C.11.4 D.12.6 【答案】: C 6、Just because I’m( )to him,my boss thinks he can order me around without showing me any respect. A.redundant B.versatile C.trivial D.subordinate 【答案】: D 7、资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba. Just last week, the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day. A few months back, Alibaba claimed the title of the world's biggest IPO, raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE. Things will only get bigger for Alibaba. A.It is the largest online payment service provider in China B.It has sold more than US$9 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day C.It has a strong social responsibility D.It is the world’s biggest IPO 【答案】: C 8、 记账以后,如果发现记账凭证和账簿记录的金额有错误(所记金额小于应记的正确金额),而应借、应贷的会计科目没有错误,应用( )进行更正。 A.蓝字更正法 B.红字更正法 C.补充登记法 D.划线更正法 【答案】: C 9、2008年全球金融危机爆发以来,世界主要国家央行开始采取特殊货币政策,美国在利率水平已经接近纪录最低时,推出了一系列非常规货币政策,包括为了支持银行贷款的长期流动性供给,为压低长期利率的资产购买计划等,除美国以外,美国、日本和欧洲银行也采取了非常规货币政策。IMF于2013年5月16日发布了《非常规货币政策:最近经验与前景》报告,报告称发达国家的非常规货币政策在很大程度上帮助实现了该国政策目标,诸如持续两年左右的购买国债计划帮助美国和英国的GDP增速提升了约2个百分点,然而,发达国家的这些政策对世界其他国家也造成了很大的影响,大量资本流入拉丁美洲和亚洲,导致新兴市场的汇率过度升值和波动。 A.物价稳定 B.国际收支逆差 C.充分就业 D.经济增长 【答案】: B 10、Thank you for your recent order. Although most of your items have ____ shipped, the Full-Spectrum Desk Lamp (model B07) is temporarily out of stock. A.ever B.often C.lastly D.already 【答案】: D 11、In Western Australia,there are around 450 aircraft maintenance engineers,most of______work in the Perth metropolitan area. A.them B.whom C.which D.they 【答案】: B 12、资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post to retain its crown as the world’s largest commercial plane maker. A.it has multiple options when it comes to its engine B.it is a single-aisle jet C.it is more fuel-efficient and environmental-friendly D.it has a more powerful engine 【答案】: C 13、资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the world's leading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Wednesday. A.More efforts will be needed to ensure a sustained economic growth B.Investment from the government contributes most to the world economy C.The market is pessimistic on the world economy D.The world economy is growing rapidly and steadily 【答案】: A 14、《商业银行法》规定了商业银行的经营原则,即商业银行以安全性、流动性、效益型为经营原则以及实行“四自”,其中“四自”中不包括(  )。 A.自主经营 B.自我监督 C.自负盈亏 D.自我约束 【答案】: B 15、甲乙丙三人去买水果,甲购买1斤西瓜3斤苹果7斤梨共需要31.6元,乙购买1斤西瓜4斤苹果10斤梨共需36.2元。那么,丙购买1斤西瓜1斤苹果1斤梨共需要(  )元。 A.22.4 B.24.2 C.12.4 D.14.2 【答案】: A 16、生命化学进化四个阶段不包括( )。 A.从有机小分子物质生成无机小分子物质 B.从有机小分子物质形成有机高分子物质 C.从有机高分子物质组成多分子体系 D.从多分子体系演变为原始生命 【答案】: A 17、They could give you a nationally____qualification and the experience you need to get the job. A.recognized B.viewed C.regarded D.realized 【答案】: A 18、资料:For the development of Crunchy Nut (a product),K company has used various methods of primary data collection. Primary market data may involve qualitative research or quantitative research. Qualitative data is connected more about opinions, feelings and attitudes. Quantitative data is in numerical form and is usually gathered from a large sample of respondents. A.The development of Crunchy Nut B.K Company's production line C.Qualitative data collection D.Two approaches to data collection 【答案】: D 19、 证明实物资产是否存在的非常有说服力的证据是( )。 A.书面证据 B.环境证据 C.实物证据 D.口头证据 【答案】: C 20、汉代人关于《离骚》篇名的解释有( )。 A.离别的牢骚,离开忧愁 B.离别的忧愁,遭遇忧愁 C.离别的牢骚,遭遇忧愁 D.离别的忧愁,离开忧愁 【答案】: B 21、由某一个人或某一集团通过购买两家或更多的银行多数股票的形式,形成联合经营的银行组织制度属于( )。 A.持股公司制度 B.连锁银行制度 C.分支银行制度D,单一银行制度 【答案】: B 22、投资银行最本源、最基础的业务活动不包括( )。 A.证券发行与承销业务 B.证券经纪与交易 C.承销业务 D.风险投资 【答案】: D 23、生产成

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