
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、扩张性财政政策对经济的影响是(  )。 A.缓和了经济萧条,也减轻了政府债务 B.缓和了经济萧条,但增加了政府债务 C.缓和了通货膨胀,但增加了政府债务 D.缓和了通货膨胀,也减轻了政府债务 【答案】 BCY6X4C2V9J4B3P1HY7L3G5J2C2U7O8ZA2X1X4S6F5W3I4 2、各种唯心主义派别之间的差异和矛盾,常常有利于唯物主义的发展,这一事实说明(  )。 A.矛盾一方克服另一方促使事物发展 B.矛盾一方的发展可以为另一方的发展提供条件 C.矛盾双方中每一方的自身矛盾可以为另一方的发展所利用 D.矛盾双方的融合促使事物发展 【答案】 CCR3A7D9I4N6D10C3HT7T5T7O9Q6B10S2ZL6X10P1K10X9Q2S4 3、央行两次降息,那么,降息对下列人员最有利的是(  )。 A.30岁,待业青年 B.小张去年毕业,是一家外企的基层员工 C.老王已于2010年退休,现赋闲在家 D.周某65岁,在银行有10万元存款 【答案】 ACV10Y2I10T3F2O3I4HK5U8M2C9B10Y4X1ZJ7G2B5X3P7D1K5 4、The monitor has( )us of tomorrow’s meeting. A.told B.said C.informed D.reported 【答案】 CCV1D1X1R2L4I1S7HZ4G3D4W3I4K9E9ZT8G10M10R6Q5Y2Q8 5、The suspicion that the servant is dishonest has proved( )true. A.all too B.too all C.much too D.too much 【答案】 ACN5B7O7S3O9R4C9HW3X9I6Z5V7D4V9ZJ7F5V6K7X1A3G10 6、会计账簿暂由本单位财务会计部门保管( ),期满之后,由财务会计部门编造清算移交本单位的档案部门保管。 A.1年 B.3年 C.5年 D.10年 【答案】 ACK10H1L4N10Z4I1T8HJ3E6U7T6N1O7T7ZI3H10Q1D8F3U2C7 7、俗话说“酒香不怕巷子深”,从营销的角度看,这种观念(  )。 A.认为努力满足客户的需求就能赢得市场 B.认为盈利的根基在于把握正确的推销方式 C.认为应依赖口碑来推销产品 D.认为提升产品的质量是最重要的 【答案】 DCV2Q5M4B10C10F7T7HT5B10T5I9P6O5E2ZS5J8E6O9U5N7M5 8、亚当斯密在《国富论》当中,谈到的主要经济理论是(  )。 A.古典经济理论 B.分配理论 C.比较优势理论 D.绝对优势理论 【答案】 DCE2C8X10T3N4R1P6HW4E8N10C9Q4L7L3ZH4Q5G5X4A10N2R4 9、资料:Many people think of internal control as a means of safeguarding cash and preventing fraud. Although internal control is an important factor in protecting assets and preventing fraud, this is only a part of its roles. Remember that business decisions are based on accounting data and the system of internal control provides assurance of the dependability of the accounting data used in making decisions. A.Financial forecasts B.According rules C.Manuals of accounting policies and procedures D.Organization charts 【答案】 BCP3E5I1H6J7Z3Z1HQ10E6K6S2U8C7T5ZQ2A3B2W9X3B3L2 10、资料:(二) A.explosive growth B.the reform of reverse mortgage market C.little consideration to suitability D.aggressive and improper marketing 【答案】 BCZ2V10D4K6U8P3G7HQ5A5D5E6X3U10Y7ZK10M2Z9I8L8Q7P3 11、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.V发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。 A.The conceptions of globalization vary B.The disciplines in the social sciences vary C.There are less conceptions of globalization D.There are many disciplines in the social sciences 【答案】 CCP2P9Q4N6T3R1A7HY3P6L4F8M5Z8H2ZG4P7A10O4G9S4A5 12、相对剩余价值的获得是(  )。 