
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:It’s easy to trace the evolution of the automobile.At most,we’re only talking about a few centuries of technological development,and most of the plans,prototypes and models are still around. With just a little research,you can easily trace the latest model electric hybrid back to its steam-powered ancestors. A.Hominid and panin B.Chimps and humans C.Walking on two legs D.Morphological and genetic studies 【答案】 CCL4B5B5W5W1V1N9HM6M8X10L9M6C10M8ZX7V5L9L7N8N10L10 2、Our new product will be put through a number of(  )tests before being released to the public. A.dependent B.founded C.withhold D.stringent 【答案】 DCU7F6I6P4X9B4M9HI6Q4H1M1F10P3W5ZH2H3X4R3N7S2G7 3、Maltreated infants and young children are substantially more likely than older maltreated children to be seriously harmed or killed as a result of______or neglect。 A.abandon B.misuse C.abuse D.curse 【答案】 ACU6D1J4P8W9M3X4HJ7R10D2B7V9M6E2ZY8P8A1X6K2T7V8 4、Passage 2 A.Modern technology is what we can’t live without B.Digital technology often falls short of our expectation C.gital devices are more reliable than they used to be D.GPS error is not the only cause for Ceely’s accident 【答案】 BCV1P9O10V7E6H2F8HN5V6C2B8Z5X3R10ZB9H10G1Z7Z3P10O1 5、 在会计核算中,资金运动的具体内容是通过在账簿中设置(  )来反映的。 A.账户 B.会计科目 C.单元 D.内容 【答案】 ACF1F3M5G2V5A2Y10HG6O7M5D2X10M4E4ZT10N4U4C3C1A6H9 6、资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. A.How to describe people’s personatities B.How to distinguish people’s faces C.How to distinguish people both inward and outward D.How to differ good people from bad people 【答案】 CCU5X3Q4N8Q5E1M2HU9H6C1S7W7Y2M5ZI9D9O8T6F6E6A3 7、资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the world's leading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Wednesday. A.Russian B.UK C.Brazil D.US 【答案】 BCR7D7W3D6E3F10P3HH5S1W1P1I4B3L6ZF3H1Q9B9H9Q7L10 8、资料:“Our cars are for people who want something different.” A.Customers’ distrust of products B.A financial loss C.Unhappy workers D.Loss on sales and market share 【答案】 ACS6I6O9G5B6L4A6HR4H6W9F9T2O1F7ZL9H7Z1C7B4X1A2 9、 Nowhere are the realities of______climate change more apparent than at Earth's thawing poles. A.human-driving B.human-drive C.human-driven D.human-drived 【答案】 CCT8J10L7F8F9I10Y4HE7G7X7P6W7M8A9ZC3O4O8J1I8X2I1 10、资料:Google and Uber have grabbed most of the attention regarding the advent of self-driving cars, but on Sunday, Lyft threw down the ultimate challenge: A majority of autonomous vehicles for Lyft within a mere five years. A.Mr.Zimmer’s idea is that now we are at the critical moment in history, we should take decisive action whether taking the right path or not B.Mr Zimmer thinks the introduction of the autonomous vehicles will not cause the unemployment and surely will increase the employment because such car drivers will be needed to provide service C.The author has argued that although there are still some problems in Mr. Zimmer’s predication but the general direction of realizing self-driving cars will be correct D.Mr.Zimmer provides some variable factors such as companies profits and leagal procedure problems in order to realize the massive transformation of self-driving cars in such a short of time 【答案】 BCQ1P4C3I9R9D8J2HC8F9A8J8H6C3H5ZN3Q1A2J4H9S8L7 11、 预期违约侵犯了合同相对方的(  )。 A.完全债权 B.既得债权 C.期待债权 D.自然债权 【答案】 CCX10T4Y7N8P2V8S6HV4E5V8I7C9M9B3ZZ2L5Q5X5F9I9P6 12、下列语句中,没有语病的一项是(  )。 A.通过识别声音就可以判断出一个人是否感染了病毒,这听起来像是东方夜谭,但这也是事实。 B.一把椅子,加上“人体工学”四个字,就能卖三四千,甚至是八九千元,一万多元左右的超级高价也不鲜见。 C.一百多个科研单位的技术骨干云集会场,就不同领域的问题展开了热烈的讨论。 D.金医生归来后,护士们蜂拥而至,热情地在办公室里向他问候。 【答案】 ACS3M3Y5J4U3I4J3HI4M9L9S5Z2B2O1ZB3G3S8J2A6L5U4 13、11,12,9,2、-9,(  ) A.-36 B.-24 C.-18 D.-10 【答案】 BCA3M10J4L8V10C3P2HC4R4Y5Q9S6S9V1ZG4X1L10A6W1J2F1 14、—堆泥土,甲单独搬运要20天,乙单独搬运要10天。若甲先搬运一天,然后乙接替甲搬运一天,再由甲接替乙搬运1天……两人如此交替工作,那么搬运完这堆泥土共需()天。 A.13 B.14 C.15 D.16 【答案】 BCR2Y3M7S8O6G3L3HJ7U3J10W6U4Y9A7ZV7D1V4O5E8E6G4 15、下列情形中,婚姻合法有效的是(  )。 A.19岁甲女迫于父母压力,嫁给年长自己15岁的乙男 B.18岁的甲女在大学期间与同学乙男自由恋爱,并于次年确定为夫妻关系 C.19岁的甲女经朋友介绍认识了21岁的乙男,并于次年确定为夫妻关系 D.21岁的乙男强奸20岁的甲女,并强迫甲女嫁给自己 【答案】 CCF9E6O4N3R3H4B4HI6D7Q2D1F9I4T10ZN2T7N6V2L9G5S6 16、 下列业务中,应该填制现金收款凭证的是(  )。 A.将多余现金存入银行 B.从银行提取现金 C.出租设备,收到一张现金支票 D.报废一台电脑,出售残料收到现金 【答案】 DCL4T8L10M3K3S5I7HA3P6O10D10K6O2P8ZR1K1K2H8I10B4V1 17、In sub-Saharan Africa today, for instance, gross investment____for roughly of national income. A.estimates B.accounts C.constitutes D.makes 【答案】 BCB6V5V3V4M6D4Y6HF3U3P10O7N3Z8U9ZY4U9J7V9G1I8O10 18、Passage 4 A.critic B.indifferent C.partial D.positive 【答案】 DCG8X10B8M7X10Q1Z4HA4D3C6R1

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