
#Web3for2030How can Web3 help achievethe SustainableDevelopment GoalsUNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the PacificThis publication is authored byRowan Yeoman,Superbenefit DAO,Consultant,UNDP RBAPKate Sutton,Head of the Innovation Centre,UNDP RBAPAcknowledgementWe want to thank Agnes Huller for her hard work bringing together this work as aproduct for others to use and understand.Thank you to Zainab Kakal,IevgenKylymnyk and Juergen Nagler for your input throughout the report process andespecially for reviewing our final draft.Thank you to Kevin Petrini for engaging withthis work and seeing the potential for the region.Thank you to Jonathan Hodder,Swetha Kolluri,Ahamed Nishadh Najeem,Sam Ng,Max Semenchuk and AlexanderWiese for your insights and inputs when preparing the report.Finally,thank you tothose who attended our webinar and helped us shaped the final content.The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s)and do not necessarilyrepresent those of the United Nations,including United Nations Development Programme(UNDP),donor agencies,or the UN Member States.They are also not necessarily endorsed bythose mentioned in the acknowledgements or cited.The mention of specific companies ororganizations does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by UNDP inpreference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.A reference to a non-UNDPwebsite or publication does not imply endorsement by UNDP or the accuracy of theinformation contained therein or of the view expressed.All reasonable precautions have been taken by UNDP to verify the information contained inthis publication.However,the published material is being distributed without warranty of anykind,either expressed or implied.The responsibility for the interpretation and use of thematerial lies with the reader.Information on uniform resource locators and links to websites contained in the presentpublication are provided for the convenience of the reader and are correct at the time ofissuance.The United Nations takes no responsibility for the continued accuracy of thatinformation or for the content of any external website.Citation:UNDP(2022).UNDP RBAP:#Web3for2030.New York,New York.Copyright UNDP 2022 All rights reserved.UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty,inequality,and climate change.Working with our broad network of experts and partners in170 countries,we help nations to build integrated,lasting solutions for people and planet.Learn more at undp.org or follow at UNDP.United Nations Development Programme Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific One United Nations Plaza New York,NY,10017,U.S.A.Tel:+1 212 906-5000 Fax:+1 212 906-5898 How to thinkabouttechnologicalchange04ExecutiveSummary01The role of theUNDP in Web3for Impact07Web3Opportunities05Web3 Risks&MitigationStrategies08Web3 andachieving theSDGs06Conclusion09Table ofContentsIntroduction02Web3 Explainer03ExecutiveSummaryThe global community is not on track to achievethe Sustainable Development Goals.To achievethe Goals,we need to accelerate our currentprogress and to add fundamentally differentways of operating to our toolkit.Web3 is a suiteof technologies and trends that open newpossibilities for how we can achieve the globalgoals.Although Web3 is often referred to as a group oftechnologies such as Blockchain,DecentralisedFinance,Cryptocurrency and NFTs-ultimatelyWeb3 is about changing our financial,economic,governance and innovationsystems through“openness”anddecentralisation.For people and organisations working to achievethe SDGs,be it eliminating poverty,tackling theclimate crisis,building more and betterinfrastructure or protecting human rights andadvancing good governance then Web3 willchange the nature of this work and can enablepowerful new solutions.Web1 promised a decentralised internet,but itwas only useful for consuming information,Web2 allowed people become creators but hasbecome highly centralised in a few largetechnology companies.Web3 offers adecentralised web run on systems secured bycryptography that spans geographical borders.This promises to change the power structuresof the current web and put powerful tools in thehands of individuals and communities to givethem control of their digital lives.We are still early in Web3s development,and itsfutures state is by no means certain,but we cangain insights into how it will unfold by mapping itagainst the predictable patterns that most most major technological paradigms follow.Understanding this can help us make betterdecisions about the opportunities and risksthese technologies present.This can alsohelp us take an active role in directing thesenew technologies towards driving moreinnovation for impact.There are already some interesting examplesand use cases of people and organisationsusing Web3 for impact and achieving theSDGs.If impact organisations like UNDP andother UN agencies develop the skillsets,mindsets,partnerships,and resources toharness the poten

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