2023届高三英语名校新题专题03(阅读理解之说明文) 期中考试专辑 解析版

2023届高三英语名校新题快递—11月期中考试专辑 专题03阅读理解之说明文 解析版 北京市海淀区2022-2023学年高三上学期期中英语试题 Humans have long gained pleasure from the smells of the natural world. For the most part, though, human beings are not their target market. For plants, fragrances are a way to interact with insects and other animals. Their attraction for people happens simply by chance. In chemical terms, most natural fragrances are made up of volatiles — so called because of their tendency to change states suddenly. Volatiles evaporate easily, drifting into noses. In plants’ reproductive processes, smelly volatiles attract pollinators (授粉昆虫). But their natural applications are much more varied. If an insect chews through the leaves of some Bursera plants, out shoots a sticky, smelly liquid to trap it. Coyote tobacco plants are even more crafty: upon sensing the smell of hungry caterpillars, they produce volatiles that attract predators to kill the pests. What is truly amazing is just how wily plants can be in using their scents for reproduction. White flowers often emit their scent at night to attract nocturnal pollinators such as moths. They produce a dilute nectar (稀释的花蜜) that encourages moths to keep moving, rather than linger at a single bloom—all the better to increase pollination. Other flowers change their fragrance after being successfully pollinated, as a signal for insects to go elsewhere. But though “Scent” is a story of plants’ cleverness, it is also a tale of the human kind. People have long used fragrances for their own purposes, particularly for use in religious ceremonies: perfume recipes on the walls of an Egyptian temple in Edfu demonstrate just how long ingredients have been mixed in pursuit of the best blend. So highly prized were some scents that, to scare off competitors, Arab traders spread a legend about giant eagles that guarded cinnamon. Eventually scientists no longer needed natural sources for fragrances. In 1866 a fragrance molecule was produced for the first time. Sixteen years later, Houbigant Parfum released Fougère Royale, the first “modern fantasy perfume” that creates an imaginary scent rather than copying a natural one. Nowadays fragrance–making is dominated by man–made compounds, which can be reliably and affordably produced in large quantities. That has led to the mass production of smelly products, from toilet paper to toothpaste. Scent is accordingly big business. It is said that a world–famous fragrance and flavour manufacturer that claims people interact with its products up to 30 times a day, had sales of €3.8bn last year. 31. According to Paragraph 1 and 2, which would the author agree with? A. Some plants might kill the pests with their smells. B. Fragrance is a tool for plants to protect themselves. C. People interact with nature easily through fragrance. D. Fragrances are less important to humans than to animals and insects. 32. What does the underlined word “prized” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean? A. Developed. B. Rewarded. C. Mixed. D. Valued. 33. What can we learn from the passage? A. Humans do not use fragrances as purposefully as plants do. B. Natural sources for fragrances will be out of date in the future. C. Plants use fragrances to both attract and send away pollinators. D. Man–made fragrances have to be produced by copying natural ones. 34. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. Plants Smell, Insects Prey B. Smartness behind Fragrance C. Fragrance: To Make or Not to Make D. Fragrance Connects Human & Nature 【答案】31. B32. D33. C34. B 【解析】 【导语】这是一篇说明文。对植物来说,香味是与昆虫和其他动物互动的一种方式。它们对人的吸引力完全是偶然发生的。文章主要说明了植物是如何通过香味来保护自己以及繁殖的。 【31题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段中“If an insect chews through the leaves of some Bursera plants, out shoots a sticky, smelly liquid to trap it. Coyote tobacco plants are even more crafty: upon sensing the smell of hungry caterpillars, they produce volatiles that attract predators to kill the pests.(如果一只昆虫咬穿了一些Bursera植物的叶子,就会喷出一种粘性的、有臭味的液体来困住它。土狼烟草植物甚至更狡猾:一旦嗅到饥饿毛虫的气味,它们就会产生挥发物,吸引捕食者杀死害虫)”可推知,作者认同香味是植物保护自己的工具。故选B。 【32题详解】 词句猜测题。根据画线词后文“to scare off competitors, Arab traders spread a legend about giant eagles that guarded cinnamon”可知,为了吓跑竞争对手,阿拉伯商人传播了一个关于守护肉桂的巨鹰的传说,可见有些香料非常珍贵,让商人通过传说来吓跑竞争对手。故画线词意思是“宝贵的”。故选D。 【33题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段“What is truly amazing is just how wily plants can be in using their scents for reproduction. White flowers often emit their scent at night to attract nocturnal pollinators such as moths. They produce a dilute nectar (稀释的花蜜) that encourages moths to keep moving, rather than linger at a single bloom—all the better to increase pollination. Other flowers change their fragrance after being successfully pollinated, as a signal for insects to go elsewhere.(真正令人惊奇的是植物在利用它们的气味进行繁殖时是多么的狡猾。白花通常在夜间散发气味,以吸引夜间传粉者,如飞蛾。它们产生稀释的花蜜,鼓励飞蛾不断移动,而不是停留在一个单一的花期,这更好地增加授粉。其他花朵在成功授粉后会改变它们的香味,作为昆虫转移到其他地方的信号)”可知,植物利用香味来吸引和赶走传粉者。故选C。 【34题详解】 主旨大意题。根据第一段“Humans have long gained pleasure from the smells of the natural world. For the most part

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