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欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!Trans fats dangers 当心零食中的反式脂肪酸!Watching your favorite TV shows with chips and cookies at hand this may be the best night you can think of.But be careful about the snacks you choose.Sometimes they have trans fats in them,and these can cause long-term health problems.Thats why the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA)ruled this summer that food makers will have three years to remove trans fats from products,stating that trans fats are not“generally recognized as safe”,the BBC reported.So what are trans fats,and how do they cause so much trouble?The story began when chemists discovered in the 19th century that hydrogen(氢)could be added to vegetable oil.During that process,trans fats were created.They could turn a liquid(液体的)oil into a solid,which allowed for easier transportation(运输)and a longer shelf life(贮藏期限)for food.These solid fats were also less expensive and tastier than animal fats.These characteristics were attractive to food makers.Trans fats,or partially hydrogenated oils(部分氢化油),were then used in baked goods such as cakes and cookies,snack foods such as popcorn,and even some fast food.While the food industry loves these man-made fats,our hearts and blood vessels dont.Eating trans fats increases our levels of bad cholesterol(胆固醇).It is a leading cause of heart disease and high blood pressure,Reuters reported.In many Western countries besides the US,efforts have been made to regulate(管理)trans fats in food products.Canada and Brazil require food labels(商标)to say if products have more than 5 percent of trans fat in them.In China,the amount of trans fats in food is required to be less than 3 percent.And since January 2013,the level of trans fats has been shown on food labels,according to China Daily.The World Health Organization recommends that trans fats should make up no more than 1 percent of a days energy.A study carried out in five Chinese cities in 2003 found that trans fat made up 0.16 percent of the energy people took in.Beijing and Shanghai had a higher intake of 0.34 percent.“Trans fats,and their potential health impact(影响)in the long term,will be closely monitored,”Chen Junshi,a member of the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment,told China Daily.But given the low level of trans fats eaten in the country,China will not ban(禁止)trans fats in the near future,added Chen.高考链接 高考词汇 1.state/steIt/vt.声明,陈述 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!I was simply stating an opinion.2.characteristic/7kArIktE5rIstIk/n.特征 One of the camels most famous characteristics is its ability to live without water for a long time.3.require/rI5kwaIE/vt.要求,需要 用法:require sb to do sth The police required the driver to open his trunk.4.monitor/5mRnItE/vt.监控,追踪 Nurses are close ly monitoring the patients heart rate.长难句分析 Thats why the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA)ruled this summer that.,stating that.本句的主干为:Thats why。在 why 引导的表语从句中,ruled 为谓语动词,意思是“规定”,后面 that 引导的从句作它的宾语;动词 v-ing 短语 stating that 作伴随状语。句意为:据BBC 报道,这就是为什么今年夏天美国食品药品监督管理局规定食物生产商们必须在三年之内去除产品里的反式脂肪酸的原因。他们声称,反式脂肪酸不再“被广泛认为是安全的”。Choose the best answer:1.Why do food makers like to use trans fats?A.They make foods fresher and can be stored for longer.B.They are less expensive and tastier than animal fats.C.They are made healthier by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil.D.They can turn solid food into liquid,making it easier to transport.2.Which of the following foods are said to contain trans fats?A.Chips and coke.B.Cakes a nd cookies.C.Popcorn and hotdogs.D.Noodles and dumplings.3.Trans fats may cause diseases in _,according to the article.A.the sk in and bones B.the nerves and the brain C.the lungs and the digestive system D.the heart and blood vessels 4.What efforts have been made to regulate trans fats in food products?A.In China,the level of trans fats must be shown on food labels.B.In the US,food makers have to label foods that contain over 3 percent of trans fats.C.Th e WHO has issued a ban on using trans fats in food products for children.D.In Canada,food labels are required to say if products have over 1 percent of trans fats.

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