
The Climate Impact of SMEs November 2022ReportEvidence from the UK and South AfricaTable of contentsPage 3ForewordPage 4Executive summaryPage 111.IntroductionPage 142.Existing research into SMEs andsustainabilityPage 203.Climate footprint of SMEs in the UKPage 294.Climate footprint of SMEs inSouthAfricaPage 365.Understanding how SMEs can become more sustainablePage 476.Conclusions and policy recommendationsPage 50Appendix:MethodologyTHE CLIMATE IMPACT OF SMEs IN THE UK AND SOUTH AFRICA2ForewordAfter another year of climate related disasters,it is becoming increasingly clear that the climate crisis will impact millions of small businesses globally.As nations gather in Egypt for COP27 Sage remains committed to ensuring the voice of SMEs is heard and their agility,determination and innovation is used to help us tackle the climate crisis.I am delighted to partner with ICC and Oxford Economics to improve understanding and awareness of the critical role SMEs play in tackling climate change,looking at 2 significant economies in the Global North and Global South.As a business serving millions of small and mid-sized businesses,partners and accountants around the world,we are already seeing a positive shift.SMEs are starting to develop solid net zero strategies,but they need our support to go further.We need to bridge the gaps between governments,investors and multinationals and a significant proportion of the economy fuelled by SMEs.Many see sustainability as central to their operations but continue to face barriers such as cash flow challenges,difficulty navigating government policies and trying to measure their impact.SMEs want guidance from government on how to engage with their suppliers to encourage them to be more sustainable,along with financial incentives.Together we have put forward recommendations to tackle the increasingly complex issues and empower SMEs to take action in a global move towards a more sustainable future.For the second year running,the International Chamber of Commerce is pleased to partner with Sage to put the spotlight on the global SME community,and on its potential in helping us achieve ambitious environmental targets.As the representative of over 45 million businesses in more than 130 countries,we are proud to bring the voices of small businesses to COP27 and ensure that the business community writ large is fully engaged in this vital forum.Given the importance of SMEs in the global economy,there is an important role for small businesses in supporting our collective commitments towards a more sustainable future.There is undoubtedly a need for greater action,but there is also an ever-growing commitment from SMEs of all sizes,in all regions and in all sectors to deliver on Net Zero targets.Crucially,more and more small businesses are realising that opportunity and sustainability are two sides of the same coin.They understand that environmental action can support their long-term resilience and success.But taking action is not always straightforward and small businesses report myriad barriers that hinder their ability to implement measures that can significantly reduce their environmental footprint.This is precisely why the ICC and its global network is committed to supporting the SME community in practical and meaningful ways in this challenging but critically important transition.To deliver on our aspirations for a more sustainable future,we must drive sustained multistakeholder engagement and a collaborative effort between the private and public sector to create an enabling regulatory environment that is conducive to meaningful change within the SME community.We must also continue to improve the understanding and awareness of the critical importance of this transition,on the risks of not taking action,and on the benefits of sustainable models.This report is an important milestone in this effort.The stakes are high,as are expectations,and ICC is determined to work with its global partners to empower small businesses to contribute to a more sustainable and prosperous future for the planet.Steve Hare CEO,SageJohn W.H.Denton AOSecretary General,International Chamber of CommerceTHE CLIMATE IMPACT OF SMEs IN THE UK AND SOUTH AFRICA3Executive summarySmall and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs)are at the heart of economies and societies around the world.They deliver products and services to consumers as well as provide employment to alarge proportion of the workingpopulation.That is why,as the world faces the challenges brought on by climate change,we must acknowledge that SMEs have a crucial part to play.SMEs have the potential to make positive improvements and support the transition towards a cleaner and more environmentally friendly future around the world both by reducing the impact of their own operations and by reducing the impacts generated in their supply chains.Climate change is a complex and dynamic challenge,and different sectors and individual businesses must contribute to the solutions

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