
《教师招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、根据下面资料,回答 A.has no real function in communication at all B.is usually meaningless and therefore useless C.is not as idle as it may seem to be D.is restricted to certain topics only 【答案】 CCI4J9B5G4U10I9I6HH7O6Z7S10D10B6I6ZM10F7P9I4D4U2F8 2、( )片面夸大环境和教育的作用,认为环境和教育是行为发展的唯一条件。 A.弗洛伊德 B.华生 C.埃里克森 D.皮亚杰 【答案】 BCD10N8D8V7D10X10S8HW6J7C6A7A7L2O1ZP1I4P2Y5R9H6T1 3、人们通过观察别人的行为和活动,以相同的方式作出反应的能力称之为( ) A.一般能力 B.创造能力 C.模仿能力 D.操作能力 【答案】 CCL4E2A8V4C7F9G7HS4V7B1G3T1R7V4ZJ9C6G6Z5O10F8F8 4、我国古代著作《论语》中就写到“学而时习之”。从学习策略上看,这是属于(  )。 A.认知策略 B.复述策略 C.监视策略 D.组织策略 【答案】 BCK10B8W2F2D5C6J1HA5N9Q9A5R5K10Y4ZU2Z1L3W4M5B7P5 5、A young man was getting ready to graduate from college, for many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and 21 his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted. A.get to B.search for C.turn to D.leave for 【答案】 DCP10R8W8H8N8M3V1HA7E7S7D9Y1F4Z1ZB6W4Q4H6S8Z3C7 6、如果儿童常常以各种借口请假不上学,……该生表现的心理行为问题是( )。 A.欺凌 B.网瘾 C.注意缺陷多动障碍 D.厌学 【答案】 DCO3C6G3F1E10W8F3HW3S7M2F8L4F1G4ZH6T7C9R6Z3T4T6 7、以注重身心和谐发展,教育内容比较丰富,教育方法比较灵活为特征的是古代(  )教育。 A.希腊 B.埃及 C.斯巴达 D.雅典 【答案】 DCK8P9U5Q10Z3S8S4HJ2C6Y1M2Z9M7W2ZD4E10C1P7F6L5L8 8、下列关于多元智力理论叙述错误的是( ) A.1999年,加德纳又提出了第八种智力,即认识自然的智力。 B.音乐智力包含在多元智力理论的智力因素中 C.多元智力理论为新课改提供了理论基础 D.这几种智力因素不是独立的,是相互联系不可分割的 【答案】 DCQ6Y10A8Y3M9I5D10HP3F9P6B2E2C8H10ZC3K9C7Z4I4T8C6 9、The Coolest Club Around A.energy B.courage C.information D.honor 【答案】 BCR10U10G5G10T1T2W7HL8A9J2H10P7U4A4ZG9L1Y8X6Z8V4J7 10、根据下面资料,回答 A.carefully B.generally C.regularly D.timely 【答案】 CCS6U3Y7A3Z4X7T8HB3H7V3S5M9T3K6ZB3N5U6B4H4H2C10 11、On November 19,1863, Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery. The Civil War was still going on. There was much criticism of President Lincoln at the time. He was not at all popular. He had been invited to speak at Gettysburg only out of politeness. The principal speaker was to be Edward Everett, a famous statesman and speaker of the day. Everett was a handsome man and very popular everywhere. A.Lincoln prepared his speech very carefully before he went to Gettysburg B.Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn' t have much time to prepare his speech C.Lincoln's speech was full of rich words D.Lincoln' s speech was very long 【答案】 BCK7Z3U6C10Y7Z5I10HY1J6B9D3A6C10P6ZY7W6D5L2L4G7S9 12、根据下面资料,回答 A.unproven therapies are commonly used by people B.chronic insomnia is just a minor healthy problem C.the side effects of cognitive/behavioral therapy deserve our attention D.dietary supplements can be introduced to insomnia sufferers 【答案】 ACS8K1E3R9O3N10X5HW5S5W5Y1M10W3W10ZD3H8X8E5O7D10I8 13、下列运算结果等于1的是(  ). A.