
【高三】【高三】20212021 届高考英语动词的时态和语态第二轮备考复习教案届高考英语动词的时态和语态第二轮备考复习教案动词的时态和语态【2021 年高考命题预测】毫无疑问,动词的时态和语态是是高中英语的重要语法点,更是历年高考的考查热点。同学们在复习这一语言点时应注意:1、考纲要求的动词的时态和语态的基本用法;2、易混时态用法比较;3、根据固定时间状语、固定句型确定时态的情况;4、主动形式表被动意义的情况;5、不用被动语态的情况。通过分析近年的全国高考试题可以预测2021 年高考对动词的时态和语态的考查依然会注重在具体语境中考查动词的时态和语态的运用。【重难点突破】【概述】英语动词时态变化从时间上可划分为“现在时”,“过去时”,“将来时”和“过去将来时”四大类,每类又包括“一般式”、“进行式”、“完成式”和“完成进行式”四式,共十六种时态形式。其中常用的有十种:一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、过去将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时、将来完成时、现在完成进行时等十种。英语的语态分为主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。几种基本事态的基本用法一般现在时:构成:主语+动词原形或第三人称单数形式用法:1)、经常性或习惯性的动作,常与usually,always,sometimes,every day,frequently 等一起使用。He always help others in his spare time.2)、现在存在的状态或具有的特征 China is a great socialist country.3)、客观规律、正确事实或科学真理、格言以及其他不受时间限制的客观存在(10 上海)28.Every few years,the coal workers their lungs X-rayed toensure their health.A.are having B.have C.have had D.had had 4)、表示安排或计划要做的动作(句中常有表示未来时间的状语),主要用于begin,come,leave,go,arrive,start,stop,open,close等瞬间动词。The plane takes off at seven oclock this morning.5)、在时间、条件、方式、让步状语从句中,表示将来的动作常用一般现在时 I am afraid you must inform him of the meeting,in case he comes late forthe meeting一 When shall we restart our business?一 Not until we our plan Awill finish Bare finishing Care to finish Dhave finished 6)、在 here,there 引导的句子中,常用一般现在时代替现在进行时 Here comes the bus!=The bus is coming!一般过去时:构成:主语+动词的过去式用法:1)、表示过去某时间发生的事或存在的状态,常与yesterday,the other day,last,ago 等时间状语连用。(2021 湖南卷)27In 1942,Columbus_ on one of the Bahama Islands,but he mistook it for an island off India Alands Blanded Chas landed Dhad landed 2)、表示过去发生的一连串动作 The professor put one finger in his mouth,tasted it,and smiled withsatisfaction.教授把一根手指头伸进嘴里,尝了尝,满意地笑了。3)、在时间、条件等状语从句中用一般过去时表示将来的动作 He said he would let us know if he got any news.4)、用于“It+时间+since 引导的状语从句(一般过去时)”当 since 引导的状语从句中,谓语动词是非延续性动词的过去式时,意为:自以来时间了”;当 since 引导的状语从句中,谓语动词是延续性动词过去式时,意为:自不以来,已经时间了。(2021 湖南卷)30It is the most instructive lecture that I _sinceI came to this school Aattended Bhad attended Cam attending Dhave attended 一般将来时 构成:主语+shall/will+动词原形用法:1)、表示将来发生的行为或存在的状态,常与tomorrow,some day,next,fromnow on,in the future,in等时间状语连用。She will be back in a few minutes.2)、表示一种倾向。Crops will die without water.3)、祈使句或名词短语+and/or+主语+will do Follow your teacher,and you will make progress.4)、wont 可表示“不能”,“没法”The door wont shut.Please have it repaired.5)、几种将来时态的表达方式:、be going to do sth.表打算;(客观迹象)预示 Look at the clouds,it is going to rain.、be to do sth.表示按计划安排要发生的事情或注定要发生的事.The line is to be opened to traffic next year.、be about to do sth.“即将或正要去做”,常不与具体的时间副词连用。He is about to cross the road when he sees an old friend of his.、be doing 指最近按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于go,start,set out,leave,arrive,come,return 等动词 We are going to Wuhan this summer.、一般现在时表将来,(常用于go,come,start,set out,arrive等动词),表示早已计划好,到时一定发生的事,也可表示按时间进程或时间表的安排,到时一定要发生的事The train starts at five oclock.6)、将来时间表达法的用法比较:、will 和 be going to:这两个结构都可表示“意图”,常可互换。如果是事先考虑过的,即说话之前已经考虑过的,常用 be going to 表示;如果不是事先考虑过的,即说话时刻才考虑到的,要用will 表示。另外,be going to 还可表示具备已有迹象表明将发生某事,体现进程已经开始,事情即将发生。、be going to 和 be to:两者都可用于表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,即人们意志所能控制的动作。对于不受人们意志控制的将来动作,也就是非人们主观所能安排的将来动作,只能用be going to 表示,不能用 be to.过去将来时:构成:主语+would+动词原形用法:这个时态主要表示从过去某时看将来要发生的事情,它是一种相应的时态,总是同某一过去的时间或过去的动作相对应而存在,常用在宾语从句和间接引语中。(2021 上海卷)34Did you predict that many students _ up for thedance competition?Awould signBsignedChave signedDhad signed 现在进行时:构成:主语+am/is/are+动词的现在分词用法:1)、说话时正在进行或发生的动作(2021?湖南卷)22-Joan,what_in your hand?-Look!Its a birthday gift for my grandma Ahad you held Bare you holding Cdo you hold Dwill you hold(2021 辽宁卷)28Ill go to the library as soon as I finish what I _ Awas doing Bam doing Chave done Dhad been doing(2021 重庆卷)21That price of music sounds quite familiarWho_the piano upstairs?Ahas played Bplayed Cplays Dis playing 2)、当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作(说话时动作不一定正在进行)(2021 江苏卷)21I hear you _ in a pubWhats it like?Well,its very hard work and Im always tired,but I dont mind Aare working Bwill work Cwere working Dwill be working 3)、表说话人对主语的行为表赞叹、厌恶等情绪,常与always,constantly,forever,repeatedly 等词连用 He is constantly leaving things about.4)、最近计划或安排要进行的动作,常用于go,come,leave,start,arrive,stay,meet,play 等词。I am starting this project next tuseday.过去进行时:构成:主语+was/were+动词的现在分词用法:1)、过去某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作或从过去某时刻到某时刻正在进行的动作。(2021 浙江卷)15The manager was worried about the press conference hisassistant _ in his place but,luckily,everything was going on smoothly Agave Bgives Cwas giving Dhad given I walked slowly through the market,where people all kinds of fruits andvegetables.I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.A.sell B.were selling C.had sold D.have sold 2)、和现在进行时一样,过去进行时可与always,forever,constantly等词连用,表示说话人的情绪 She was forever complaining.3)、过去进行时表示对于过去某时间来说将要发生的事情 She asked me if you were going to Qingdao.、描写故事的背景 It was winter.The north wind was blowing hard and a heavy snow wasfalling.A poor girl was walking in the street.冬天,北风刮着,下着大雪,一个可怜的小女孩走在大街上。现在完成时:构成:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词用法:1)、过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,句中常有already,just,never,ever,lately,recently,in the past+一段时间,so fa

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