
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、The fast-growing Chinese market has been a source of______opportunities for businesses。 A.considerable B.considering C.considered D.considerate 【答案】 ACO8L8J6E6U9H10U5HL5R5W1O5Q8F5Z6ZV2E3G3A3Y1I3D6 2、SHIBOR是指(  )。 A.上海银行间同业拆放利率 B.新加坡同业拆放利率 C.香港同业拆放利率 D.纽约同业拆房利率 【答案】 ACP5J5U9K8Z2V8V7HH4S3B2G3F6Y6W4ZC8H2N7J3M8Q6V4 3、资料:October 20,2013 A.To invite the staff to an upcoming event B.To welcome the newest staff to the company C.To notify the employees of a yearly meeting D.To provide information about the company’s product 【答案】 ACB3F5D5H8W3G4N9HX7E3S8A8O10E7U9ZJ8K2I6K4I5K8P9 4、2020年1月6日,国家主席习近平在人民大会堂同基里巴斯总统马茂会谈后共同见证两国共建“一带一路”谅解备忘录的签署。这标志着中国同所有(  )个建交太平洋岛国都签署了共建“一带一路”合作文件。 A.5 B.7 C.8 D.10 【答案】 DCW7K5W9B3D5S6A6HG5G8D4Q6N9M6X3ZL4Q1R7Z4M1J8C4 5、Passage 10 A.protect kids from exposure to wild fantasies B.teach their kids at least 30,000 words a year C.ensure constant interaction with their children D.remain concerned about kid's use of screens 【答案】 CCT1H10C8W5I10P2Y3HA8X4O5E1W10W5E8ZX3C3D6B7B3G7S1 6、______Newton started to do experiments, he forgot about the time. A.If B.As C.Once D.When 【答案】 CCZ4D9Q10A2B5I9Z6HK4L4H9K4Y5D5G1ZO6K6R9K1N10C6E4 7、Passage 7 A.Patients seldom receive due care towards the end of the day B.Prescription of antibiotics can be harmful to patients'health C.cision fatigue may prevent people making wise decisions D.Medical doctors are especially susceptible to decision fatigue 【答案】 CCB6T7B1R6K6S1D2HM6H3M7T2S7Y4F10ZK8B3S9S5J3T5O5 8、(  )是社会发展的决定力量。 A.生产关系 B.经济基础 C.上层建筑 D.生产方式 【答案】 DCL1Z3S4L6F7C2A8HS2C3V6M3S3O10H9ZX3E9F5Y8D2H6Y9 9、资料:From:prorno@ A.Instructions for entering a competition B.chance to try a new product C.An apology for an error D.Thanks for completing a customer survey 【答案】 BCB7I7L8V2A6K6N2HT2O10L7I8C7F10P6ZG2U6X7F5N1G3H8 10、我国从哪一年开始开展“金卡工程”?( ) A.1990年 B.1991年 C.1992年 D.1993年 【答案】 DCS4U9F4V4G5C3S1HB9R10M2C5B7L3C3ZZ1F10N3P1D9B10L8 11、有一个数是123,它与十六进制数53相等,那么该数值是(  )。 A.八进制数 B.十进制数 C.五进制 D.二进制数 【答案】 ACL1I10U5T6O4R4V6HS10D6S10D6W10E10V1ZK6P4E6P4G3P1W1 12、张先生认识赵,钱、孙、李、周五位女士。 A.赵 B.钱 C.孙 D.李 【答案】 DCK8W10A10Y8X6O5Q4HM2E10I8M9P7F5I8ZP7J8P7W9D10C5S6 13、资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list, we can't help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves. A.How to beat procrastination B.Our brain and procrastination C.Benefits and costs of procrastination D.The perils of procrastination 【答案】 ACZ8O3R7J5M6E9Z8HH1I3W1O1Z1P9G6ZO5Q2X3J1S10B6K8 14、There is an increasing(  )to make movies describing violence. A.strength B.direction C.tradition D.Trend 【答案】 DCM8A6P2A3A4F8T10HE5H1S2M9E9U1T4ZT2D9J7I10L2N2X6 15、Passage 2 A.The major causes of traffic accidents and car thefts B.The relationship between human and technology C.The shortcomings of digital devices we use D.The human unawareness of technical problems 【答案】 BCZ2I2Y7F5W9K10Y1HU7B9J10T8Z5X5J5ZW6J4E5G3V7A3Z6 16、The spokesman didn’t(  )any details concerning the disarmament talk. A.expose B.disclose C.enclose D.impart 【答案】 BCC5U1Y7V9S5X4Z4HV7P1L2Z5Z1H8D5ZG1D9B6P3I9U3G4 17、In a desperate move to increase their revenues to meet their sales goal,the company is planning to offer a special discount(  )its customers. A.by B.to C.with D.upon 【答案】 BCT5N4X6H3R10T3T4HP6M7G7H7A7J1Q3ZS2W9H5D9D9J1O1 18、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009年末的每股税后利润为0. 2元,市场利率为2.5%。 A.Y X r B.Y/r C.r/Y D.Y X (1 + r) 【答案】 BCI4W3F1Q1S2F7U7HW7U8N7V2P10A5G3ZG5R1W4Y1G9D4X2 19、下列哪个选项不在世界四大文明古国之列?( ) A.巴比伦 B.雅典 C.埃及 D.印度 【答案】 BCJ9M4C5L9H2S2I1HK7A3N5L10H7B6E10ZL8B4Z4A5V10G5I1 20、“虎求百兽而食之,得狐。狐曰:‘子无敢食我也。天帝使我长百兽,今子食我,是逆天帝命也。子以我为不信,吾为子先行,子随我后,观百兽之见我而敢不走乎!’虎以为然,故遂与之行。兽见之皆走。虎不知兽畏己而走也,以为畏狐也。”老虎之所以犯这种错误,在于割裂了(  )。 A.必然与偶然之间的关系 B.内容与形式之间的关系 C.本质与现象之间的关系 D.可能与现实之间的关系 【答案】 CCY5I7D4M1V6C9U5HJ8P9N4I3L5J1D1ZI10N4X2C2V6E2D2 21、英国的大炮轰开了中国闭关自守的大门.使一些爱国知识分子从“天朝大国”的梦幻中惊醒,一股新思潮萌发了。这一新思潮的核心是(  )。 A.向西方寻求强国御侮之道 B.同西方展开“商战”保护本国权益 C.与时俱进西方技术兴办近代工业 D.效法西方的君主立宪政治 【答案】 ACD1R1Y10T2W9S4Z9HX7M1G5D7T4D5I2ZK10Q7I2J2G2S3R4 22、 下列不属于出租人的给付义务的是(  )。 A.尊重承租人优先购买权的义务 B.保障承租人合法使用房屋的义务 C.协作、照顾和保护义务 D.保障承租人居住安全并对出租房屋进行正常维修的义务 【答案】 CCN8J1K4I5K7S1D4HO9X1P6H2W2Y4U2ZR5J10V1I9W1W4F6 23、资料:Samsung’s Notebook 7 Spin is a stylish,versatile work machine with power to spare.The 2-in-1 notebook’s performance is impressive,and its versatile folding design is legitimately useful.Unfortunately,the system’s shallow keyboard and lackluster battery life curtail its productivity potential a bit. A.Versatile folding design,a slim look

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