
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、Our new product will be put through a number of(  )tests before being released to the public. A.dependent B.founded C.withhold D.stringent 【答案】 DCR10U1Q7Q8R2I2M8HX10K9W9Y3Q6B8B8ZJ5F8P3P2T3F9E6 2、资料:The personal computer was a revolution in information technology that spawned a $50 billion hardware business, with another $30 billion in software and peripherals (eg. mouse, keyboard, printer, etc.) by 1991. During its short 15 years, the industry evolved through three successive periods. During its first 5 to 6 years, it was characterized by explosive growth and multiple, small competitors vying for a piece of the market. From 1981 to 1985, the industry became a battle for standards and retail shelf space. The third era was one of increasing fragmentation. From 1986 through 1991-1992, new manufacturers from around the world grabbed from the industry leaders as new channels of distribution emerged and product innovation as well as revenue growth slowed. A.Around 1981 B.Around 1986 C.Around 1976 D.Around 1992 【答案】 CCB4L5M5H10V9T2K1HD9V4U6K2G9U9X6ZE5M6E5Q10S4X8Z9 3、It is not hard to read Arya,because she(  )blushes with embarrassment when she has a terrible conversation with others. A.habitually B.habit C.habits D.habitual 【答案】 ACV8I5G4F7B8E1U5HF10S7M9G1Y8M8G8ZH2Q4K4V4C1Z1Z9 4、下列有关商业银行办理业务的规定正确的是(  )。 A.商业银行可以任意提高利率来吸收存款 B.商业银行办理结算业务根据需要可以压单 C.商业银行办理业务不能收取手续费 D.商业银行不得在没有客户办理业务的时候自行缩短营业时间 【答案】 DCO8X5H2K1I8B2B1HS5M1S3T1Z5Z6L4ZJ6I8G2R9U4G10U7 5、American travelers abroad have discovered that they can buy more foreign____with their dollar. A.currented B.currently C.currency D.current 【答案】 CCY10U8B8M5I2H10H6HP5Z5P4O8L2Z4K2ZX8B2F5J3A7U9O6 6、(1)电报、电话、广播、电视机问世之初都曾被认为会引发灾难,现在又轮到智能手机等移动设备了。家长们担心,移动设备会使青少年远离社会,不与其他人交往。既然之前的新技术已经被证明是无害的,人们为什么要担忧呢? A.新技术对于成年人来说并不需要 B.孩子的好奇心比成年人大 C.成年人总是会担心末知因素对下一代的影响 D.新技术大多都是针对下一代人而推出的 【答案】 DCT5K1V5G6U6A2H8HY6U7M3K2S8B3Q9ZP8K3G3F9B2C4M7 7、 错账的更正方法不包括(  )。 A.蓝字更正法 B.红字更正法 C.补充登记法 D.划线更正法 【答案】 ACX9C4C3B1S10B1Z2HY1P4D5F8B10T10J7ZE6G10M4G1K4Y7V2 8、资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are. A.even if we can see well B.only when we cannot see perfectly C.only when we realize how important our eyes are D.only when we can see well 【答案】 ACZ2O7V4R1O5E9V1HS4U3N5B9S3W1W2ZE2N3V5E8H10W7B6 9、下列关于会计账簿管理的说法中,错误的是( )。 A.各种会计账簿要分工明确,指定专人管理 B.会计账簿要妥善保管,任何人不得翻阅査看、摘抄和复制 C.会计账簿一般不得携带外出 D.会计账簿不得随意交给其他人管理 【答案】 BCA1G1Z8P6H3H9M10HQ1A10H8U8H5K3D2ZC3S10W7I8R5L5Q2 10、In the experiment , the researcher placed a rat in a maze, ___ it was presented with different smells to see if it can resist the distraction and get to the exit. A.what B.that C.where D.which 【答案】 CCB4I1V5B8P2H10G9HT1J7V6G8D7L1B10ZA8S8Y1X6S9N5B6 11、计算机的存储系统通常包括(  )。 A.内存储器和外存储器 B.软盘和硬盘 C.ROM和RAM D.内存和硬盘 【答案】 ACP10Z4V2C5I6E2Z4HJ2X6E6A6Z5M5F10ZG6H1E9N6W7Y9A5 12、在Excel提供的4类运算符中,优先级最高的是(  )。 A.算术运算符 B.比较运算符 C.文本运算符 D.引用运算符 【答案】 DCO2H10N1V2C2V7X6HW7J9J8P10D1W6Q8ZL2D5T8J9Z1R10R7 13、2月6日,我国自主研发建造的全球首座十万吨级深水半潜式生产储油平台(  )能源站,抵达海南陵水海域。 A.“天海一号” B.“深海一号” C.“深鲸一号” D.“白鲨一号” 【答案】 BCC4G1J8M9T8S9P10HC5A6Y7R8E10B4E4ZX9Z3W8N10A10O8Y4 14、The accounting team uses an advanced spreadsheet software program to list company(  )by department. A.diagrams B.expenditures C.applications D.Insights 【答案】 BCE6F2V4K5D10G8X9HS8K6G5G8Y5P9R4ZD9E1F7X2N3E10D9 15、小王开车上班,原计划按均速50千米/小时的速度可准时到单位,由于堵车,在行驶到2/3的路程时,他发现之前均速只有40千米/小时,如果他不想上班迟到,余下的路程他至少要达到均速(  )千米/小时。 A.60 B.80 C.100 D.120 【答案】 BCH2Z7H7A6P1X5D3HF7C9A4D1E4O3R10ZC9P10V2S8R9D6H5 16、Passage 2 A.Modern technology is what we can’t live without B.Digital technology often falls short of our expectation C.gital devices are more reliable than they used to be D.GPS error is not the only cause for Ceely’s accident 【答案】 BCS8X3L5H1X6T2P9HK3Q8A4D7P7T2L7ZC2L7O4M9Y2L7E10 17、( )their existing problems,great improvements were made in the country’s literacy rates and health care system. A.But for B.For all C.Above all D.Except for 【答案】 BCZ3R10T3Y3P8G5N4HF4Q8J2D1E6N3J7ZT7P1S2I8U8J1E3 18、Our new diet pill________the people who want to lose weight. A.satisfies the need of B.stimulate the demand of C.arouse the interest of D.target the market for 【答案】 ACX1L6C4P6C1K8A6HO1S8G2D9B9S6P8ZG2M1I8O7S3K6R2 19、(  )to playing games recently,he is easy to feel sleepy in class. A.Addicted B.Addicting C.Having addicted D.To addict 【答案】 ACH9Y4J7R7G10H4T5HH1L1S5S8V3D1F9ZT7N1H8D2H3Z8V8 20、下列选项中,对古文化常识描述错误的是( )。 A.古称兄弟间的老大为“伯”,古代兄弟间以伯、仲、叔、季为排行顺序,古人常在字前加排行次序,如“伯离”、“仲尼”、“叔向”、“季路”等 B.垂髫是古时对60岁以上老妇人的别称,髫是指老人轻软披散的头发 C.古代位居方向有尊卑之称,如南向为胜、尊,以北向为败、卑;以东为主为首,以西为从为次。后渐以“东家”为主人的代称 D.蛾眉,亦作“娥眉”,古代美女的代称,“蛾眉”本为女子长而美的眉毛,代指女子美貌,进而代称美女 【答案】 BCK10O1G1L7B1X5O3HW4O8V8X4R3K7M7ZR7A1L4N5P10L9V1 21、Passage 9 A.the application of reading strategies B.matching our expectations with the meani

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