
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、下列产品中,能够计入当年GDP的是(  )。 A.中央政府对地方政府的转移支付 B.某人花100万美元在美国买的一栋新房 C.企业从国外购买的一台服务器 D.某企业当年生产没有卖掉的20万元产品 【答案】 DCE7H2X7H9W6G8G9HK4B5E3Z6Q5R3L5ZN2E6Y6D7E3C5Q6 2、资料:最后,大家谈论了中国在绿色经济方面做出的杰出贡献,请根据下列资料回答问题。 A.More experience exchange and business development B.More passion towards this historical initiation C.More active attitude towards tacking climate change D.More green investment chances 【答案】 BCT4R6S8P4T2L6I9HG4B3F5V2N2Q4D1ZW2U1J3J4M2Q9S8 3、2012年5月10日,期货市场首个上市新品种:白银期货正式挂牌交易,这意味着国 内市场上市了第( )个贵金属期货交易品种。 A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 【答案】 BCC8R6N10T7L9D5C10HK5E8D8Q8R8B3C8ZE1Y2H4C5J8L4H9 4、Human survival has been based on unrivaled adaptation to the environment,but plants and animals will and are inevitably succumbing(  )subtle changes in the climate. A.in B.without C.with D.To 【答案】 DCN6P8Q6C9B2K7T2HP7A5J1I8B5D9G8ZE4Z8L10E4P1L2O6 5、 关于会计核算的基本前提,下列说法中不正确的是(  )。 A.会计基本假设包括会计主体、持续经营、会计分期和货币计量 B.如果企业发生破产清算.经相关部门批准后,可以继续适用持续经营假设 C.在我国.以公历年度作为企业的会计年度。即公历1月1日至12月31日 D.会计的货币计量假设,包含了两层含义:一是以货币作为会计的统一计量单位:二是作为会计计量单位的货币.其币值是稳定不变的 【答案】 BCH2J4A5A6K7K9Y1HU6F7R10S2J3Y6B4ZW10F2M6I3G10C5O5 6、对特定地区的经济发展进行倾向性经营的银行是( )。 A.国家开发银行 B.中国人民银行 C.城市商业银行 D.中国农业银行 【答案】 ACW7Q1F8U6L9R5I3HJ5I6P8O9Q5N6W8ZJ2G3C4X10L1S9X2 7、A公司于10月20日向B公司发出一项要约,欲向其购买材料一批,第二天因为发生安全事故公司停产,便想反悔,10月23日发出撤回通知。要约于10月26日到达B公司。27 日,B公司正在组织讨论是否应该接受这个要约的时候,撤回通知到达。则( )。 A.要约有效,撤回通知后于要约到达,未被撤回 B.要约有效,要约未被撤销 C.要约无效,要约已被撤回 D.要约生效,要约已被撤销 【答案】 DCJ1O1E3O6Y10L7I3HE1Z5H9P2M2Q6H8ZB4G7Q1P3H4X4J5 8、资料:Zhang Qiaoli uses her spare bedroom for storing her stock of ladies’ fashion-wear and photo shoots. She is one of more than five million small online stores operating across China, some from small apartments or even college dormitories. She buys dresses and accessories wholesale; at prices under $5, using the website Taobao, she sells them on as the Kitty Lover at prices under $10. A.Because there are a lot more options online B.Because consumers are gaining more power thanks to online shopping C.Because regulations about online shopping will be improved soon D.Because there are still many qualified goods and trustworthy online stores 【答案】 BCP4J9X10V10W2U2Z9HR4J5S10E4D5B1V5ZP9M1B9M3U9M5E7 9、某人驱车从甲地前往30公里外的乙地,顺风而行花了3个小时,从乙地沿着原路返回时用了5个小时,假设车速和风速都是匀速状态,则风速是(  )公里/时。 A.5 B.2 C.3 D.4 【答案】 BCY9E9Y5N1X3Y2C5HS10R8J8M10B9R2Z1ZB10K2L2D8K3Q5I9 10、按照中国人民银行的规定,各银行每月日平均拆入资金余额,不得超过其上月末各项存款余额的()。 A.5% B.4% C.6% D.3% 【答案】 ACB4M9O6J6D2L7P3HZ6L5S7V4M6S1Z4ZE10I4J1J6F10E8W7 11、The chipmunk (金花鼠) builds its nest in either an underground burrow______. A.in a hollow limb B.or a hollow limb C.builds in a hollow limb D.by a hollow limb 【答案】 BCJ3J3G6S10Q4D7P5HM7P2O8I9W6N1Z7ZE6Z10R5X10C5Z4N5 12、 证明实物资产是否存在的非常有说服力的证据是( )。 A.书面证据 B.环境证据 C.实物证据 D.口头证据 【答案】 CCU3Y5G3J4E2F6D8HF4Q1I7H3D10J3K6ZJ6K3T5B5E5D10M10 13、In May of 1826, the fair-haired youth with the azure blue eyes ( ) for Europe to turn himself into a scholar and a linguist. A.set about B.set down C.set out D.set up 【答案】 CCL5Z9E9F8Y7V5L10HG5R8S8J6J10F9W1ZD3C5I7T7I4R10Z2 14、 ( )是指企业在日常活动中发生的、会导致所有者权益减少的、与向所有者分配利润无关的经济利益的总流出。 A.负债 B.收入 C.费用 D.利润 【答案】 CCP3V2M7N4U8Z1E8HP2F7F1A9K8D2M3ZR8A7L8I2T4F2U6 15、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission (录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. A.Paris B.the United States C.English D.New York City 【答案】 BCL4R4Z10C4S10A4B5HK3C5L9T5Y2D1O3ZR7O8T8G1L9U10E5 16、No single individual can____handle this kind of responsibilities alone. A.efficiently B.adequately C.necessarily D.appropriately 【答案】 BCT3X1Y8L3F4Q10Y7HR9A10O8Y10U1K9C8ZQ7P10Z5K4I3Z10V8 17、资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession. What are the prospects for economic recovery? A.doubtful B.indifferent C.positive D.pessimistic 【答案】 CCJ6X10S3B9I7N10E3HD1O7O9B6E6H8H1ZE3B2W7N5Q3P5H10 18、计算机网络中广域网和局域网的分类是以(  )来划分的。 A.信息交换方式 B.网络使用 C.网络连接距离 D.传输控制方法 【答案】 CCR7W3K3H6L10R10D8HT4Y10X3K6O4U3V3ZV10D6Q9Z1F10L8F2 19、资料:For promotions to remain effective, RT company has to analyze the impact of different campaigns. Word of mouth promotions can be more difficult to measure than some traditional methods of promotion. Although healthy sales are an important measure, RT uses other measures to evaluate the effectiveness of its activities. For example: A.the sales report of RT campaigns B.the sales report of RT company C.how Facebook and Twitter have influenced the market D.how to evaluate promotional activities 【答案】 DCN10M3T9K4D10C5I10HX3P3N1M1H6O7G9ZH3F9K1S4L9O1S3 20、下列有关剩余价值的几个说法不正确的一项是( )。 A.剩余价值不是从流通过程中产生的,而是在劳动

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