
2021-2022学年高一升高二英语暑期讲义(上海通用版)第 20讲综合复习教师版教学内容专题岬提开人 高一下册Unitl重点句型复习1.On this lake was an island.湖上有一个小岛。【解析】此句为倒装结构,属于完全倒装。作地点状语的介词短语放在句首时,句子要用完全倒装结构,即谓语动词放到主语的前面。(注:此类句中的谓语动词多数是表示移动或状态的不及物动词,如come,go,walk,stand,sit,lie等。)与此句结构类似的还有课文中的“On that island,one hundred years ago,lived the Phantom.一百年前,在那个小岛上,住着一个幽灵。”【拓展】句子谓语是go,come,run等表示位置的动词和be动词,句中又有表示方位的副词(如there,here,up,down,out,in,away等),为了强调该副词,可将其放于句首,而将谓语动词全部置于主语之前。Here comes the train to Beijing.去北京的火车来了。There goes the bell.铃响 了。Down came the rain.下雨了。【注意】但主语是人称代词时,主语仍置于动词之前。Away he comes.他来了。Here it com es.它来了。2.At birth he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask.so.that意为“如此以至,连接一个结果状语从句,that有时可以省略。后面有名词时,可以用such.that引导结果状语从句,常见句型有:adj.adv.a/an+adj.+n.(单)so+adj.十a/an+n.(单)+that such+J adj.+n.(复)+thatmany/few 十 n.+(复)adj.+n.(不可数)much/little+n.(不可数)【例句】There is so little time left that I have to leave at once.剩下的时间不多了,我得马上离开。There were such a lot of people in the street that we could hardly move o n.街上人太多,我们简直无法往前走。He shut the window with such force that the glass broke.他关窗子的时候用力太猛,把玻璃都震破了。3.He then spent years wandering the earth until he found his home on the islandwandering the earth是动名词结构,在句中充当介词宾语,原句应是:He then spent years(in)wandering the earth untilhe found his home on the island.He had a difficult time(in)adapting himself to the strange environment.他曾经很难适应这个陌生的环境。The bride was engaged in preparing for the wedding ceremony.新娘忙着为婚礼作准备。(可以适当引导学生回顾一些以动名词做宾语的动词)4.The Phantom fell in love with Christine,a beautiful young singer at the Opera.(1)句中a beautiful young singer at the Opera是名词词组作Christine的同位语,用于补充说明Christine的身份。课文中类似结构还有:He was Raoul,a young man who loved Christine.他是拉乌尔,一个深爱着克里斯汀的年轻人。又如:He cant help missing his lovely hometown,a little village in the valley.他情不自禁地思念着他可爱的家乡一座山谷中的小村庄。(2)the Opera指巴黎歌剧院,所以要大写。5.She understood how lonely his life had been(1)how lonely his life had been是how引导的感叹句作宾语从句,结构为“how+adj./adv.+S+V”。如果what引导的感叹句作宾语从句,结构为what+n./noun phrase+S+V”。She understood what a lonely life he had lived.lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的,偏僻的。虽然以-ly结尾,但不是副词,而是形容词,在句子中可充当定语或表语。6.They burst in,ready to kill him.ready to kill him为形容词短语作伴随状语,可看作是现在分词结构being ready to kill him作伴随状语省略了being,因为不强调“正在准备好要杀他”。They lay on the grass9 relaxed他们躺在草地上,全身放松。He looked at the police burst in,dumbfounded.他看着警察闯进来,吓得目瞪口呆。工 高一下册Unit2重点句型复习1.Einstein used to say that the only gift he had was curiosity,but this story about him shows that he also had asense of humor.【拓展】C used to do意为“过去常常做某事(但现在一般已不再如此)”、be used to do被用来做某事be used to d o in g 现在习惯于做某事I used to stay up late,but now I go to bed early.我过去常常熬夜,但现在睡得很早。Wood can be used to make p叩er.木材能被用来造纸。He is used to listening to English news every morning.他现在习惯于每天早上听英语新闻。2.As a young man with a growing reputation,Einstein received many invitations to explain his theories atdifferent universities.(1)句中介词短语 with a growing reputation 作 young man 的定语(2)invitations后面的不定式是用来修饰它们作后置定语的。当我们需要对一个名词作进一步解释时,可以在这个名词后面加不定式来修饰。Do you think he has the ability to control such a situation?你认为他有能力控制这种局势吗?His failure to be accepted by the company let his parents down.他没有被公司录取这件事使他父母失望。3.One evening,on their way to a distant university,Einstein said,“I wish I didnt have to give my lecture tonight,Hans.(1)on one*s/the way to 在去.的路上,正在走向.He is on his way to success.他正走向成功。He is on the way to becoming a famous biologist.他正要成为一名著名的生物学家。(2)wish用来表示不太可能实现的愿望,或未实现的愿望,后面的宾语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。具体来说,表示与过去事实相反的愿望,用过去完成时;表示与现在事实相反的愿望,用过去时,be动词用were;表示将来不太可能实现的愿望,用could/would/shou1d+动词原形。How I wish I had taken your advice!我多么希望接受了你的建议啊!(事实上没有接受。)I wish my mother could come back from abroad and spend Christmas with me.但愿我母亲能从国外回来跟我一起过圣诞节。(事实是这个愿望未必能实现。)4.He then asked a question so difficult that Hans had no idea about what he was talking about.(1)so.that意为“如此.以致.He spoke so quickly that I cant follow him.他讲得太快了,我跟不上他。so和后面的形容词或副词放到句首,句子倒装,如上面可改为:So quickly did he speak that I can*t follow him.(2)have(no)idea短语,意思为“(不)知 道;无能为力”,后面可以带。瞰 about引导的介词短语,也可跟从句,但接that引导的从句时,of往往省略,而接wh-引导的从句,of可以保留也可省略。-Have you got any idea(of)why he said so?你知道他为什么这么说吗?-Ive got no idea of/about it at all.我根本不知道。I have no idea(of)whether he will come today.我不知道他今天是否来。5.They left the university,with Einstein drivingwith+n./pron.+doing/done为介词短语,在句中起伴随状语的作用。doing或done是分词结构作介词with后名词或代词的宾语补足语,doing表主动关系,done表被动关系。With no one talking to him,the child soon fell asleep.因为无人跟他说话,孩子不久就睡着了。The boy was thinking about something,with his head rested in his hand.男孩用手托着头在思考问题。X 高一下册Unit3重点句型复习1.Plants can be much more interesting than you think.(1)can在否定句和疑问句中常表示可能性,但在肯定句中当can和be动词连用时,也可表示可能性,通常译为“有时会They cant have had a good time for the weather was too b ad.因为天气实在太糟了,他们不可能过得很快活。Can he be our English teacher?他可能会是我们的英语老师吗?Swimming can be dangerous.游泳有时候会是危险的。(2)much此处修饰比较级more interesting,可以修饰比较级的词还有:many,a bit,a little,a little bit,by far,even,still等。This piece of composition is better by far.这篇作文好多了。There are many more students in our school.我们学校的学生更多了。批注:can be用于肯定句句表示有时候会的意思要注意强调一

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