
敬敬上上海海市市业业初初级级七七年年级级英英语语试试卷卷(满满分分 100 分分,考考试试时时间间 90 分分钟钟 2018 年年 11 月月)Part 1 Listening(第第一一部部分分听听力力)Part 2 Phonetics&Vocabulary and Grammar(第第二二部部分分语语音音、词词汇汇和和语语法法)II.Choose the best answer(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案)(16 分分)23.Which of the following word matches the sound/meil/?A.mileB.mailC.mealD.make24.Which of the following is wrong?A.Shall I get some information about the China International Import Expo?B.Acar accident happened at the entrance of the tunnel.C.Which place did you visit last summer holiday?D.The Browns are going to move to a new flat next week.25.Jack would like to be _ SPCA member because he likes animals and wants to dosomething for them.A.aB.anC.theD./26.Melissa is a cat lover,and she has three Persian cats at home._of them are very lovelyand friendly.A.EachB.EveryC.BothD.All27.I hope to study in a school _ many flowers and trees in it.A.hasB.haveC.ofD.with28._ the night of the Mid-autumn festival,people usually stay together,watching themoon and eating some moon cakes.A.AtB.OnC.InD.For29.More than_ companies attended the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference inShanghai.A.two hundredB.two hundred ofC.hundreds ofD.hundreds30.I think Flat B is_ one among the three flats,so I want to buy it now.A.the most convenientB.most convenientC.the convenientD.more convenient31.Excuse me,where are we going to have our class meeting?-Im not sure.Ask our monitor,please.He _know.A.shallB.canC.mayD.need32.Mum has bought a sleeping bag for the baby_.A.to sleepB.to sleep inC.sleepD.sleep in33.Simon saw some boys_ basketball when he was running in the playground.A.playingB.playedC.were playingD.to play34.David,_the birds for me,will you?A.feedsB.will feedC.fedD.feed35.Id like to walk to school every day_ walking is good for health.A.soB.butC.becauseD.or36._dangerous it is to drive so fast in the street!A.HowB.What aC.What anD.What37.-You look so pretty in this pair of pink pants.I want to buy one for myself.-_.A.You are right.B.Dont say thatC.Thank youD.All right.38.-The bedroom is in a mess.Clean it immediately.-_.A.Im sorry.B.Thats at all right.C.Thats rightD.OK,I willIII.Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box.Each can only beused once.(将将下下列列单单词词或或者者词词组组填填入入空空格格。每每空空格格限限填填一一词词,每每词词只只能能填填一一次次)The modem life is becoming more and more colorful.The Internet is an important part of ourlife.It makes our life more interesting.Do you_39_ the most popular Internet tool?It is called micro blog(博客).It means a small blog.It is _40_ from a common blog,much simpler and more convenient.Now many _41_ persons in the world have microblogs such as Han Han,Liu Xiang,Bill Gates and so on.Micro blogs dont have _42_ in China,but they are popular with young people,especially we students.We believe that the micro blog is very useful.We can do many things byusing it.We can get news and information quickly.And we can write our feelings,our sense of lifeand some small things on it,just like _43_ in 140 words or fewer.We can enjoy orupload photos,videos and music _44_.Whats more,we can find or create a hot topic,and then talk about the topic with others online.How interesting!Caution:You can choose only one of the two sets.(注注意意:以以下下两两组组选选一一组组答答題題,请请不不要要跨跨组组答答題題)SetA(供供牛牛津津教教材材同同学学选选做做)TV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单 词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(8 分)45.Tony would like to buy three_ to put his books.(shelf)46.Boys and girls,please say something about_.(you)47.Tinas room is too_ so she cant find what she needs.(tidy)48.You should _a better way to solve the problem.(choice)49.The travel_ office is on the fifth floor,(agency)50.After a long flight journey they landed on the island of Fiji_.(safe)51.Lets sweep away the_ glass together.Otherwise,others will get hurt.(break)52.Next Sunday will be grannys_birthday.We are going to hold a party for her.(sixty)V.Complete the following sentences as required(根根据据所所给给要要求求完完成成句句子子)(12 分分)53.The removal man put all the things in our new flat yesterday.(改为否定句)The removal man_ all the things in our new flat yesterday.54.His friends already posted the photos.(改为一般疑问句)_his friend posted the photos_?55.Id like to have a house with a swimming pool.(对划线部分提问)_ _of house would you like to have?56.Toms mother took him to the hospital to have an eye-check.(对划线部分提问)_ _Toms mother take him to the hospital?57.We like to travel by plane better.(保持句意基本不变)We_ _travel by plane.58.your,like,would,pet,to,a rabbit,you,keep,as(连词成句)_Set B(供供新新世世纪纪教教材材同同学学选选做做)IV.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用用括括号号中中所所给给单单词词的的适适当当形形式式完完成成下下列列句句子子。每每空空格格限限填填一一词词)(8 分分)45.She is a good_.I like watching her programs every week,(host)46.Boys and girls,please say something about_.(you)47.Most of the women in the East are very_.Some even go out with veils on theirfaces.(tradition)48.You should_ a better way to solve the problem,(choice)49.Its about five_ walk from my home to the supermarket.(minute)50.Can you tell me the reason why Hong Kon

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