
2022年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力题库完整版附参考答案(满分必刷) 第一部分 单选题(50题) 1、Which of the following is a voiceless bilabial stop? A./b/ B./m/ C./w/ D./p/ 【答案】: D 2、请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。 A.Life expectancy goes on rising forever B.There could be further increases in life expectancy C.Life expectancy has slowed down since 1950s and it will stop D.Life expectancy in Japan doubles what it was 200 years ago 【答案】: B 3、_____answers such questions as how we as infants acquire our first language. A.Psycholinguistics B.Anthropological linguistics C.Sociolinguistics D.Applied linguistics 【答案】: A 4、In a pre-listening activity, students need to learn to cope with some ambiguity in listening and realize that they can still learn even when they do not understand every single word. The aim of this activity is to develop the skill of__________. A.listening for specific information B.listening for gist C.listening for structure D.listening for vocabulary 【答案】: B 5、Passage 1 A.were inspired by something B.were going to do something C.were worried about something D.were aware of the nature 【答案】: D 6、--I can make it to your concert around 9 o'clock tomorrow night. A.have finished B.had finished C.will be finished D.will have finished 【答案】: D 7、①purpose②context③process④function of language⑤product A.①②③⑤ B.②③④⑤ C.①②④⑤ D.①②③④ 【答案】: A 8、It is plain that in the year 2020 everyone will have at his elbow several times more mechanical energy than he has today.There will be advance in biological knowledge as far reaching as those that have been made in physics.We are only beginning to learn that we can control our biological environment as well as our physical one.Starvation has been predicted twice to a growing world population:by Malthus in about 1800.by Crookes in about 1900.It was headed off the first time by taking agriculture to America and the second time by using the new fertilizers.In the year 2020,starvation will be headed off by the control of the diseases and the heredity of plants and animals--by shaping our own biological environment. A.warn US of the impending starvation B.present facts about life in the near future C.oppose biological advances D.warn of the evil side of automation 【答案】: B 9、What purpose do NOT post-listening activities serve? A.Helping students relate the text with their personal experience B.Offering students the opportunities of extending other language skills C.Practicing students' ability of matching the pre-listening predictions with contents of the text D.Giving the answer directly to students and not to explain 【答案】: D 10、请阅读Passage 1,完成第小题。 A.Medical schools should establish a firm moral standard to weed out applicants with low integrity B.Medical schools should make efforts to remedy the ills of a society C.Medical schools should teach future doctors integrity and ethical values D.There is nothing medical schools can do to improve the ethical behaviour of their students 【答案】: C 11、If someone says "I know the word", he should not only understand its meaning but also beable to pronounce, spell, and__________ it. A.explain B.recognize C.memorize D.use 【答案】: D 12、请阅读Passage l。完成第小题。 A.There is still a long way to go for economists to genuinely contribute to globalhealth B.Economists' role in global health is, to a large extent, negative C.Economists increased the inequality of resource allocations in global health D.Economics is only one science among many that policy makers have to take into account in providing health care programs 【答案】: A 13、Speaking two languages rather than just。one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of biling ualism are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia in old age.This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century. Researchers, educators and policy makers long considered a second language to be an interference, cognitively speaking, that hindered a child' s academic and intellectualdevelopment. A.Bilinguals are cognitively disadvantaged B.The pros of bilingualism outweigh the con C.Bilinguals have advantages over monolinguals D.Bilinguals and monolinguals are intellectually similar 【答案】: A 14、请阅读短文,完成此题。 A.he will be likely to be fat B.he may have a heart attack C.he may have a stomachache D.he may even die if sitting too long 【答案】: C 15、What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? A.Correcting the student's mistake B.Hinti

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