
托福作文写作范文详解 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 1. 题目翻译: 游戏对成年人和小孩子同样重要,同意不否? 2. 审题关键词: Games; Adults; Children 3. 论证分析: TS1: In terms of entertainment value, games are as important for adults as they are for children TS2: In terms of building up body strength, games are as important for adults as they are for children TS3: Games bring happiness to children, and can make adults re-experience this happiness. 范文: Everyone likes to play games. Games are important at any age to keep your mind sharp, learn new things, and maintain social skills. 此段结构 本段只有两句话,第一句话引入主题,并表明作者态度,即认为游戏很重要,最后提出是哪个分论点,引出下文。 此段功能 本段是文章首段,引出要讨论内容,帮助作者陈述观点,摆明立场。 People say you can't teach an old dog new trick. Modern research has shown that senior citizens can continue to grow brain cells by exercising their minds. Games are a great way to exercise your mind. By concentrating on the tactics of the game, memorizing moves, keeping track of your opponents' strategies, you can keep your brain functioning and growing. 此段结构 本段是结构比较复杂。前面用一个让步告诉了我们不能教老人新的东西。但是现代社会通过教老人游戏可以帮助他们回复大脑,提高大脑机能。最后一句话对此迚行了分析,重申本段分论点。 此段功能 本段是文章的第二段,也就是正文第一段,写了支持作者立场的第一个分论点。 Some games can teach you a lot. Games that ask questions, for example, will show you what you don't know. (Name the capital of Albania, for example.) It is always easier to learn something when you realize you don't know it.When you play a game, you have to consider and observe your opponents and teammates. You can observe people's reactions and the way they interact as they play. It is always interesting to watch people. Maintaining personal contacts is important for everyone. Regardless of your age, playing games can help you keep your mind alert, learn new things, and build friendships. 此段结构 本段是一个总分总的结构。首先第一句话即点明了主旨,游戏教会了我们许多东西。后面分为两个部分,第一个部分高速我们游戏教会了我们很多丌知道的东西,并用一个例子作证。第二部分告诉我们游戏帮助我们交朋友。最后一句话是对文章整体的总结,收束全文。 此段功能 本段是文章的第三段,也就是正文第二段,写了支持作者立场的第二个分论点。并对文章整体进行了总结,收束了全文。 满分因素剖析: 语言表达 本文虽然字数较少,但句式丰富。作者熟练运用状语从句,形式主语等句式,给文章增色不少。作者引用了英文谚语,更能提高文章的论证深度。同时,这种地道的表达使文章更有人情味,拉近了作者不考官的距离。 1. Games are important at any age to keep your mind sharp, learn new things, and maintain socialskills. 本句话中,be important to 表示对...很重要,后面就动词短语戒者名词。本句出现在文中第一段的结尾,be important to 后面直接跟着三个分论点,后面三段便围绕着这三个主题展开。此句起到了承上启下的重要作用。 2. Modern research has shown that senior citizens can continue to grow brain cells by exercising their minds. 此句中,出现标准句型 sth can ... by doing sth,即。。。可以通过。。。来实现,通常在托福作文中用于原因解释。句中提到 modern research,在作文中,如果要表达某种观点有没有具体的例子不妨说"研究表明",这种说法可以使你的观点拥有现成的例子。 3. It is always easier to learn something when you realize you don't know it. It's +adj+ to do sth,表示做某事会怎样,在托福作文中用于原因解释。It做形式主语,而逻辑主语是 to learn sth,通常如果主语较长时,按照正常语序表达会出现"头重脚轻"的现象,看上去不是很美观。此时可以将主语移后,而前面用 it 做形式主语,这样句子就变得很流畅了。 4. Regardless of your age, playing games can help you keep your mind alert, learn new things, and build friendships. 此句中,regardless of 表示"无论...",可以表达让步的意思,常见的表达还有 no matter what, no matter how, despite that, in spite of ....从结构上,本句出现在结尾段,重述了上面三个论点,照应开头,起到收束全文的作用 逻辑结构 本文是一篇标准的五段论证结构,开头一段,中间论证三段,最后结尾一段。论证部分采用正正正的大正论证结构,段落鲜明,结构清晰。开头结尾都出现了 keep your mind sharp, learn new things, maintain social skills 这三个中间的分论点,这样是文章结构紧密,逻辑清晰,看上去一目了然。

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