
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan, you'd think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lower. A.$752 for a one-way, economy ticket B.$1,655 for a round-trip, economy ticket C.$827 for a one-way, economy ticket D.$903 for a round-trip, economy ticket 【答案】 DCW10Q9N8D1U9N3B8HS9B8R3L9S7J2G6ZR2U8E10V7S6V8J8 2、布雷顿森林体系中的“双挂钩”是指(  )。 A.美元和其他国家同时与黄金挂钩 B.美元与黄金挂钩,黄金与其他各国货币挂钩 C.美元与黄金挂钩,其他国家货币与美元挂钩 D.其他国家货币与黄金挂钩,美元与其他国家货币挂钩 【答案】 CCN7O10T9E2H10C1M2HJ3G1D6A3L6L10E4ZX8X5T8K6M6D5I5 3、资料:The Oakview Cafe A.A newspaper reporter B.A musician C.A cafe owner D.A chef 【答案】 BCY4I4S2L10N2T3Z6HH1N7L6Y5T6C1O9ZD8F2R3F8T9U4V10 4、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others. HSBC’s History Wall, a striking art installation at the bank’s London headquarters, is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the bank’s archives and arranged in chronological order. A.The bank has greater power than other banks B.The bank contributes a lot to the development of London C.The bank uses its history more creatively D.The bank has a different business model than other firms 【答案】 CCG8K6A1S6H10J3X3HN2D1I4E5R6N1O5ZD4T9Z2U10S7H9B5 5、资料:A man looking for art for his new home has won a $1 million Picasso painting with a $138 raffle ticket. Jeffrey Gonano told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review he's not sure he'll ever hang the masterpiece in his home in Wexford, in western Pennsylvania, given its value. The 25-year-old Gonano, who works for his family's fire sprinkler business, learned Wednesday that his ticket had won the Paris raffle. Organizers say nearly 50,000 tickets were sold worldwide, for 100 euros apiece, to benefit a Lebanese charity. A.The Buddhist painting in insignificant B.The Picasso painting is extremely precious C.She dislikes the Picasso Painting D.She will explore more art galleries by herself 【答案】 BCJ10F2G10I3X8H5Z6HO10I4I8E8S2I4V6ZM9O6X1C7R3P1K6 6、资料:American Airlines CEO takes blame for maintenance errors, disrupted flights A.the usefulness of the FAA regulations for airlines B.whether the FAA standard is being taken away C.whether FAA is enforcing its regulations too strictly D.the total number of flights American Airlines 【答案】 CCO1Y3G10E6R8F10A4HM4R9O6R8W7X8C4ZE8E8S2G10D8R7U9 7、(  )how difficult the situation may seem,it is very important to remember that there are others who are in worse situations. A.As if B.Even so C.As though D.No matter 【答案】 DCU2P9P8Z2S4X5N2HQ6X6B3P8V2Y2K10ZI3C10S5J9N10Z10L6 8、During her junior year of high school,Diane Ray's teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and apply for a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played the"stock market game",investing(投资)the hypothetical(虚拟的)earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008."Our pretend investments crashed,"Ray says,still frightened."We got to know how it felt to lose money." A.better students’learning methods B.prevent students going into debt C.help students get accepted by colleges D.make students become very wealthy 【答案】 BCK5T5M3M6P6E2T6HV10Z4B7X10L5H5Q10ZI10D3D4A2L6M8L1 9、拉动国内生产总值GDP增长的“三驾马车”不包括(  )。 A.投资 B.消费 C.税收 D.净出口 【答案】 CCV6D4L2W6H5B5X2HU4C10I9Y9S4Y8L9ZX3J3P4H3N2A2I3 10、省、自治区、直辖市的设立、撤销、更名,须报( )审议决定。 A.全国人民代表大会 B.国务院 C.全国人大常委会 D.省级国家权力机关审议决定 【答案】 ACW9Z9R4W1U1S5M2HA9C1T10X10P9I4T7ZD2C7M8G3Z7T7O10 11、资料:Children back at school, nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable. The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets, there's a whiff of uncertainty in the air. Bond yields are up from their lows, and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset, anywhere, with some yield, is slowing. A.The Federal reserve may raises interest rates in December (after the US election)to push towards the GDP growth around 2% B.The Fed thinks that the current inflation rate in the Unites States remain below 1.6% to help increase the employment rate C.After the vote to leave the EU all of these currencies mentioned have gained against the pound and such trend will continue on D.There’s widespread acceptance in the United States that real interest rates are falling to around zero with the rising sluggish labour market and about 0.5% of productivity growth but various economic indicators will not appear miraculous accelerated phenomenon 【答案】 CCA1Z10O2N4B7Y5D5HV10W1Q2I8Z6O1W6ZQ4B8Y4K4U9G10C4 12、对英镑和美元而言,如果英镑的汇率上升,意味着美元的汇率将( )。 A.上升 B.下降 C.不变 D.两者之间没有关系 【答案】 BCC6N7S3U6M8R4E7HH2K4D7D1D9T6W6ZS5O8Z2T4M9O4E5 13、资料:According to our research, Best Buy in China was perceived as being too expensive, with many

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