
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、分子生物学的研究表明()。 A.细胞是遗传信息的载体 B.细胞核是遗传信息的载体 C.DNA是遗传信息的载体 D.细胞壁是遗传信息的载体 【答案】 CCT5Z4S7I2O6K4B1HP7L2E4D1I7I6D4ZB7Y3A6D7I8A6A9 2、下列哪项不属于计算机内部采用二进制的优点?() A.便于硬件的物理实现 B.运算规则简单 C.可用较少的位数表示大数 D.可简化计算机结构 【答案】 CCC8K5R7Q9L8K7B2HY10Q7Y3X5S2G9F1ZR3U9N3B1A7I2H7 3、下列账务处理程序中,适合规模较小,经济业务较少类型使用的是(  )。 A.记账凭证汇总表账务处理程序 B.汇总记账凭证账务处理程序 C.科目汇总表账务处理程序 D.记账凭证账务处理程序 【答案】 DCX9H3G4I3V10O6L6HO2D8C2R7L8Y5Q6ZL8O9H4P4V1Y9N4 4、Large numbers of state-run preschools were expediently closed down during the 1990s economic reform and instead,a variety of for-profit private preschools sprung ______ across the country. A.by B.out C.in D.up 【答案】 DCW4J7B6B6T1T10V9HB5G1J5A8R8J3L3ZW5T10K2Z3R7M2H3 5、资料:Workforce planning helps an organization to estimate its future workforce requirements and calculate the numbers, nature and sources of potential employees who might meet that demand. A.it offers them regular training B.it provides them with insurance C.both A and B D.not mentioned 【答案】 DCW2H8L10H9R2Q3M10HT6R7C1N7D3E6G4ZG8G9V8Q5Z6Q9B7 6、资料:Demystifying how social and human-like robots work is vital so that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future, Dr Hatice Gunes will tell the Hay Festival next week. (1) A.To enable robots to serve humans B.To decrease humans fear about robots C.To make robots more human-like D.To equip robots with human emotions 【答案】 CCB5E3F5P2L5M1T8HK2T8B2P10Y1Z10W8ZJ3B10T10V6P6M4Y3 7、当国民收入水平提高,而政府又没有采用任何财政政策,下列哪种情形肯定发生?() A.政府支出增加 B.政府财政赤字增加 C.政府税收增加 D.政府税收减少 【答案】 CCX3O1W2B10Z7Z2O3HB7Y5U4X2A7P6I3ZD5F2S10O10Q9M7T6 8、Passage 4 A.the money paid by the insurers B.the cost of administering insurance C.the money paid by the insured D.the amount of each premium 【答案】 CCM1R3T4C7E9A1S2HO9D9B9N1R1R5L1ZT5K5D1N3R5Q1J5 9、经济一体化的最终目标是(  )。 A.关税同盟 B.共同市场 C.经济联盟 D.自由贸易区 【答案】 CCK5F2C7E6K7O1J2HI10I10R7W2F9B9T1ZX10K5W9J9V4H10A1 10、______about the potential of a market downturn over his trade policies,the president said:“If it does,it does. Look,I’m not doing this for politics。” A.Asked B.Asking C.To ask D.To be asked 【答案】 ACO9L10D6V10S2D8E10HI5H1J1M1G7C9A10ZP10H9V4Z1M10S9D3 11、三聚氰胺原本是一种重要的氮杂环有机化工原料,主要用于生产三聚氰胺一甲醛树脂,广泛用于木材加工、塑料、涂料、造纸、纺织、皮革、电气、医药等行业,但是用于食品生产可导致人体泌尿系统产生结石。这说明(  )。 A.矛盾普遍性和特殊性相互联结 B.任何事物都有自己的优缺点 C.主要矛盾决定了事物的性质 D.任何事物都包含既对立又统一的两个方面 【答案】 DCO10B5B7G5S9U2S6HH5W4B9Q8M2T9O10ZL8O4O10Q9L8Z6U5 12、Passage 8 A.cause it can make trees grow taller B.Because it can improve the shape of the treesBBecause it can get rid of the small ranches C.Because it can make the small branches thicker CE2W3S2Y8A2D2O9HR2J2Q10N6I8U7J10ZB5W2N2L9F1O6I9 13、【答案】 B 14、 下列各种情况,不需要进行全面财产清查的是(  )。 A.更换仓库保管人员时 B.单位主要负责人调离工作时 C.企业股份改造时 D.企业改变隶属关系时 【答案】 ACS2G9N8U1R1Q6C6HY5C7K1J5S3I5E6ZF6Y6I6X8P8P6N5 15、资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the world's leading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Wednesday. A.The prosperity of the leading economies B.The engine of the world economy C.China,the trail blazer of the world economy D.Global economy improving but lacks self-sustaining upswing 【答案】 DCO10C1A9M3R7G8Z10HL4D2K5X2W10T6M5ZO3A8L3P3V1Q2F4 16、技能大赛中,刘师傅看了对手的资料后说:“如果我出场,每场比赛胜出的概率是0.3,但黄师傅出场的话,概率就是0.8。”于是决定,刘师傅出场1次,黄师傅出场2次,完成3场比赛后,总计胜出2场就可以进入总决赛。则他们进入总决赛的概率是(  )。 A.0.854 B.0.562 C.0.736 D.0.688 【答案】 CCQ2I10D8D5Y3D2H6HC6Y1H8D1A7L6H8ZM5L4E2R6Z1E9L9 17、Chinese table cloth is ____for its fine quality, exquisite workmanship and compelling style. A.distinctive B.nominated C.notable D.deviated 【答案】 CCM10J6P9W4S4D10D10HC4E4N8G10C4F2W9ZH8E7V6L9F6S5V8 18、Before starting to write effect analysis essay, one should_____between cause and effect. A.disguise B.distinguish C.diminish D.derive 【答案】 BCF5U7Q3E10G4Y6G6HK10A4Z2H1A2N5X4ZV1X2O3Z10S2E5Q7 19、 王某见自己的女友遭两个流氓调戏,前去制止,却反遭流氓攻击,王某便立即进行反击。此时,便衣民警李某赶到,未来得及表明自己的身份即迅速抓住王某以制止殴斗。王某视李某为流氓团伙,随即拔刀将李某刺成重伤。王某的行为属于(  )。 A.故意伤害 B.过失伤害 C.正当防卫 D.假想防卫 【答案】 DCM5X6M8A7K2P5Z8HQ6Z10X8V6Z3Z10M9ZL6P10F1K2B6K2R8 20、资料:The societal marketing concept questions whether the pure marketing concept overlooks possible conflicts between consumers short-run wants and consumer long-run welfare.Is a firm that satisfies the immediate needs and wants of target markets always doing what’s best for consumers in the long run? The societal marketing concept holds that marketing strategy should deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the consumers and society’s well-being. A.generates carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to global warming B.produces healthy products with the “green” packages C.is highly successful because it run against the society long-run interests D.takes water from pristine lakes and snow-capped mountains 【答案】 ACE10Y2A5O4Y7Y9S8HP6F4K10C3N2N5Z8ZY4Y7N7P4B6Z4P7 21、资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as

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