LOVEANDDIGNITYAbout the Author and This WorkCharlotte Bronte shows herself as a great artist of verbalpainting.Her descriptions of the natural scenery,as seenthrough the eyes of Jane Eyre at the different times of her life,and of the inner world of this sensitive,passionate girl aremarvelous.They,together with the gothic horror of themysterious woman in the attic of Thornfield,with Jane s ownpaintings and dreams,with the extraordinary natural orsupernatural phenomena such as the split chestnut tree andthe telepathic call of Mr.Rochester,make the world of JaneEyre a perfect combination of realism and romanticism.Plot SummaryI read the famous and influential book Jane Eyre whichmade a hit in the literary world when it first came into being.More than 100 famous scholars recommended this book andmany people were attracted by it very much.The story wasfictional and was considered one of the first romantic novels,containing both passion and mystery.The novel goes through five distinct stages:1.Janeschildhood at Gateshead Hall,where she was emotionally andphysically abused by her aunt and cousins;2.her education atLowood School,where she acquired friends and role modelsbut also suffered privations and oppression;3.her time asgoverness at Thornfield Hall,where she falled in love withEdward Rochester;4.her time with the Rivers family,duringwhich her earnest but cold clergyman cousin,St John Rivers,proposed to her;5.and finally her marriage with her belovedRochester.Analysis of Chapter XXXVIIJane traveled to Ferndean.When she arrived,she sawRochester reach a hand out of the door,testing for rain.Helooked physically strong still,but his face was sad anddesperate.Rochester returned inside,Jane knocked and talkedwith the servants at the door then entered the house.Janecarried a tray to Rochester who is unable to see her.When herecognized Janes voice,he thought at first that she was aghost or spirit speaking to him.When he caught her hand,hetook her in his arms,brimming with emotion.Rochester askedher to marry him,Jane joyfully accepted and she promisednever to leave him again.The next morning they walkedthrough the woods,Jane updated Rochester about her newwealth and led him on about St.John,jokingly using jealousyto distract him from misery.Rochester told Jane about his newrelationship with God.He felt punished for his pride and nowprays regularly.He asked her again to marry him,and she saidyes they are now free from the specter of Bertha Mason.Rochester told Jane that a few nights earlier,in a moment ofdesperation,he called out her name and heard her responses.She didnt wish to upset him or excite him in his fragilecondition,so she didnt tell him about hearing his voice atMoor House.CharacterizationMajor characters:Jane Eyre and Edward RochesterThe major characters in this book are Jane Eyre andEdward Rochester.In my point of view,Jane is a plain-featured,honest,intelligent and independent girl who has great senseof self-dignity as well as strong belief in gender and socialequality.Rochester is a wealthy but direct,straightforward andunconventional man with great passion,even a little rash andimpetuous,however,these two people meet and wipe outthe sparks of love,read the book carefully,it is not difficult tofind some similarities in them,both are independent andstrong-minded people who is full of candor,who lives byheartnot by the societys rules.I think it is the same beliefthey hold that support their true love.Although Rochester is superior to Jane in social class andeconomic level,and while men were widely considered to benaturally superior to women in the Victorian period,Jane isalways intellectually equal to Rochester.Despite the differencein backgrounds and social status,when Jane is present,Mr.Rochester feels a sort of emotional peace and has a kind spiritto Jane.Meanwhile,Mr.Rochester is also particularlyimportant to Jane because he provides her with theunconditional love and a sense of family that she has neverexperienced before.ThemeFemale ConsciousnessCharlotte Brontes masterpiece-Jane Eyre is one of themost popular and important novels of the Victorian Age.It isfamous for its sharp criticism of the religious hypocrisy ofcharity institutions like Lowood School where poor,unwantedgirls are trained to be humble slaves through constantstarvation and humiliation for its rebuke of the socialdiscrimination and false conventions about love and marriage.Charlotte did use a distinct awareness of women to model JaneEyre as an independent woman constantly strive to stand onher own feet.People see a new image of women:self-esteem,self-respect,self-reliance,self-improvement,courageousand firm.Jane Eyre has become an ideal and a pursuit,if awoman wants a real self-realization she must adhere to theideals and aspirations.Janes declaration to Mr.Rochester ofher equality with him is really a declaration of the women ofmiddle class and all classes.Nevertheless,although to our delight,the story endwith a happy ending,we have

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