
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:We never thought we'd say this, but we'd welcome back some chilly weather. A.Temperatures in the U.S. fell into negative territory B.People welcomed cool breezes in the U.S C.Harsh winter struck in some cities of the U.S D.Arctic air hit the U.S. for a few times 【答案】 CCG4V4B9B4B3Z9J1HM6V5B1B5P10M4T6ZM8C1E4F10S7L3J1 2、资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can look and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list, we can't help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves. A.Make the costs of action feel smaller B.Make the reward larger than the immediate pain of doing it C.Make the benefits of action feel bigger D.All the above 【答案】 DCQ6D6R5B4U3R4N8HG9I6I9L7L4J1N8ZJ4X3U10A5K6E10M5 3、资料:Children back at school, nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable. The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets, there's a whiff of uncertainty in the air. Bond yields are up from their lows, and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset, anywhere, with some yield, is slowing. A.After Britain leaving the E.U the investment decision of investors has been affected B.After Britain leaving the E.U, the value of the pound will be seen weakened further C.After Britain leaving the E.U, the fed takes this opportunity to raise the rate D.After Britain leaving the E.U, the Bank of England has already cut policy rates to 0.25% 【答案】 ACU6F6B9O6I10Y2E2HC10D4U4M3N5S6T9ZK1S6S10C5A3R5C1 4、资料:The hop flower has been used in beer-making at least since the eighth century. Traditionally it was a preservative, but it also imparts flavor. To some, the taste is bitter and unpalatable, and thus many brewers use only minimal amounts. But, depending on variety, growing conditions, and other factors, hops can impart a range of flavors that connoisseurs say rivals that of wine grapes. Starting in the nineteen-seventies, small brewers on the West Coast began dramatically upping the amount of hops in their brews. One of their most popular products was the India pale ale, or L.P.A., a brew that has been around since the late eighteenth century. The story goes that necessity drove the British to add large quantities of hops in order to preserve the beer they shipped to India, to quench the thirst of the Sahibs managing the Empire there. A.Because connoisseurs said its flavor rivals that of wine grapes B.Because there were different varieties C.Because it helped preserve beer D.Because only some people didn’t like the taste 【答案】 ACD3H9B2C4R3K8N4HJ2D2O5O6N2T3L9ZF5L3T2V3D9L9J10 5、资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings. A.How to find a good financial professional B.The importance of retirement plans C.The scary facts about retirement D.How to make correct retirement plans 【答案】 DCT6B8Z1L7Y1H8J7HP8F8F8R5E4Z5F8ZF2W7F6U8D2R6N1 6、资料:From:prorno@ A.By providing a code B.By making a payment C.By promising to write a review D.By sending in proof of a purchase 【答案】 ACK3K3W5I9C3V8J3HA3Q5N9F7V6W3L8ZF5I2N6A3F2P6O6 7、2019年8月12日,中国银行与(  )签署战略合作协议。双方将在推进金融业关键信息基础设施国产化、服务“一带一路”建设和助力脱贫攻坚战等方面进行战略合作。根据合作协议,双方将发挥各自优势,秉持互利共赢的原则,建立多领域战略合作,实现共同发展。 A.人民网 B.新华通讯社 C.南方周末 D.新浪财经 【答案】 BCN9O8T4X4K8E1I8HT2F6I6F5Q8N8Z9ZH2Z7X10I10A1B7N4 8、历史上没有出现过的金属货币制度是(  )。 A.金本位 B.银本位 C.金汇兑本位 D.布雷顿森林体系 【答案】 DCE1I3P5N1Z7D6Q4HR8D2U5L10O9E4Z3ZY5G7F2R3P7O5O8 9、2009年10月2日在丹麦首都哥本哈根举行的国际奥委会第121届全会,关于2016年夏季奥运会举办城市的投票中,经过三轮投禀,()成功获得了2016年奥运会的主办权。 A.芝加哥 B.马德里 C.东京 D.里约热内卢 【答案】 DCL10I2L6W9G6K10A1HX8A8G7X1B2H1N10ZH8J5F3B5V5U4G8 10、如果中央银行在公开市场上大量购买政府债券,下面哪一种情况不可能发生?(  ) A.利息率下降 B.国民收入增加 C.储蓄减少 D.以上答案都不对 【答案】 DCF1R10U4V6S9Q2A5HV7T8O4F10A4A10U5ZW1B7Y7G1M6B9M3 11、标志着我国统一的多民族国家开始形成的是( )的建立。 A.汉王朝 B.秦王朝 C.夏王朝 D.唐王朝 【答案】 BCL7F3P3P6B7T8A3HR4H6T7T6M6U6Y9ZU10X8Z7C10P2T7U9 12、Which of the following is or was an example of representative full-bodied money?( )。 A.Debt money B.ATS account C.Gold certificate D.Demand deposit 【答案】 CCR3K8Y4S8Q3I7A7HX8F7C9S7Z5K1X6ZX7T7D3L6J10O10P5 13、资料:“I wouldn’t be here today if not for the generosity of strangers,” said Michael Moritz, while announcing a major donation to Oxford University. A former Time Magazine reporter, Mr. Moritz left journalism to become one of the most successful venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. Through Sequoia Capital, the firm he joined in 1986 and has led for many years, Mr. Moritz was an early investor in Google, Yahoo, PayPal and LinkedIn. His personal fortune is estimated at well over $1 billion. Oxford Unive

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