(-3)+(-3) B.(-3)-(-3) C.-3×(-3) D.(-3)÷(-3) 【答案】 DCL8T2D6B4O7G9U5HQ5E7X5E5F4U1R9ZM7S10U4H5H5K5I1 14、甲和乙在长400米的环形跑道上匀速跑步,如两人同时从同一点出发相向而行,则第一次相遇的位置距离出发点有150米的路程;如两人同时从同一点出发同向而行,问跑得快的人第一次追上另一人时跑了多少米?(  ) A.600 B.800 C.1000 D.1200 【答案】 CCY7T7V6M4T7K5L8HH8G9T2O5G8R9U3ZE5I8A6S4A2C4I7 15、学校心理辅导的目标是__________。 A.满足需要促进健康 B.关注生存促进发展 C.学会调适寻求发展 D.身体健康学会学习 【答案】 CCV5P8P6I2X5L8A6HX10Q7Q4Y10K5Y5R4ZH8D1A8U1H10Z2F7 16、亨利.卢梭的作品,……,充满了天真、稚拙的趣味,被人们视为( )的首创者。 A.“幻境派” B.“稚拙派” C.“神话派” D.“想象派” 【答案】 BCK5A4I6K6A3R1V7HW7Q8V8G6B1Q2W6ZY10Z2A10N10Z1U4K6 17、心理卫生教育最适宜的时期是( )。 A.幼儿时期 B.小学阶段 C.初中阶段 D.高中阶段 【答案】 BCM3R3G1U5X4I9L5HX8Q8J5P3E10K5K5ZZ1W2Z8E2B8Q5S3 18、To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf′s assertion that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change. A.To show the worry that technology may eventually destroy our world B.To tell the readers that as a human creation, technology may go wrong and do harm to human C.To emphasize the responsibility we have in ensuring human safety in a technological world D.To stress the fact that technology usually goes wrong if not given close examination 【答案】 BCJ8M4P4E2L10U9Z6HM5O1E7V3H7U2R4ZB10P1Y6R9S8C4Z3 19、皮格马利翁效应启示教师对学生要 __________ 。 A.充满期望 B.启发引导 C.严格要求 D.因材施教 【答案】 ACP1Q8P4V10P9P5D2HX6U10I5R1O7W8N5ZI9I3S9U1U3E1Y7 20、在艺术歌曲创作中,以下哪一位作曲家充分地发挥了钢琴伴奏的衬托作用?(  ) A.舒伯特 B.韦伯 C.肖邦 D.古诺 【答案】 ACO8F10W6M3C8Y4U6HG3Z10H2W7Q9P1F1ZS4V1I2D1K3I9Z8 21、2012年版《中小学心理健康教育指导纲要》……了培养中小学生社会( )的内容。 A.责任感 B.使命感 C.归属感 D.安全感 【答案】 ACL3W7X2P6T9X8H3HS9S6W5I5I9T10U8ZZ3D6W1V7I1T7T3 22、研究表明,能够激起学生内部学习动机的是( )。 A.教师的赞赏 B.学习材料的趣味性 C.父母的奖励 D.同学的钦佩 【答案】 BCD5Y9V8M6U3C8J6HI3U5E3F9P6T2X9ZD9N2Z6C7G8P4Y9 23、“十年树木,百年树人”体现的教师劳动特点是(  )。 A.复杂性 B.创造性 C.长期性 D.示范性 【答案】 CCK10K6W6X3K8C8O4HU5F3Q4I5X10M4Y4ZP2K5W7Y10R3F10C7 24、《教师资格条例》属于( ) A.教育行政法规 B.地方性教育法规 C.教育单行法律 D.教育基本法律 【答案】 ACX8A2E3M10S10M7Z4HK9O2Y2D7M9C8M5ZM9J5N10N7D2O4Q5 25、Soon after ___________, Britain not only gave up its economic hegemony but also suffered a deep loss of its position of industrial leadership. A.1900 B.the First World War C.the Second W

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