
2020年山东省淄博市张店区中考模拟英语试题I.单项选择1、一There a footba ll ma tch this evening.Exciting news.A.a re going to be B.is going to beC.is going to ha ve D.will ha ve2、-A re you feeling tired a fter doing the hea vy work?,In fa ct,1 a m still energetic.A.Not a little B.Not a bit C.Not a bit of D.Not little3、Tha t red bicycle be Helens.Helens bicycle is bla ck.A.ca n B.ca ntC.mustD.mustnt4、Wha t a terrible experience I ha d just now.,you a re sa fe now.Tha ts the ma in thing.A.Anywa y B.Exa ctly C.Otherwise D.Moreover5、The person to you just spoke is Mr.Lin.A.which B.wha t C.whom6、Look,how wonderful this pa per-cutting is!-So it is.Pa per cutting is a/a n Chinese a rt with a long history.A.common B.modern C.importa nt D.tra ditiona l7、Ta iji is my fa vorite a nd I often pla y it hea lthy.A.to keep B.keepsC.keeping D.kept8、一Could you teli?Go a long this street,turn left a t the second crossing.Its opposite the ba nk.A.how ca n I get to the hospita l B.how I ca n get to the hospita lC.when ca n I get to the hospita l D.when I ca n get to the hospita l9、一 Henry chea ted(作弊)in the Ma ths exa m.I know.Now he ha s been a wa re nf his mista ke.A.ha s foundB.ha s rea lized C.ha s corrected10、一The 24th Winter Olympics will be held in China in 2022._exciting news it is!A.How B.Wha t a n C.Wha t D.How a nn.完形填空11、Long a go there wa s a boy 1 wa s hungry for success.For him,winning wa s 2 One da y the boywa s to compete with two other young boys in a ra ce in his villa ge.A la rge crowd ga thered to 3including a wise old ma n.The ra ce bega n.With strength a nd power,the boy ea sily 4 the ra ce.The crowd cheered a nd wa ved.The little boy felt 5 a nd importa nt.However;the wise ma n rema ined still a nd ca lm.“Another ra ce,a nother ra ce!”cried the little boy.The wise old ma n ca me over a nd presented the little boywith two new runners:a n old woma n a nd a blind ma n.The ra ce sta rted a nd the boy wa s the only one to cross the line,6 two left sta nding a t the sta rting line.The little boy ra ised his a rms 7 The crowd,8,wa s silent.“9 dont the people cheer for my success?”he a sked the wise old ma n.“Ra ce a ga in!,9 replied the wise ma n,“But this time,a ll three of you finish 10 The little boy thought alittle,stood 11 of the blind ma n a nd the old la dy,a nd then took them by the ha nd.The ra ce bega n a ndthe little boy wa lked 12 to the finishing line a nd crossed it.The crowed 13 The wise ma n smiled,gently 14 his hea d.“Which one of us three a re the crowd cheering for?”a sked the little boy.“For this ra ce,you ha ve won 15 tha n in a ny ra ce you ha ve ever run before/5 sa id the wise old ma n.“For this ra ce,the crowd cheer not for a ny winner!”1.A.whom B.whoC.whichD.wha t2.A.something B.nothing C.a nything D.everything3.A.join B.run C.wa tchD.hea r4.A.fa iled B.bea tC,wonD.lost5.A.ca lm B.modestC.surprised D.proud6.A.other B.a notherC.the other D.the others7.A.in delight B.in surprise C.in sa dness D.in fea r8.A.therefore B.however C.ra ther D.a lthough9.A.Wha t B.HowC.WhenD.Why10.A.well B.together C.a wa y D.offIL A.in the middle B.a t the center C.a mong D.between12.A.slowly B.quickly C.ea sily D.ha rdly13.A.shouted B.cheered C.ta lked D.ca red14.A.nodding B.sha king C.holding D.losing15.A.little B.much C.even less D.much morem.语法填空12、阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。When you were young,who L(ride)you a round on the ba ck of his bike?Who pla yed footba ll a nd flewkites with you in the pa rk?Who helped you with your 2.(one)difficult ma ths problems?Who ta ught youthe difference 3 right a nd wrong?Your da d.Now it is your turn to do something for him.This yea r,June16,is Fa thers Da y.So why not do something 4.(tha nk)your da d?The idea of Fa thers Da y ca me from a n America n la dy 5.(ca ll)Sonora Sma rt Dodd in 1909.She wa nted aspecia l da y to honor(纪念)her fa ther.He ra ised(抚养)six children a fter his wifes 6.(die).Dodd thoughtthere needed to be _ da y to honor grea t a nd loving da ds.Her fa ther wa s born in June,she chose tohold the first Fa thers Da y celebra tion on his birthda y in 1910.In 1924,US president Ca lvin Coolidge likedthe idea of a na tiona l Fa thers Da y.9.(fina l),in 1966,the third Sunda y in June wa s ma de Fa thers Da y.There a re ma ny wa ys to show your love a nd tha nks to your fa ther.Sending him a (greet)ca rd or asma ll present ca n ma ke him ha ppy.Or you ca n just sa y“I love you,Da d.”IV.阅读理解A13、In the United Sta tes a nd Ca na da,people enjoy enterta ining a t home.They often invite friends overfor a mea l,a pa rty,or just for coffee a nd conversa tion.Here a re the kinds of things people sa y when theyinvite someone to their homes:“Would you like to come over for dinner on Sa turda y night?”“Hey,we9re ha ving a pa rty on Frida y.Ca n you come?”To reply to a n invita tion,either sa y tha nk you a nd a ccept,or sa y youre sorry a nd give a n excuse:“Tha nks,Id love to.Wha t time would you like me to come?or Oh,sorry.I ha ve tickets for a film.”Sometimes,however,

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