
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、十进制数250转换成二进制整数是(  )。 A.01101010 B.01101000 C.11111010 D.01100110 【答案】 CCU2D6Q2A2P5K7E4HO6G7B1K7S8L6C7ZL7I1A4T2C6O4D6 2、资料:The personal computer was a revolution in information technology that spawned a $50 billion hardware business, with another $30 billion in software and peripherals (eg. mouse, keyboard, printer, etc.) by 1991. During its short 15 years, the industry evolved through three successive periods. During its first 5 to 6 years, it was characterized by explosive growth and multiple, small competitors vying for a piece of the market. From 1981 to 1985, the industry became a battle for standards and retail shelf space. The third era was one of increasing fragmentation. From 1986 through 1991-1992, new manufacturers from around the world grabbed from the industry leaders as new channels of distribution emerged and product innovation as well as revenue growth slowed. A.Sharing applications between machines B.Programming on the computer C.Writing contracts on the computer D.Buying keyboards and printers 【答案】 ACB10L4W9T1H2C9T3HL1W10B9Z10A8C1E10ZI2U2M8F7F2L7J4 3、The earliest telephones required a different pair of wires for each phone ___ you wished to connect. A.that B.which C.where D.to which 【答案】 DCZ9E2D9D9T10U4J7HH3V6D8G9O5U6G4ZP4X9X10R4O3M9J7 4、Passage 3 A.Their economy is plunging B.Their currency has slumped C.They can’t afford trips to England D.They have lost half of their assets 【答案】 BCM10I7O2P5D7G4E4HY10S5U2Y8B2K8P2ZB5W2V6B9H9S1W4 5、资料:“I wouldn’t be here today if not for the generosity of strangers,” said Michael Moritz, while announcing a major donation to Oxford University. A former Time Magazine reporter, Mr. Moritz left journalism to become one of the most successful venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. Through Sequoia Capital, the firm he joined in 1986 and has led for many years, Mr. Moritz was an early investor in Google, Yahoo, PayPal and LinkedIn. His personal fortune is estimated at well over $1 billion. Oxford University announced last Wednesday that he and his wife, the novelist Harriet Heyman, donated £75 million, or $115 million, to fund a new scholarship program aimed at providing financial aid to students from low-income backgrounds. Behind the headlines about the size of the gift was a family story of immigration, education and a sense of obligation that transcended generations. A.Objective B.Indifferent C.Suspicious D.Supportive 【答案】 DCB2N9G8A8Y3A6S9HC7T9C2X9L6D4U2ZX2X2I5N9Z8M2F1 6、资料:It’s easy to trace the evolution of the automobile.At most,we’re only talking about a few centuries of technological development,and most of the plans,prototypes and models are still around. With just a little research,you can easily trace the latest model electric hybrid back to its steam-powered ancestors. A.how technological development over a few centuries developed B.how the plans,prototypes and models of electric hybrid developed C.how to trace family tree is much the same way astracing electric hybrid D.why humanity’s evolutionary progression is even more difficult 【答案】 DCU5N7V10G3N2Y3M5HY4K2R1R1O6C6O2ZT9Z7F4V2Y9L4B10 7、4月10日,中国银行在境外成功发行38亿美元等值第五期(  )主题债券。此次发行包括美元、欧元、澳元,人民币和港币5个币种,共计8个债券品种,发行主体包括中国银行香港分行、澳门分行,悉尼分行、卢森堡分行、法兰克福分行。债券将在香港联合交易所挂牌上市,部分品种还将在中欧国际交易所、法兰克福证券交易所和卢森堡证券交易所上市。 A.亚欧大陆 B.全球一体化 C.中欧友好 D.一带一路 【答案】 DCF5D8H9F1B8L2O3HU1K3E6C6M10B4U9ZN10I9U9R1L2D4T6 8、Just last month I tried to write her a poem ______ “Amidst an Angel.” But no two words would rhyme. A.assigned B.entitled C.deprived D.granted 【答案】 BCZ6R2H5Z4E9B4C4HE2V4N5H1H1Y4B5ZL10V4F6R6H1V10I4 9、资料:In the United States of America, banks are categorized into the federally-chartered bank which received their charter from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC); these are referred to as “National Banks”; and also the states-chartered banks which receive their charter from the superintendent to as “State Banks”. Banks are allowed to register either with the federal or the state authority. Let us now look at the organizational structure of Commercial Banks, which include unit banking, group banking and branch banking. A.FRA B.Laws of states C.Fed D.OCC 【答案】 CCM10V3G8W1L3Z6I8HK7D10W10C2C3B7C6ZS9F3S2Z2L8S8Y9 10、 如果会计信息的省略或者错报会影响投资者等财务报告使用者据此作出决策的,该信息就具有( )。 A.可比性 B.可靠性 C.谨慎性 D.重要性 【答案】 DCP9W5N8X8X9R8H6HW5N8T5J10Q2I7P3ZF10P9R8F5J7L9U2 11、根据我国法律规定,我国货币政策目标是(  )。 A.保持货币币值稳定,并以此促进经济增长 B.调控货币供应,促进经济社会发展 C.提高货币使用效率,改善民众生活 D.加强人民币流动管理,促进人民币的国际流通 【答案】 ACP8P8T4J10Y8X5D2HN5S7K3F9J4N5G9ZL7W10O1K7L6U2X3 12、Some experts note that children’s performances are____ more influenced by parents than by teacher. A.quite B.many C.almost D.far 【答案】 DCE7J8C5I5U5O4P2HC9Z6Y8K6S10W2S8ZC2O5Z3B5O7J2W2 13、资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up th

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