
上上海海市市闵闵行行区区九九年年级级第第一一学学期期期期中中联联考考试试卷卷 Part IIPhonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar II. Choose the best answer. (20) 26. He had to drag the heavy case across the floor. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /dræɡ/B. /draiv/C. /dʒʌdʒ/D. /drɔ:/ 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A. We will go there for certain.B. Adog loves its owner faithfully. C. The soldiers captured the main city.D. It is a very beautiful plain. 28. I hadone-day outing to Shanghai Museum with my classmates last week. A. theB. aC. /D. an 29. As a young girl, Kitty used to dreamgetting a beautiful Barbie doll. A. ofB. forC. atD. to 30. My brother made quitemistakes in the test, and he got only a “C”. A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few 31. The temple has been here for almost 300 years. It is one ofbuildings in this town. A. oldB. olderC. oldestD. the oldest 32. The bags are light because there isin them. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything 33. --let’s have a barbecue this weekend.Can we go on Saturday or Sunday? --is OK. I’m not free at weekend. A. NeitherB. EitherC. EveryD. Each 34. All the pins which our Chinese teacher has collected look. A. rarelyB. gentlyC. lovelyD. beautifully. 35. As a student reporter, Lilymany people from many jobs so far. A. would interviewB. had interviewedC. will interviewD. has interviewed 36. With the help of passengers, the thiefand the woman got her wallet back. A. caughtB. was caughtC. is caughtD. will be caught 37. The poor little dog is so week that it will dieit can be sent to the SPAC at once. A. sinceB. becauseC. unlessD. when 38. When the alarm rang, Imy lessons in the study to get ready for the coming test. A. was reviewingB.reviewedC. had reviewedD. would review 39. More and more young people in China would like to spend their holidaysfor others. A. to workingB.workC.workingD. to work 40. What is the man who wears a pair of glasses doing? He is busyhis key to the door. A. looking forB. to look forC. looking upD. to look up 41. Mr. Brown, must we hand in our work today? No, you. But you must bring it to school tomorrow. A. mustn’tB. needn’tC. may notD. couldn’t 42. Young people are seldom interested in the Chinese skills like paper cutting,? A. are theyB. aren’t theyC. didn’t theyD. did they 43.exciting it is to enjoy the movie, The Adventure ofAfanti! A. How anB. What anC. HowD. What 44. Excuse me, I want to complain about the answer. . A. What’s up?B. What a shame! C. What bad news!D. What’s the problem? 45. Perhaps there will be no cormorant fishing in 50 years time. . A. That’s all right.B. I agree with you.C. Never mind.D. It’s very kind of you. III. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can used only once. (8) A. includeB.successfullyC. heightD.completedE. highly Tiangong-2, which means “heavenly palace” in Chinese, China’s second space lab, was46sent into space on Sept. 15. Our achievements47China’s first satellite in 1970, its first manned spacecraft in 2003, its first space walk in 2008, its first lab Tiangong-1 in 2011, and its first lunar “soft landing” in 2013. and now, Tiangong-2 has drawn China one step closer to build a space station. Tiangong-2 is operated for at least two years. It obits Earth at a48of about 393km above the planets surface. The space station is planned to be49by around 2020。 A. extremelyB.requiredC. so thatD.truthE. Greek It’s raining cats and dogs. When it’s raining heavily, you can say “It’s raining cats and dogs.” this expression is very strange, and no one really knows it’s origin. One idea is that “cats and dogs” comes from a50phrase cata doxa.Cata doxa and“cats and dogs” sound similar. So if it is raining “cats and dogs”, it is raining51hard. Straight from the horse’s mouth Through the years, horses have been important beasts. In order to make money, dishonest traders would lie about a horse’s age52they could sell it for a higher price. But anyone who knew about the horses would open the horse’s mouth. They could tell the horse’s age from it’s teeth. So they got the53straight from the horse’s mouth. IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. ((8 分分)) 54. Every _____in in the USA can vote for the presidential election. (city) 55. China held its ____Party Congress meeting in Beijing last year. (nineteen) 56. It]’s our _____ to make the environment cleaner than before. (responsible) 57. Peng Li Yuan, wife of President Xi, usually wears _____Chinese cheongsam(旗袍)during visits to foreign countries. (tradition) 58. The street in front of our school used to be narrow. Now it is much _____(wide) 59. Jack learned to be ____after taking part in the summer camp.(depend) 60. Mary began to learn how to play the piano in her ______,and she even took part in a contest. (fifty) 61.After her husband’s ______,the old lady lived alone on the island for more than ten years。(die) V. Rewrite the following sentences as required. ((14 分分)) 62. The nurse woke the patient up to take medicine last night.