A.个别企业提高劳动生产率的结果 B.一个生产部门提高劳动生产率的结果 C.企业劳动生产率高于部门平均劳动生产率的结果 D.整个社会劳动生产率提高的结果 【答案】 DCF9E8P8R5C2F6L4HC6J4B6J9S9P4H6ZI4D8G10X10E3W5G5 13、十进制数250转换成二进制整数是(  )。 A.01101010 B.01101000 C.11111010 D.01100110 【答案】 CCC9J1H2N7R3J9M10HI6X9Y9W8I1I1V7ZI10X3W5S6M4L2G2 14、In 17th-century England, astronomy provided methods of keeping______of time that were especially useful for accurate navigation. A.investigate B.trace C.check D.track 【答案】 DCN4N8D3Y6U2V10P6HV6H9U2K1F3V1D1ZO8Z3O5J10Y5R8P5 15、经过对账,如果开户单位账面余额与银行分户账余额不符,可通过(  )核对出差额,进行查对。 A.调节表 B.余额调节表 C.未达账项调节表 D.银行对账单 【答案】 BCG4W9Y2T4K8E7H8HY9B2W1G7Y8X9X9ZH3O9D3V5R5R1B6 16、”This is the best present I’ve ever received,”Mary said with a smile trying to____her tears. A.keep down B.keep up C.keep back D.keep at 【答案】 CCH2C2W10P4H5I8F4HY5P10S5O9Q7V8V10ZR4S2Q3S9W1G3J1 17、在LM曲线的凯恩斯区域,(  )。 A.货币政策有效 B.财政政策有效 C.财政政策无效 D.财政政策和货币政策同样无效 【答案】 BCY7A6R10G3O3D1T7HA10J9V9H5G3P8G5ZT4I7B1C3K3M8X4 18、下列不属于金融市场的作用的是( )。 A.融通资金的“媒介器” B.经济发展的“润滑剂” C.加强监管 D.资金供求的“调节器” 【答案】 CCG6F1T10F5B6N3L3HY10X8E8C6X8H7O8ZR4G9S6X1Y4T6T10 19、资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But I’ve also learned that if you don’t have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they’ll simply never get done. And that means you won’t make the progress that’s really going to move your business forward. A.increase B.peak C.diminish D.disappear 【答案】 CCW3L8H8H4T3I7A7HC7T3W10S6B3I6X4ZL6H5O9L7W7Y8Q2 20、Passage 1 A.flied away B.still died C.changed into a fairy D.was more beautiful than before 【答案】 CCD2C10N4K4S8Y4H1HD9Y5X6P6W7C8S3ZE2X5N6Q6L3N7K6 21、 企业购进原材料60 000元,款项未付。该笔经济业务应编制的记账凭证是(  )。 A.收款凭证 B.付款凭证 C.转账凭证 D.以上均可 【答案】 CCP2Y8U2F9P1E1W1HW1C9K10A9D8I2O9ZN6O10Z7X1R3G3N3 22、根据劳动合同法的规定,下列表述正确的是(  )。 A.用人单位不得单方面解除劳动合同 B.试用期不包含在劳动合同期限内 C.劳动合同部分无效,不影响其他部分效力的,其他部分仍然有效 D.发生劳动争议的,双方协商为争议解决的必经程序 【答案】 CCJ5O2R5O6N7C8W10HG6I2I6A8W5O2Y4ZZ4O4O5O5L1I5Z8 23、太阳系是大约( )亿年前,由星云在引力作用下逐渐收缩而形成的。 A.100 B.80 C.50 D.30 【答案】 CCZ10Q10J8E5X2X6J2HN10M1H1H10B8O2K6ZA1U8Z5O9N2Q2P5 24、资料:Did your child's brain shrink last summer? Probably not, but it may have shifted into reverse, according to a study by Dr. Harris Cooper, professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The study found that when students return to school after a long summer vacation, they've lost one to thre

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