
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、Passage 6 A.stupid B.polite C.considerate D.annoying 【答案】 DCB9R6R10C1S6Z5K9HA1V6A10B5L2E7L7ZY6V3H7K6M8S1W4 2、资料:Keeping the Zeal of a Startup as You Scale A.Because they often get more supports from the customers B.Because they often damage the market order C.Because they often challenge the old companies in many ways D.Because they often make more momey than old companies 【答案】 CCR9J8E2X9T3M8X10HD7Z2M4T1Y1E5K8ZK9X3L9P1E1S1W4 3、 被告人张某,公交车司机。因受单位领导批评,为发泄不满,驾车驶入闹市区冲向密集人群,当场撞死8人,撞伤13人。李某的行为构成(  )。 A.交通肇事罪 B.以危险方法危害公共安全罪 C.故意杀人罪 D.重大责任事故罪 【答案】 BCP3K4R10T1E4D3H8HB2D2R3S3H10E3K5ZL4H5W4Y1C6Y6M4 4、专案审计时,对被审计单位长期挂账的往来账户应采取( )的方法。 A.发电子邮件函证 B.实地调查 C.咨询 D.分析资料 【答案】 BCI10I2Z2A7Q3D5Z6HQ1W10U6I2Y4O6Q3ZD10I10T7G1O8Z8I9 5、我国农村信用社改革采取成立( )三种模式。 A.村镇银行、农村合作银行、以县市为单位统一法人 B.农村商业银行、贷款公司、农村合作基金会 C.农村合作银行、农村商业银行、小额贷款公司 D.农村合作银行、农村商业银行、以县市为单位统一法人 【答案】 DCM5Z9H1Z10J4P9L10HX7Q5L1B5P10X1S10ZV5E9D10C6C3K1Y8 6、2008年全球金融危机爆发以来,世界主要国家央行开始采取特殊货币政策,美国在利率水平已经接近纪录最低时,推出了一系列非常规货币政策,包括为了支持银行贷款的长期流动性供给,为压低长期利率的资产购买计划等,除美国以外,美国、日本和欧洲银行也采取了非常规货币政策。IMF于2013年5月16日发布了《非常规货币政策:最近经验与前景》报告,报告称发达国家的非常规货币政策在很大程度上帮助实现了该国政策目标,诸如持续两年左右的购买国债计划帮助美国和英国的GDP增速提升了约2个百分点,然而,发达国家的这些政策对世界其他国家也造成了很大的影响,大量资本流入拉丁美洲和亚洲,导致新兴市场的汇率过度升值和波动。 A.汇率 B.投机性货币需求 C.货币供给 D.物价 【答案】 BCS8Q1R2X3P9A4D10HL5J1A4B2V5F9F7ZZ6I3X7E5I9F8V9 7、资料:Above the line promotion uses mass media such as the press,radio,television,cinema or poster sites. This type of promotion is usually paid for. Each of the possible media methods can be used to target audiences in different market segment. There are both strengths and drawbacks to these forms of media: A.the press,radio and television B.the press,radio,internet,television,cinema and post sites C.the press,radio,internet D.the press,radio,television,cinema and poster sites 【答案】 DCF9C8L5J1Q10H10O9HB4B1C1D6W10I3Q3ZL6Z3C9K9R5S3P1 8、央行两次降息,那么,降息对下列人员最有利的是(  )。 A.30岁,待业青年 B.小张去年毕业,是一家外企的基层员工 C.老王已于2010年退休,现赋闲在家 D.周某65岁,在银行有10万元存款 【答案】 ACE5U5U10Q4W3G6C8HL3P9C2G9Y10T5T10ZB10Q5Q1K5A6X5R10 9、A ____________of the subject's structure and its relationship to other subjects should be acquired before the literature is approached. A.grip B.grasp C.grab D.snatch 【答案】 BCD4L1L3F7V7X8L6HC2D4M8X6L6X5Y10ZV5I5C2K3J9N1G9 10、Recently,electric vehicles (EVs) have been claimed to provide a pathway for the transition towards sustainable transportation______EVs’ potential to solve energy and environmental problems,although new problems such as battery waste might appear. A.in behalf of B.in honor of C.in charge of D.in view of 【答案】 DCD10W9D2G5Z7L4W7HP2N4R5B6B5V6E4ZI8K10G4P8I2L5C4 11、在有关科学实践中,没有使用(  )的仪器,经过(  )的调查进行(  )的论证往往很难得出结论。 