2019人教版高中英语挖掘文本深度学习选择性必修三 UNIT 2 答案版

2019人教版高中英语 基于词、法、句 挖掘文本深度学习 选择性必修三 Unit 2 挖掘文本 深度学习 Deep Learning Unit2 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Reading and Thinking: HABITS FOR A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE 第一遍:词汇短语过关斩将 As teenagers grow up, they become more independent and start making their own decisions. However, during this period, it can be easy for some of them to form bad habits. These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. For example, some of them may become involved in 1.t_____(烟草,烟叶) or alcohol 2.a_______(滥用,虐待,辱骂), which can lead to physical and mental health problems. To prevent harmful habits like these from 3.d________(支配,控制,占优势) a teenager's life is 4.e________(必不可少的,极其重要的,根本的). They must learn to recognise bad habits early and make appropriate changes. To change bad habits is never easy, even with many 5.a______(尝试,企图,试图). There is a famous saying based on the philosophy of Aristotle: "We are what we repeatedly do. " In many ways, our lifestyle is the sum of choices we have made. We make a choice to do something, and then we repeat it over and over again. Soon that choice becomes 6.a________(自动的) and forms a habit that is much harder to change. The good news is that we can change, if we understand how habits work According to modern 7.p________(心理学), we must first learn about the "habit cycle", which works like this: Firstly, there is a “8.c____(提示,暗示)” , an action, event,or situation that acts as a signal to do something. Secondly, there is a "routine", the regular action you take in response to the cue. Thirdly, there is the "9.r_______(回报,奖励)", the good thing or feeling we get from the routine. For example, when we feel unhappy (cue), we eat lots of unhealthy snacks (routine) which makes us feel happy (reward). The reward makes us much more likely to continue the cycle, and the bad habit of 10.r_______(依赖,依靠 on unhealthy snacks is formed To 11.f________(促进,促使) a positive change in our bad habits, we must first 12.e_______(检查,审查,审视) our bad habit cycles and then try adapt them. We can do this by combining the information from our habit cycles with our own 13.p______(积极的) ideas. For example, we could try to replace a 14.n_______(消极的) routine with something more positive. So, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks, we could listen to some of our favourite music instead (routine) which will make us feel relaxed (reward). Aside from changing bad habits, we can also use the habit cycle to create good habits. For example, when we come to an escalator (cue), our normal routine is to ride it, but we could change this routine into something more positive by taking the stairs instead. Many of us try to change bad habits quickly, and if we are not successful straight away we often become 15.p_______(悲观的) and give up. In fact, the most successful way to change is not suddenly, but over a period of time. As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” One step seems small, but it is essential. To reach the goal of change, a person must show some 16.d_______(自制力,纪律) and repeatedly take many small steps. After all, it is not easy to break bad habits For young people, there is plenty of time to change bad habits. However, there is no “magic 17.p_____(药片)” or 18.d______(删除) button that will help you; you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some changes. You have the power to build a happy and healthy life full of good habits! 1.tobacco 2.abuse 3.dominating 4.essential 5.attempts 6.automatic 7. psychology 8.cue 9.reward 10relying 11.facilitate 12.examine 13. positive 14.negative 15.pessimistic 16.discipline 17.pill 18.delete 第二遍:基础语法披荆斩棘 As teenagers grow up, they become more 1._________(depend) and start making their own decisions. However, during this period, it can be easy for some of them 2______(form) bad habits. These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead 3____ more serious ones when they become adults. For example, some of them may become involved 4___ tobacco or alcohol abuse, 5______ can lead to physical and mental health problems. To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating a teenager's life is essential. They must learn to recognise bad habits early and make appropriate 6______(change). To change bad habits is never easy, even with many attempts. There is a famous saying 7______(base) on the philosophy of Aristotle: "We are what we repeatedly do. " In many ways, our lifestyle is the sum of choices we have made. We make 8__ choice to do something, and then we repeat it over and over again. Soon that choice becomes automatic and forms a habit that is much harder to change. The good news is that we can change, if we understand how habits work According to modern psychology, we must first learn about the "habit cycle", which works like this: Firstly, there is a “cue” , an action, event,or situation th

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