
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:It seems simple enough. Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government, and put it all up on the Internet. Now, in order to report a pot-hole, pay your property tax, complain to an official or cast a vote, just log on and hit a few buttons. Goodbye bureaucracy, hello e-cracy? A.E-government is on the increase and well funded B.The investment on e-government is adequate C.Government officials’ interest in e-government is declining D.E-government is convenient and flexible 【答案】 DCI10M10E7L6X9B5Q9HJ4V1L6C3N6U10J9ZT5S1L6S9D5W3D1 2、下列有关剩余价值的几个说法不正确的一项是( )。 A.剩余价值不是从流通过程中产生的,而是在劳动力的消费过程即资本主义生产过程中形成的 B.超额剩余价值是由于商品的个别价值高于社会价值而产生的那部分剩余价值 C.绝对剩余价值生产是在必要劳动时间不变的条件下,由于延长工作日的绝对量所产生的剩余价值 D.相对剩余价值生产是在工作日不变的条件下,由于必要劳动时间缩短所产生的剩余价值 【答案】 BCT2L7V7H5X7A5M6HO8H8J3B4O10K8S4ZM6Q7G6O3J1J8V1 3、There is a ( ) difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment. A.sensible B.subtle C.feeble D.humble 【答案】 BCO1C9H9J6K1O7R8HQ3U3S2M4S8F3N3ZF2A3H2Y3M1Q6S6 4、下列不属于衍生工具的是(  )。 A.期货 B.股票 C.掉期 D.期权 【答案】 BCA10Q3R8W2T2W10D1HU9F9D7E3M4B1D9ZX4T2E2I2I8M5D6 5、以“甲和乙不都是律师”为前提,再增加( )为一个前提,就可以有效地推出结论“乙不是律师。 A.甲是律师 B.如果甲不是律师,则乙是律师 C.甲不是律师 D.如果甲是律师,则乙不是律师 【答案】 ACC6F2L7Y1L3C3Z2HQ8N6W3D3Y10J1R4ZZ10E3K9H1L10T8D2 6、资料:Placing the right type of workers in close proximity to each other can generate up to a 15 percent increase in organizational performance,according to the study from Cornerstone On Demand,a provider of cloud-based learning and talent-management software,and researchers at Harvard Business School in Massachusetts. For businesses with 2,000 employees, this translates into an additional $1 million in profit each year,the study said. A.Cornerstone On Demand is a provider of cloud-based learning and talent-management software B.Placing the right type of workers together will generate 15% increase in performance C.Smarter seating can affect company’s performance D.A study about how a firm get additional profit 【答案】 BCY10B4S7Q1K5U9J9HW4M2T1U9B6F5C3ZO1N7P1T1O7L9O2 7、隔日交割,即在成交后的第一个营业日内进行交割的是(  )。 A.即期外汇交易 B.远期外汇交易 C.中期外汇交易 D.长期外汇交易 【答案】 ACP10I4F6A2R6Q9C7HR6D9T1M9K9R1G6ZJ7G4A4E4V6X8B7 8、In the past men generally preferred that their wives( )in the house。 A.worked B.would work C.work D.were working 【答案】 CCZ5D5R1P8C2P2H7HT3Z3M1B7P4P5U1ZD4R4X1L2F9N6M10 9、2008年全球金融危机爆发以来,世界主要国家央行开始采取特殊货币政策,美国在利率水平已经接近纪录最低时,推出了一系列非常规货币政策,包括为了支持银行贷款的长期流动性供给,为压低长期利率的资产购买计划等,除美国以外,美国、日本和欧洲银行也采取了非常规货币政策。IMF于2013年5月16日发布了《非常规货币政策:最近经验与前景》报告,报告称发达国家的非常规货币政策在很大程度上帮助实现了该国政策目标,诸如持续两年左右的购买国债计划帮助美国和英国的GDP增速提升了约2个百分点,然而,发达国家的这些政策对世界其他国家也造成了很大的影响,大量资本流入拉丁美洲和亚洲,导致新兴市场的汇率过度升值和波动。 A.销售存货收到现金 B.用资本公积转增股本 C.用现金购买原材料 D.用银行存款归还银行借款 【答案】 DCM9W5I8Q3P8H9Q5HC1T3Q10I7W2K3J6ZV2Z2K7B9C8Z1H3 10、剩余价值(  )。 A.在生产领域中产生,可以离开流通领域 B.在流通领域中产生,但不能离开生产领域 C.在生产领域中产生,通过流通领域来实现 D.既在流通领域中产生,也在生产领域中产生 【答案】 CCT3Q4A8W7X7F6O6HF3Q9P6E7Y2C5N1ZB5F6R8A8P5A4L8 11、资料:Even as rich countries seek to rid workplaces of subtle gender bias, in many developing ones discrimination remains overt. According to the World Bank, women are barred from certain jobs in 104 countries.(1) A.In developing countries, the gender discrimination in work field is spreading to more countries B.Due to work restrictions, women cannot work in some tough industries C.Women appreciate being treated as weaker sex in some countries so as to bear children D.Lifting restrictions on a list of dangerous jobs can help to solve the problem of inequality in work 【答案】 BCY10R3J7K3L3Y3E6HZ5P1F2M2J3R9A5ZZ5X5J6Y10K2Q9B2 12、关于法定利率与市场利率关系的说法。错误的是(  )。 A.法定利率对市场利率有重要的影响 B.市场利率随法定利率的变化而变化 C.市场利率与法定利率变化完全一致 D.市场利率是确定法定利率的重要依据 【答案】 CCR10F8P9Y6C5T6P2HO5N8D9A4R6J6H9ZG3Q4G4Z8T10P9K1 13、一般而言,金融资产的流动性与风险性、收益性之间的关系存在( )。 A.正相关 B.负相关 C.不相关 D.不确定关系 【答案】 BCD7N6P3Q5R7W10M3HU10F10O7A9C9B2N1ZT10R4A10M6W1J4I6 14、柯达公司是世界上著名的影像产品及相关服务的生产和供应商。面对市场技术的不断革新,柯达公司满足现状没有及时进行技术更新,直到2003年,柯达才宣布全面进军数码产业。最终柯达公司陷入退市困境,体现了管理学中的(  )。 A.二八法则 B.长板法则 C.青蛙法则 D.木桶法则 【答案】 CCJ8E4U2H8W7J4R10HL8P8K4R8Z10J9F4ZW7W9J10Z4J8B4P5 15、当流通领域中存在两种本位币流通时,容易出现“格雷欣法则”现象,这种现象是指(  )。 A.良币把劣币赶出流通领域 B.劣币把良币赶出流通领域 C.良币与劣币在流通领域平等流通 D.良币与劣币同时退出流通领域 【答案】 BCE8D5K4L8G4L8L8HL10I5B8T8X8O7H4ZV2G7N7B4R10E7B8 16、资料:To manage teams organization require effective managers.Highly skilled and trained managers can make more informed decisions. The use of beat practice models enables managers to ensure their teams operate efficiently.This will improve quality for customers as staff will be better trained to deal with customers' needs.It will also improve team effectiveness and help organizations to perform better. A.s/he loves people to discuss problems B.s/he is likely to delay the decisions C.s/he seldom consults others D.s/he needs to make quick response 【答案】 ACD10Z5M9T7I3T3U7HO5W1Y1I8S7Z4F5ZB9S7C9I1P3E6W3 17、资料:The daily changes of the market can lead investors astray.The ups and downs make the tendency to look at the

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