A.周密严密细密 B.精密周密细密 C.细密严密周密 D.精密周密严密 【答案】 DCU7G10N9W1S1M4C3HC3F7B4P3X6Q5V5ZG1U2H4S10H6C3X9 12、下列不属于银行认可的个人汽车贷款担保措施的是(  )。 A.信用担保 B.质押 C.第三方保证 D.房地产抵押 【答案】 ACQ4H8S2C5J7I7S7HC8G8G6G7L4Z10X10ZR2P10G4G10H5N1J5 13、国共第一次合作时期的革命运动被称为“大革命”,主要是因为(  )。 A.群众基础的广泛性 B.领导阶级的先进性 C.革命果实的丰富性 D.俄国帮助的进步性 【答案】 ACZ1O2U1Z8T9U2Y5HD8Q4N5P7J1I4O9ZC5M7P10X9K5J8B2 14、材料一:为进一步支持实体经济发展,优化流动性结构,降低融资成本,中国人民银行决定下调金融机构存款准备金率1个百分点,其中,2019年1月15日和1月25日分别下调0.5个百分点。同时,2019年一季度到期的中期借贷便利(MLF)不再续做。这样安排能够基本对冲今年春节前由于现金投放造成的流动性波动,有利于金融机构继续加大对小微企业、民营企业支持力度。 A.库存现金+商业银行在中央银行的存款 B.法定存款准备金率×库存现金 C.法定存款准备金率×存款总额 D.存款准备金-法定存款准备金 【答案】 CCI9G8B7L2O7Q7G2HQ9J7P9H1H4J10E8ZD9E10W3W7Q6J9T8 15、The Brunwick Explorer is a submersible robotic vehicle designed to search for mineral deposits far ______the surface of sea. A.behind B.below C.beyond D.between 【答案】 BCF8S1Z4N9G6T9S10HF9E8S2U10H7D7C7ZL10Q2B7A7G4F5L2 16、资料:欧洲的经济学家Mr.T首先跟你谈了欧洲的一些优势,以及一些好的企业。请根据下列资料回答问题 A.Zumo does not need to change its brand name B.Zumospa only produces sports drinks C.Zumo is available in Europe and North America D.Spanish identity is not suitable for Zumo to tap into global market 【答案】 DCW10L1P1Q9S10V2Z9HB3H1C7L8M2N5P3ZN4Z4U4G6X6M1N9 17、西欧中世纪庄园与东汉后期庄园的共同点是(  )。 A.主人和农民之间有雇佣关系 B.具有商品货币关系 C.有自营地和份地的区分 D.自给自足的经济体 【答案】 DCG8C3S7Q6T1Y1B4HU3D2V1D1R7F7J9ZA6N6L1G3E9H6V3 18、What’s corrosion? It’s a chemical______in which metal is transformed into salt and oxides. A.react B.action C.reaction D.response 【答案】 CCI2W9A3D6H2P4X2HQ6K4U2C6E1K10F5ZM9K5T7P3W8T9X9 19、资料:It is September of 1998, I’m sitting in a windowless office room inside the Office of the Independent Counsel underneath humming fluorescent lights. I'm listening to the sound of my voice on surreptitiously taped phone calls that a supposed friend had made the year before. For the past eight months, the mysterious content of these tapes has hung like the Sword of Damocles over my head. A few days later, the Star Report is released to Congress, and all of those tapes and transcripts, those stolen words, form a part of it. That people can read the transcripts is horrific enough, but a few weeks later, the audio tapes are aired on TV, and significant portions made available online. The pubic humiliation wa

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