
托福作文写作范文详解 题目:Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 话题和题型分类 媒体类;同不同意题型 题目分析 广告能否提高产品销量 思路提示 A. 同意 广告提高产品知名度 名人代言,激发购买欲 密集的广告宣传攻势 B. 不同意 需考虑可支配收入 与个人的消费习惯有关 Sample Answer Nowadays, there are lots of advertisements on television or on the streets. Some people think that the advertising boosts the sales of goods and it encourages people to buy things unnecessarily. This argument may be true. Around the world, many advertising companies produce advertisements with famous and popular actors or singers. People, especially youngsters, buy goods that their favourite idols advertise, even if they do not really need the products. (首段开篇摆明观点: 广告可以影响人们消费这一观点可能是正确的) For one thing, on the television screen a product may look gorgeous and of solid quality. As a result of this, people often buy goods without enough consideration. Consumers may not actually need them but they buy goods impulsively soon after they watch the advertisement. Furthermore, as many customers buy a particular product due to its advertising campaign, other people may be affected by the trend, even if the product is not essential to the society. (文章第二段从正面论述作者观点) On the other hand, there are various aspects against this argument. In particular, it is the people's choice to make a decision to buy goods. Advertising may not even be a major cause of customers' buying activities as individuals have their own spending habits. If they have got enough disposable income, then the right to make a decision is given to them. No one can actually judge whether the goods sold are really necessities of the society or not. In addition, as there tends to be a limited amount of disposable income consumers are able to spend, people try to allocate their budgets. They cannot be swayed simply by those advertisements. (文章第三段从反面论述作者观点:消费者购物不会单纯受广告影响) In conclusion, as customers have their own strong opinions and standards of high quality products, it is better to leave them to make their own decisions in buying goods. It is implausible to claim that everyone is swayed by advertising and buy goods impulsively. (全文总结,突出作者观点) 满分要素剖析: 语言表达 本文的语言简洁明了,观点清晰。同时本文分别从正反两面论述观点,结尾处突出作者观点,结构完整,论证客观、全面。本文中一系列的连接词使得文章更加连贯:for one thing, furthermore, on the other hand, in addition, in conclusion。 On the other hand, there are various aspects against this argument.此句型可用于在议论文中提出反面论据。 逻辑结构 本文是总分总结构的议论文。开篇先陈述事实并表达观点,第二段从反面切入后转向正面论述,第三段从正面进一步论述,使得论证更加客观严谨。第四段对全文进行总结,并重申自己的观点。 题目:Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more school work. How do you think children should spend their free time? 话题和题型分类 抽象类;说明类考题 题目分析 先天因素 VS 后天经验 思路提示 A. 先天因素 研究表明先天因素对人的影响非常重要 环境决定了最终性格能不能形成 后天经验的不可预测性 B. 后天经验 性格是父母遗传和后天经验交互影响形成的 如果这个结论不成立,我们就可以断定人的性格在出生那一刻就已经被决定 Sample Answer The issue of whether children are given too much free time, in my opinion, does not rely on how much time they are given, but on what kinds of activities they do to utilise period of time. Taking full advantages of the free time out of school can benefit children a lot. (首段开篇摆明观点:利用好课余时间对孩子们大有益处) Apparently, to promote children’s intellectual, emotional, and physical development, there are a variety of ways, which are not merely restricted to formal educational approaches. For instance, social activities can effectively enhance children’s sense of team spirit and their abilities to cooperate and communicate, which are even more significant than IQ in their future careers. They should be encouraged to participate in voluntary activities and sports, which can benefit them both physically and mentally. (第二段分析孩子们如何利用课外时间以及课外活动带来的好处) Besides, children who have interests in arts can have an abundance of time to foster their special talents, by which they will not necessarily have to grow up to be pianists or painters, etc., but they might benefit from these useful resources psychologically, i.e. these kinds of leisure activities can help them ease their minds, overcome their loneliness and acquire a sounding wellbeing, especially when they are confronted with adversities when they become adults in the competitive modern society. What’s more, without the direct supervision of a parent or a teacher, they have to learn the abilities of time management, and hence the awareness of that one should take responsibility of oneself will be elevated. (第三段从有充足时间培养特长和学会管理自己的时间分析课外时间以及课外活动带来的好处) In conclusion, no matter in what respects, children should be encouraged to spend more time out of school, rather than focus only on studies, since activities in free time can help them promote their development, foster their special talents and learn the abilities of time management. (总结全文重申观点) 满分要素剖析 语言表达 本文多出现长句、复合句,作者利用连词等句子各部分紧密连接,逻辑性强,行文流畅,语言表达清晰,准确表达作者观点。 For instance, social activities can effectiv

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