(新高考)高考英语一轮复习教案选择性必修四 Unit 1 Science Fiction(含答案)

UNIT 1 Science Fiction 三言 两语 1. It was last night that he had a dream that he flew to the moon in a spaceship. 2. I suggest that you should buy a robot to help you do the housework. 3. It is important that everyone should learn to get along well with others in a new environment. 1. 环顾四周,我看到我的实验室和以前一样。 Looking_around,I saw my laboratory exactly as before. 2. 有时我觉得自己像在做一项伟大的事业。 Sometimes I feel as_if_I_were_doing a great career. 核 心 单 词 [默写识记]根据汉语释义写出单词  1. salary n. 薪水;薪金 2. guilty adj. 内疚的;有罪的;有过失的 3. dismiss vt. 让 (某人) 离开;解散;解雇;消除 4. labour n. 劳动(者);体力劳动 vi. 奋斗;努力工作 5. backwards adv. 向后;倒着;往回 6. fetch vt. (去)拿来;(去)请来 7. whereas conj. 然而;但是;尽管 8. presume vt. & vi. 假设;假定 9. superior adj. 更好的;占优势的;(在级别或重要性上)更高的 10. pace n. 速度;步伐;节奏 vt. & vi. 确定速度;调整节奏 11. fiction n. 小说;虚构的事 12. absurd adj. 荒谬的;荒唐的 13. rumour n. 谣言;传闻 14. suspend vt. 悬;挂;暂停;暂缓 15. grip vt. & vi. 紧握;抓紧 [语境运用]用所给词的适当形式填空  1. We laboured (labour) all day in the fields so we felt tired and didn't want to do anything. 2. The villagers used to walk a mile to_fetch (fetch) water but now they can get clean water easily. 3. The committee has decided to_dismiss (dismiss) him for he lacks confidence. 4. In a court of law, the accused person is presumed (presume) innocent at the start. 5. He told me that he felt guilty (guilt) about not visiting his parents more often. 续表 拓 展 单 词 [词汇变形]根据汉语释义写出单词及其变化形式  1. declare vt. 表明;宣称;公布→declaration n. 宣告;宣称;宣言 2. weekly adj. 每周的 n.周刊→week n. 周;星期 3. appointment n. 预约;约会;委任→appoint vt. 任命;委派;约定时间 4. calculate vt. 计算;核算;预测→calculation n. 计算→calculator n. 计算器 5. blurred adj. 模糊不清的;难以区分的→blur n. 模糊不清的事物;模糊的记忆;记不清的事情 v. (使)模糊不清;(使)看不清楚;(使)(想法、主题等)难以区分;模糊 6. division n. 分开;分隔;差异;除(法)→divide vt. 分开;除;除以 7. urge n. 强烈的欲望;冲动 vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐→urgent adj. 急迫的→urgency n. 紧急,紧迫→urgently adv. 紧急地;急切地 8. random adj. 随机的;不可思议的→randomly adv. 随机;随意 9. explode vi. & vt. 爆炸;爆破→explosion n. 爆炸;爆破 [语境运用]用所给词的适当形式填空  1. The people in the colonies declared that they would form their own state and finally signed a declaration of independence. (declare) 2. He was appointed as manager of the company and the mayor would have an appointment with him the next day. (appoint) 3. She calculated the total number using the calculator and it took her two hours to complete the calculation. (calculate) 4. She divided the apples among the kids and the division was quite fair. (divide) 5. Realising there was an urgent need for food, water and medicine in the disaster area and the urgency of making everything return to normal, the government took measures immediately to deal with the serious situation. (urge) 6. A bomb exploded in the centre of the city and the explosion killed more than 100 people. (explode) 阅 读 单 词 【教师用书独具】 1. bonus n. 意外收获;奖金;红利          2. integrity n. 诚实正直;完整;完好 3. dignity n. 庄重;庄严;尊严 4. ridiculous adj. 愚蠢的;荒谬的;荒唐的 5. ladder n. 梯子;阶梯 6. fare n. 车费;船费;飞机票价 7. gramme n. 克_(重量单位) 8. flour n. 面粉;(谷物磨成的)_粉 9. venue n. 活动场地_(如音乐厅、会场等) 10. lamp n. 灯;台灯 11. nail n. 指甲;趾甲;钉子 vt. (用钉子)钉牢;固定 12. leather n. 皮革;[pl.]皮衣;皮外套 13. maximum adj. 最大极限的 n. 最大量;最大限度 14. alien n. 外星人_(生物);外国人 adj. 陌生的;外星的;外国的 15. niece n. 侄女;外甥女 16. saleswoman n. 女售货员;女推销员 17. salesman n. 售货员;推销员 18. panel n. 控制板;仪表盘;专家咨询组 19. inch n. 英寸(长度单位,等于2.54厘米) 20. handkerchief n. 手帕;纸巾 21. mud n. 泥;泥浆 22. chairwoman n. 女主席;女董事长;女委员长 熟 词 生 义 1. (2020·天津卷) Together, these deep human urges count for much more than ambition. 驱策力 2. We shouldn't dismiss these ideas just because they are unfamiliar. 不予考虑 3. Do you fear that you'll burst into tears or explode with anger in front of her?大发雷霆 高频短语 短语应用 1. more_like 更像是;更接近 2. due_to 由于 3. turn_out 关掉;熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是 4. take_over 占上风;取而代之;接管;接手 5. in_one's_opinion 在某人看来 6. have_an_urge_to 有强烈的欲望做某事 7. remind_sb._of_sth. 提醒某人某事;使某人想起某物 8. test_out 检验;测试 9. turn_around 转身 10. on_a_..._basis 根据;以……的方式(基准) 11. conflict_with 与……冲突或抵触 12. superior_to 比……更好;更胜一筹 13. fall_away (逐渐)减少;消失 [语境运用1]填入一个适当的词  1. I heard my name called and turned around to see who it was. 2. The picture on the wall often reminds me of my childhood. 3. His work is to test out new designs of cars before they are put on the market. [语境运用2]填入一个适当的词  Tom took 1. over his father's company ten years ago. He often encouraged the workers to come up with good ideas to help him manage the company. Due 2. to his wisdom and hard work, the company turned 3. out to be more successful. 4. In his opinion, nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. 教材原句背诵 句式仿写应用 1. It + be + adj.+ that从句 Claire thought it was ridiculous that she was being offered sympathy by a robot ... 他不可能在这么短的时间内完成这项任务。 It_is_impossible_that he can finish the task in such a short time. 2. there引起的完全倒装句式 As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 教学楼前矗立着一棵大树。 There_stands a tall tree in front of the teaching building. 3. as if 引导状语从句或表语从句 The sun and moo

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