
最新银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库内部题库精品(综合题) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are takingplace. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams. A.Dream involves events that always happen in real life B.Dream is an imaginary story which seems real while taking place C.Dream is related to the dreamer's real life D.Dream is a confusing story which involves little logic thought 【答案】: A 2、It is said that he(  )for several years. A.had died B.has been dead C.died D.has dead 【答案】: B 3、资料:Children back at school, nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable. The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets, there's a whiff of uncertainty in the air. Bond yields are up from their lows, and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset, anywhere, with some yield, is slowing. A.0.75% B.0.5% C.0.25% D.1% 【答案】: C 4、 假设你的亲戚赵敏三年前与几个朋友创办了一家公司.近期就他所在的东丰有限责任公司的股权转让问题向你咨询,你认为下列说法中哪项不符合法律规定?(  ) A.有限责任公司的股东之间可以互相转让其全部或部分股权 B.股东应就其股权转让事项口头或书面通知其他股东征求同意,其他股东自接到口头或书面通知之日起满三十日未答复的.视为同意转让 C.经股东同意转让的股权,在同等条件下,其他股东有优先购买权,两个以上股东主张行使优先购买权的,协商确定各自的购买比例;协商不成的,按照转让时各自的出资比例行使优先购买权 D.股东向股东以外的人转让股权.应当经其他股东过半数同意 【答案】: B 5、填入括号中最恰当的词语是(  )。 A.控制制定 B.控制制订 C.抑制制订 D.抑制制定 【答案】: A 6、资料:Asked to name their favorite city, many Americans would select San Francisco which began as a small Spanish outpost located on a magnificent bay. The town was little more than a village serving ranchers when the United States took possession of it in 1846 during the war with Mexico. A.heavy industry B.governmental headquarters C.gold mining D.trade and tourism 【答案】: D 7、影响汇率变动的长期原因不包括( )。 A.—国的国际收支状况 B.经济发展状况 C.通货膨胀差异 D.利率差异 【答案】: D 8、会计账簿暂由本单位财务会计部门保管( ),期满之后,由财务会计部门编造清算移交本单位的档案部门保管。 A.1年 B.3年 C.5年 D.10年 【答案】: A 9、—Could you take a message for Mr Brown? A.may see;isn’t B.see;won’t be C.will see;isn’t D.will be seeing;won’t be 【答案】: D 10、It is advisable that some warm clothing ( ) with you, as the weather can change quite suddenly in the mountainous area. A.is taken B.will be taken C.be taken D.has been taken 【答案】: C 11、He cancelled all the ___ on the ground that he needed a rest. A.encouragement B.engagement C.schedule D.employment 【答案】: B 12、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously. A.Westerners may establish long-term cooperation with one supplier B.Chinese panel tends to looking for clear alternatives C.Chinese negotiator is illogical D.Westerners are straightforward in Chinese businessmen's eyes 【答案】: A 13、—Could you take a message for Mr Brown? A.may see;isn’t B.see;won’t be C.will see;isn’t D.will be seeing;won’t be 【答案】: D 14、在货币资金借贷中,还款违约属于金融风险中的(  )。 A.流动性风险 B.市场风险 C.操作风险 D.信用风险 【答案】: D 15、资料:Britain is facing a “crisis of fatherlessness” in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15, the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned. A.result in the rapid increase of family breakdown B.undermine the relationship between father and child C.affect self-esteem of kids from the poorest family D.transmit the traditional role of fathers in the family 【答案】: B 16、在金融工程中,投资者借入资金买入标的资产,买这种操作称为(  )。 A.买空 B.卖空 C.空仓 D.平仓 【答案】: A 17、You can’t modernize____large external investments. A.from B.on C.without D.unless 【答案】: C 18、Passage 5 A.The climate models are more changeable B.Hot air would be more capable to hold humidity C.Many trees have been planted recently D.The grasses are temporarily appeared with the rains 【答案】: B 19、 我国现行会计制度规定,资产负债表是按(  )所反映的经济内容设计的。 A.资产=负债+所有者权益 B.有借必有贷.借贷必相等 C.账户的平行登记 D.借贷记账法 【答案】: A 20、( )年10月27日中国工商银行于上海及香港同步上市,实现了从国有独资商业银行到股份制商业银行,再到国际公众持股公司的历史任务。 A.2005 B.2006 C.2007 D.2008 【答案】: B 21、In a desperate move to increase their revenues to meet their sales goal,the company is planning to offer a special discount(  )its customers. A.by B.to C.with D.upon 【答案】: B 22、材料二:2018年上半年,我国经常账户逆差1801亿元,资本和金融账户顺差4247亿元,其中,非储备性质的金融账户顺差7451亿元,储备资产增加3192亿元。 A.国际收支平衡按单式薄记原理编制 B.国际收支平衡表表上的数据是“存量”而非“流量” C.国际收支平衡表是某一时点的统计报表 D.国际收支平衡表记录了一国或地区在一定时期的国际收支情况 【答案

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