
1389 国开电大本科《管理英语4》历年期末考试(第二大题词汇与结构) 试题及答案汇编(珍藏版) 2021年7月试题及答案 二 、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号 写在答题纸上。 6.Compared English,Chinese is generally believed to be more difficult to learn. A.with B.from C.against [答案]A 附 : 6.与英语相比, 一般认为汉语更难学。 7. clearly communicate with and actively listen to employees is essential to improve their performance. A.Be able to B.Being able C.Being able to [答案]C 附 : 7.能够清晰地与员工沟通并积极倾听员工的意见对于提高他们的绩效至关重要。 8.When the message finally reached the Command Center,it “mutated”to become-“Send three and four-pence,we're going to a dance.” A.was B.had C.have [答案]B 附 : 8.当信息终于到达指挥中心时,它已经“变异”成了— “送三四便士,我们去跳舞。” 9 managers spend most of their time in face-to-face contact with others,but they spend much of it obtaining and sharing information. A.Not only B. Do not only C.Not only do [答案]B 附 : 9.管理者不仅将大部分时间花在与他人面对面接触上,还花大量时间获取和分享信息。 10.AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were to be promoted into management jobs. A.more like B.more likely C.more unlikely [答案]B 附 : 10.AT&T发现,具有更好计划和决策能力的员工更有可能被提拔到管理岗位。 11.Without his assistance,I the research last month. A.would not have completed B.could not finish C.should not finish [答案]A 1 附: 11.如果没有他的帮助,上个月的研究是不会完成的。 12.They have come to the conclusion this winter will be even colder than before. A.that B.for C.which [答案]A 附: 12.他们得出的结论是,今年冬天会比以前更冷。 13.My leather shoes cost me the last pairs I bought. A.three times as B.three time as C.three times as much as [答案]C 附: 13.我的皮鞋价格是我买的最后一双的三倍。 14.After days of investigation,the police were reality. A.looking into B.approaching C.finding [答案]B 附: 14.经过几天的调查,警方正在接近现实。 15.All the guests are seated in the front row A. distinguishing B.extinguishing C.distinguished [答案]C 附: 15.所有尊贵的客人都坐在前排。 16.How do we expect to compete with a company that has such a huge and huge resources? A.reduction B.recommendation C.reputation [答案]C 附: 16.我们如何与拥有如此巨大声誉和巨大资源的公司竞争? 17.I think the primary factor is there's been so much absence lately. A.contributing B.causing C.affecting [答案]A 附: 17.我认为主要原因是最近缺席太多了。 18.You have a lot of creative thoughts and your enthusiasm work projects is very much appreciated. A.regarded with B.regarding with C.regarding [答案]C 附: 2 18.你有很多创造性的想法,非常感谢你对工作项目的热情。 19.All the team members tried their best.We lost the game, A.however B.therefore C.since [答案]A 附: 19.所有队员都尽力了,但是我们输掉了比赛。 20.The workmen want to the number of working hours and to increase pay. A.delete B.decrease C.depress [答案]B 附: 20.工人们想减少工作时间,增加工资。 2021年1月试题及答案 二 、词汇与结构(每小题2分,共30分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题 纸上。 6.She was very adaptive and soon adapted the campus life. A.with B.as C.to [答案]C 附: 6.她适应能力很强,很快就适应了校园生活。 7.All glitters( 闪闪发光) is not gold. A.which B.that C.what [答案]B 附: 7.闪光的不是金子。 8.This is the man last night. A.whom I saw him B.who Is a whim C.whom I saw [答案]C 附: 8.这是我昨晚见到的那个人。 9.I would recommend that you on following through with projects. A.worked B.work C.would work [答案]B 附: 9.我建议你继续完成项目。 10.They weren't too keen the idea at first because they thought it was not practical enough. A.of B.on C.in 3 [答案]B 附: 10.他们起初并不太热衷于这个想法,因为他们认为它不够实用。 11.On hearing the news of the major exam again,the girl burst into tears. A.her having failed B.she failed C.her being failed [答案]A 附: 11.听到她再次高考不及格的消息,女孩泪流满面。 12.It is through enthusiasm and quiet intensity we transform creativity and vision into the technologies. A.which B./ C.that [答案]C 附: 12.正是通过热情和安静的强度,我们将创造力和远见转化为技术。 13.Although we can't compete in terms of size,I believe we hold an advantage in terms of dedication to customer service. A.did B.do C.have [答案]B 附: 13.虽然我们无法在规模上竞争,但相信我们在竭诚为客户服务方面具有优势。 14 on the hilltop,you could enjoy the scenery of the city bathed in the sun. A.Stood B.Stand C. Standing [答案]C 附: 14.站在山顶,可以欣赏沐浴在阳光下的城市风光。 15.Without his assistance,I the research last month. A.would not have completed B.could not finish C.should not finish [答案]A 附: 15.如果没有他的帮助,上个月的研究是不会完成的。 16.Fearing the reactions of top managers, middle managers remained Or provided optimistic, filtered information. A.silence B.silent C.silently [答案]B 附: 16.由于害怕高层的反应,中层管理者保持沉默或提供乐观、过滤的信息。 17.I will ask them to a new design,something a bit more toned down. A.come in B.come across 4 C.co

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