
治愈肺癌日记五个月前我大哥打电话给我说:我堂哥得了肺癌,在数着日历过日子,没有多少天可活了,接到了医院开出的“死刑判决书”,他们全家人立即陷入了绝望之中,辛辛苦苦几十年,看到一切都走上正轨,眼见又看不到了,我堂哥心中的绝望劲就别提了。这只是人们缺少对癌症的正确认识,癌症其实只是一种身体细胞大量死亡的征兆,其主要特征是淋巴细胞异样增殖,淋巴结肿大,有的也会有一些其他反应。一般它的病理反应比伤风感冒还轻,最后它会形成恶性溃疡,如果还不理会它,有的会自愈,有的也会死亡,懂得养身的正确方法,养一养就没事了。反正医院也医不活他,花一大笔钱也是买一死,而且是死的更快更难看。家人抱着“死马当成活马医”的心态接受了我的建议,就不再去寻求“先进的”医疗方案,在家调理等待最后的“判决结果”。全球每年有七百多万人死于癌症,自愈的人没有几例,我所知道的一例是中央电视台中华医药栏目采访过一位抗癌明星程恩华先生,他直截了当地拒绝了化疗、放疗,坚持用调养的方法治愈了晚期直肠癌。已经存活了十多年。英国妇女53 岁的英国时装设计师乔安妮斯科特,她3 年前患上白血病,多次化疗后病情依然不见好转,医生告知她只剩下8个月的生命了。不过,医生随后对乔安妮移植了她女儿的体细胞成功地治愈了她的癌症,严格讲她不算自愈的例子。第二例是我在网上向一对母女俩灌输我的癌症理论,成功治愈其母的口腔癌。这是先有理论后有实践的成功治疗,治疗的过程和结果完全符合预期的预见,所以我对我的理论充满了信心,我给他讲了用调养治疗癌症的四大原则:一、不要接受放疗、化疗,这是活命的前提条件。二、戒油戒糖,食用低热量食品。三、饮食量一定要达到高中住校时的水平,饮食品种要多样均衡,多食用高蛋白食品。四、每日按计量加服维生素C、多种维生素丸、21 金维他等。我堂哥是一个极有毅力的人,他严格限制他的饮食,在死亡威胁了五个月之后,国庆节前几天他打电话给我说,他嗽也不咳了,身上的包包也消了。今年国庆节放假七天,我回重庆去看我劫后余生的堂哥,我怀着忐忑不安的心情去看他什么“包包”消了。我的朋友说,你把肺癌给治了,这么神奇啊!老实说“劫后余生”说大了,癌症本来就算不上什么病,要不是一纸化验单说他有肺癌,他甚至不知道他有病,所以从治病到病愈,他感到的主要区别就是“包包”没有了,没有什么成就感,一点都不神奇,治愈癌症的方法其实就是一种不长癌症的生活方式而已。身体器官有一个有趣的现象,它是有冗余的,如肝脏有三分之一人就可以正常生活,那三分之二的肝脏就是冗余,三个月后(如果没有记错的话)就可以重新长成完整的肝脏。肺脏有一半就可以了,六个月后就能复原,换句话说,你的肺坏了一半,你还是正常人,分别不大,这就是癌症患者在查出之初都不相信自己有病,更别提是绝症。虽说我的理论已经得到实践验证,但毕竟口腔癌是小癌,肺癌是十癌之首,医院把他治死了家人在葬礼上哭一场了事。他是我的本家,如果我的建议使他有个三长两短的话,他家人一辈子和我过不去,国家法律也容不下我。结果所谓的“包包”是肿大的淋巴结,不过令人哭下不得的是,他主要是因为腿部的淋巴结肿块大妨碍了走路,去检查出的肺癌。淋巴结肿块是癌症的报警信号灯,既然淋巴结肿块已经消除,结合他现在的身体状况,癌症警报解除了,虚惊一场后,肺癌就成为了历史。现在治疗癌症的祖师爷身处科学不发达的中世纪,把癌症的病因虚幻为神通广大的癌细胞所致,幻想通过杀死癌细胞来治疗癌症,结果令人失望的是:“癌细胞”杀不死,人倒可以治死,一句话“癌症是绝症”把责任推得干干净净。这是一个路线错误的治疗方法,现在的医师用科学仪器找不到癌细胞,用培养液培也养不出癌细胞,治疗癌症也治成绝症,害死不少人。死抱着把一种疾病治疗成绝症的治疗路线是有问题的,改进医疗器械的结果也只是把人治死的更快。科学的方法和巫术的本质区别是:科学的方法有科学的理论和有益的实践结果,而且这个过程和结果是可以用新的过程来复现的。做点什么事或有点什么本事就大吹特吹真还不是我的个性,但这事我倒要吹一番,还希望看过的朋友广为传扬,这每一个字都是命啊!癌症进医院就是绝症,这是人人皆知的事情,既然医院医不好还医它个什么劲啊?癌症是一个预兆,一个征兆,说你身体有大量的死亡细胞而已,病都谈不上,养一养就行了,这就是一种生活观念:不良的生活方式会致病,良好的生活方式会治病。Cure lung cancer diary Five months ago my brother phoned me said:my cousin get lung cancer,there is not many months with his life in the world,their whole family immediately jump into hopelessness when received death judgment of hospital,seeing everything back on track after hard decades,it is dont mention the despair strength of my cousin.This is just lack of the correct opinion with the cancer,cancer is really just a large lumber of death body cells,the feature is the lymph node proliferation enlargement strangely,somebody also had other reaction.Generally it pathological reaction less than a cold,if still ignore it,some will become self-healing and some will die which will eventually form vicious ulcer,and Cancer patients will become well if he know how to keep the right approach keeping in good health.Anyway,hospital medical will not make him alive,it is also buy dies with a large sum of money,and maybe is dead faster and more ugly.Family accept my advice with the mind of Dead to medical treatment as alive with,they do no longer seek the advanced medical scheme,recuperate at home and wait for the final decision.Each year more than seven million people over worldwide die in cancer,there are a few people self-healing,I knew a man maned ChengEnHua from Chinese medicine column of CCTV who rejected chemotherapy and radiation therapy flatly,and made his Colorectal cancer lately cured,and survived more than ten years.a British women,53 years old British fashion designer Joanne Scott suffer from leukemia three years ago,and still did not get better after chemotherapy Several times,the doctor told her only eight months of life leaved.However,the doctors then transplant her daughters Bone marrow and cured her cancer successfully,strictly speaking shes not the example of self-healed.The second patient was a mother and a dought on the Internet,into my cancer theory,the success of oral cancer cure her mother.This is the first after the success of the theory of practice treatment,the treatment process and the result completely meet the expected foresee,so I to my theory was full of confidence,I told him about the treatment of cancer with aftercare four principles:A,do not accept radiation therapy,chemotherapy,this is the prerequisite of the life.Second,quit oil from sugar,eat low-calorie food.Three,diet amount must reach the level when the high school students live,dietary breed diversity to equilibrium,eating more high protein food.Four,the daily press measurement and vitamin C,DuoZhong vitamin pills,21 JinWei he,etc.My cousin is a great perseverance,he strictly limit his diet,in death threats for five months later,a few days before the National Day he call I said,he also dont cough cough,body bags also subsides.National Day holiday this year seven days,I return to chongqing to see me from the rest of the cousin,with so much trepidation in the mood to go see him what bag subsides.My friend said,you have to put to the lung cancer,so magic!To tell the truth escape from disaster said big,cancer was not what disease,if it werent for a paper paper said he had lung cancer,he didnt even know he is sick,so from cure to recover,he felt the main difference is that b

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