
最新国家开放大学电大本科《管理英语4》期末标准题库及答案(根据题目首字速查精简版) 网上收集题库并整理很不容易,请下载Word档后放大到合适的大小并列印 hsangerheempoyeescadhmMrThunde Dueo managers spend most of their time in Not only do CEOsspendpannghemoeproabe Themoeme identify the problems that have been Are you able to I'd like to have this film developed. May I help you? ou might as well write a. could you suggest some ways ot he job, employers don't want eoardless o clearly communicate with and actively. being able to the deepening of china's economic there is smoke, there is fire. Where on the hilltop, you could enjoy, standing the importance of english,we. given we can't compete in terms of sizeldo although actuallyIprefer working on. do you prefer teamwork employees keep leaving and joining. as the reactions of top managers. fearing AT&Tundhaempoyeeswhberpannngand moekey An appreciated gift and the gesture of .. light up All the team members tried their best. However A child's character is greatly influenced... environment Ataough wewakeanotheou estimate Al giters notgod. That Al he guestsareseated n.… Distinguished After days of investigation,the police.. approaching An agreement was reached on the … baSis Although we can't compete in.. An effective leader sets the tone for the. bring about An employee may express their. comply At a rough we will… estimate Byheendofheyearhesaespan . Will have been made Coudyougveusaspeechon Idoveobumbuyhsweek Ceatvespecay whchakes that Could I borrow your ipad for a few hours. Sure, here you... Companesae nteeednyouso. As.…as... head. Canlget you a couple of tea? That's very nice of you Can Ihave three days off next week… Compared English,Chinese is .… Concentnbeng andeal of course Culuradfrences four categoris… Current opinion among … courageous Do you mind if luse vouchers to ..… Noaa Goa Do you know where I can repair my .… Around the street corner Don't worry, Mum. The doctor said it .. what a relief Sorry, I won't sharpen Don't keep water running when you ... Even the best continually seek ways to very time l tried to say something, move on Effective leaders distill complex that oh, sorry,Ididn't smoking me, but know all … Excuse isn't F demand is rising but the firm from comm. ls sufferinc Fifty-five per cent of the respondents.. as if deserves Not so good Good work good play. How did your meeting go yesterday? How can you explain the latest situation? Sorry How do He's yolug(e)fett your(n)omem(w)b(,)ersbtout pasra(o)dteam(u)?(c)tivitylt atsrn't that much.Picked up Haven't seen you for ages. What are...I am working part time in.. He ordered that nothing until. … should be touched. Have you already paid ? What's about worry Don't my. it returns He will write to me as soon as … How do we expect to compete with... reputation think things have been a bit difficult for us the last co You're right ls it possible for you to work out the plan tonight? I think so. It is through enthusiasm and quiet intensity that If demand is rising but the firm is suffering If you can't say what you've come to say at the can see that In today's environment, people are often where llike to think______lam always the one finding …outside of the box In high school, I am equally conmortable as a . working for what Ihave said to 't thi lam but y m sorry you. Ibelieve that I have a lot to confribute a … to ____ Ihave been very lucky to have had manager … terrific lf l take the time to talk with manager … … can get part of it is we know. … that a big think I Ithink I have made a great mistake.Idon't think so.It's not your fault yourself, no one. … couldn't believe don't agree more you in lf I days. … going really for a Beijing few envy you

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