(改为否定句) The nurse _____________the patient up to take medicine last night 63. This year’s car exhibition in Shanghai Exihibition Hall was very special(改为感叹句) _____ _______this year’s car exhibition in Shanghai Hall was! 64. She gained confidence in playing the piano by practising regularly(对划线部分提问) _____ ______she gain confidence in playing the piano? 65. The student wanted to know. Why are the answers wrong?(合并为一句) The students wanted to know ____ the answers _____wrong. 66. Jane succeeded in running a full marathon after hard practice(保持句意不变) Jane ___ ___run a full marathon after hard practice. 67. The waitress took away the dishes after they finished eating. (改为被动语态) The dishes____ _____away by the waitress after they finished eating. 68. in class, us, gave, to, discuss, the teacher, a new topic(连词成句) ————————————————————————————。 Part III Reading and Writing VI. Reading comprehension(阅阅读读理理解解))(50 分分) A.Choose the best answer. ((12 分分)) Tony is reading an advertisement in a magazine.It is about different evening classes or weekend classes. The Learning Centre,Garden City We have evening and weekend courses on… test preparationfriends and meeting people jobs and making moneycooking and language learning Some of this month's courses: 1..Get good grades! Do you forget information and do poorly on tests?In this course,learn to… ※remember more (95percent of what you read). ※think quickly and read fast (400words per minute!). ※do well on tests and get high scores. 2..Find true love……today! Are you single and shy?Is it hard for you to talk to people? In this course,learn to… talk lo people; start a conversation with a man or woman. be more friendly and outgoing. ※understand a person's body language. 3..You are on TV! Many actors get their start in television.You can too! In this course,learn to… ※act in TV ads. ※use your voice on the radio. ※get TV and radio jobs. 4..Cook delicious and healthy food! Are you interested in cooking?Do you want to keep healthy?In this course,learn to… ※keep a balanced diet. ※cook delicious traditional Chinese food. ※make western-style food.This course is also online al www.dffh.net.cn. 69. In the Learning Center,you won't learn how to___. A.prepare for a test B.make money C.learn a language D.get along well with others 70.After taking course 1,you can't___. A.think quickly B.improve your memory C.remember everything you read D.finish reading a 200-word passage in 30seconds 71.After taking course 3,you can learn how to___. A.become an actor (actress) B.become a radio reporter C.become a TV host (hostess) D.get a job in a radio station 72. Which course is allowed to take online?___ A.Course 4. B.Course 3. C.Course 2. D.Course 1. 73. What's the advertisement about?___ A.Finding true love. B.Getting good jobs. C.Cooking delicious food. D.Different evening and weekend classes. B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选选择择最最恰恰当当的的单单词词或或词词语语完完成成 短短文文))((12 分分)) Caring for a pet hamster Choosing a pet you and your parents agree that you are ready for a pet. A dog is too big. Mom is allergic to cats. So a hamster is everyone’s number one _75___. What it will take you to keep your new pet safe and happy? Choose a hamster from a pet store tray is clean and whose staff seems to know about the animals and is willing to answer your questions. If the hamsters are not used to being handled(处理), you probably want to choose a younger one. You’ll be able to tame and handle a younger one more__76___ than an old one. EquipmentBefore you get your hamster ,you should have its new home all set up. Hamsters need several pieces of equipment, but the only that is somewhat expensive is the cage. Here are the__77___ your hamster must have: a cage, bedding(wood savings),nesting material(cotton), an exercise wheel, a water bottle, a food dish and food. Almost all of your hamster’s life will be spent in the cage, and it needs room to _78___. Buy the largest cage you can afford.A wire cage is best if you have a drafe-free place for it. If the cage has to sit near a vent, window or door ,then a plastic or glass type with a screen top is better. -___79__ Make sure that your hamsters have fresh water all the time. A general hamster mix from the pet store will make up most of your pet’s diet. Beyond that ,learn what other food you can give as treats. Some examples are carrots, raisins, cheese, dig biscuits, and acorns. In general , do not feed your hamster sweets or prepared foods, such as crackers or chips. With daily food and water, regular attention, and a weekly cage cleaning, your hamster should be ___80___to your household for several years. 75. AdisadvantageB. choiceC. resultD. opinion 76. AquicklyB. faithfullyC. accuratelyD. easily 77. AitemsB. excuseC. programsD. skills 78. Alearn skillsB. go to sleepC. move aroundD. have meals 79. AfeedingB. growingC. SpendingD. Changing 80. A.an expensive pet B. a happy additionC. a good exampleD. a big surprise C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. ((14 分分)) Many countries all over the world have National Parks. There are about 7, 000 National Parks around the world. Most of them protect natural settings as well as the plants and animals that live there, but a few are in towns and cities. Are there National Parks in England? There are nine National Parks in England.The first t__ were the Peak District, the Lake District and Dartmoor, which were all named as National Parks in 1951. Others followed afterwards, such as the North York Moors in 1952, the New Forest in 2005 and the South Downs in 2010. Are National Parks in England the same as those in other countries? Many National Parks around the world cover huge areas of land where n___ lives, but in England most of the countryside within them is useful for farming and other activities. As a result, National Parks in England include places where people live and work, as well as wild and beautiful areas where there is little sign or human life. Why do visitors go to the National Parks? There are plenty of activities to do in all of the National Parks in England.Visitors can walk or cycle, following marked route, and many of the parks o_____ activities for families. Are there any problems in the National Parks? There are about 110 million visitors to the parks every year, bringing many benefits to the areas but c____ problems too. Many popular towns and villages can be swamped (充斥) by visitors. This results in overcrowded car parks and roads choked (堵塞) with traffic.Life can be difficult for people who live there, as more and more gift shops and cafes are opened instead of those everyday shops; local people can hardly a___ to buy houses in popular places. Another major problem is litter. In the parks it is a particular (特别的) danger to animals. Broken glass can also cause fires by focusing the rays of the sun. When these start in wild places, they are much harder to c_____and can damage (毁坏) large areas very quickly. How can people help? All National Parks in England promote (倡导) the Countryside Code, which tells people how to take care of their e____. If these rules are followed, the National Parks will be protected and continue to give pleasure to many people for a long time. D. Answer the questions.((12 分分)) I’m not allowed to stay out late Why do I have to do my homework before I can watch TV My parents never let me go to parties Why is it just mum and Dad who make the rules? Life’s just not fair Do these complaints sound familiar’ well, if you think your life is hard, you might like to think about kids in ancient times. For some of them, life was quite hard. In ancient Greece, only the boys are allowed to go to school. Greek girls stay at home, where their mother taught them skills like cooking and weaving--things that would help them find a husband. At the age of seven, some boys were sent to very strict military school, where they were taught become soldiers. Nearly everything in their educational system was about war and battle. Life was pretty hard at there schools. For example, the kids were often hungry. The teachers didn’t let them have much food.But if they got caught, they were punished(惩罚)。 Aztec children in central America also had a difficult life in ancient times. If they broke rules, they could expect some pretty curl punishment. On the goof side, Aztecs believed in the importance of schooling. In the home, children learn practical skills: dads taught their sons how to fish and farm while mothers taught their daughters home-making skills. Girls and boys also went to school(although the adults didn’t let them go to the same schools) Kids went to schools called Telpochcalli. They had lessons about history, religion and music.The boys had lessons to learn how to fight. If the children were from more important family, they went to a calmecac where they learned how to read and write, too. At both schools children had to be on their best behavior. They knew all about the punishment for behaving badly, and life was hard enough anyway. 88. The complaints aren’t mainly about rules, are they? 89. Why did Greek girls learn skills like cooking and weaving? 90. What did the Greek boys at military school probably do to survive for themselves? 91. Who were calmecac school for? 92. What did the boys in Telpochalli learn? 93. Who do you think have a harder life, children in the past or today? Give your reasons. VII. Writing 94. Write at least 60 words according to the given topics “Lifelong Learning” 假设某英语报“我爱写作”栏目为了配合创建“学习型城市”,正在举办英语专题征文比赛。请你从终生学习 的意义和终生学习的途径两个方面,以“Lifelong Learning”为题,写一篇短文,参加比赛。 (注意:文中不得出现任何姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分) 26-30 AABAD31-35 DCACD36-40 BCACA41-45 BACDD 46-49BACD50-53 EACD 54. citizen 55. nineteenth56.responsibilities 57.traditional 58. wider 59. indendent 60.fifties 61.death 62. didn’t wake 63. How special 64. How did 65. why were66. managed to67. were taken 68. The teacher gave us a new topic to discuss in class 69-73 DCDAD 75-80 DAACAB 81three;82. nobody; 83. organize; 84.creating 85.afford; 86.control; 87. environment 88. Yes. They are 89. To find a husband 90. Stealing food 91. For children from a more important family 92. They learn history, religion, music and learn how to fight 93. 略

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