
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:It seems simple enough. Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government, and put it all up on the Internet. Now, in order to report a pot-hole, pay your property tax, complain to an official or cast a vote, just log on and hit a few buttons. Goodbye bureaucracy, hello e-cracy? A.having public confidence B.having sufficient investment C.lowering government spending D.upgrading government technology 【答案】 BCA3Y3J4T8Y4O7S7HN2P5A4M7Z5V4T8ZJ10T10U2F2T8M6B1 2、公文的权威性和行政约束力,来自(  )的权威和合法地位。 A.收文机关 B.印发机关 C.审核机关 D.制发机关 【答案】 DCG3E10C9M7H9F6V3HV6B2Z7K8U8U4T10ZS2Z6O5N8O1X10M4 3、Children enter school at the age of six,___? A.do the children B.don't they C.don't the children D.aren't they 【答案】 BCO6B3B3C4A8M6B1HI8E1N6L3W7A6F2ZV4X2W10K3Y1P3X7 4、 长期股权投资的被投资单位因增资扩股而增加的所有者权益,银行应记账为( )。 A.借:长期股权投资——股票投资(股权投资准备)贷:资本公积——股权投资准备 B.借:资本公积——股权投资准备贷:长期股权投资——股票投资(股权投资准备) C.借:资本公积——股权投资准备贷:长期股权投资——股票投资(股权投资准备)——其他股权投资(股权投资准备) D.借:长期股权投资——股票投资(股权投资准备)——其他股权投资(股权投资准备)贷:资本公积——股权投资准备 【答案】 DCS5Q8I7Q1G3B5E4HR2V2F4W2U6Y5I8ZH10J6V2Z2L8M4C6 5、资料:Job Description A.Wait for a better chance B.Make a job-hopping C.Become a producer D.Work harder and be more focused 【答案】 CCP2C3F3S1D6E10K2HC1T9A5S8O7H7D7ZB5W9S10B9B4B6V1 6、They’re not allowed contact with the outside world or any substances that haven’t been fully ____. A.tidy B.packed C.infected D.sanitized 【答案】 DCR7J10L10R9J10H5J7HX7A10H4W8O8D7G4ZO4N1U7V1X9U10V4 7、Many Native Americans were killed during the ______ of the American West by Europeans in the 19th century. A.shelter B.construction C.settlement D.basement 【答案】 CCZ2G10Z9F9K8Z8Y3HN6K1Z10F7G8M8F8ZQ6X8E5B7Y8W4U4 8、Prior(  )his departure,he addressed a letter to his daughter. A.to B.of C.in D.from 【答案】 ACJ9H4A8S6U6R9M1HU1U5U9S7J9P9Z9ZG10Z9D7N4T1U7I4 9、某服装店有T恤45件,其中短袖的有22件,翻领的有20件,既是短袖又有翻领的有12件,则既不是短袖,也不是翻领的T恤是(  )件。 A.14 B.13 C.12 D.15 【答案】 DCT4H3N5V3G2J7H1HI2N10P6E3E6I2U2ZT1D1A5R1Y4B1E7 10、 在下列有关账项核对中,不属于账账核对的内容是(  )。 A.银行存款日记账余额与其总账余额的核对 B.银行存款日记余额与银行对账单余额的核对 C.总账账户借方发生额合计数与明细借方发生额合计数的核对 D.总账账户贷方发生额合计数与明细贷方发生额合计数的核对 【答案】 BCT6A7X4A2B9K8K1HU9L1C8W8J7R6K6ZW4D9U9S2T8V2C5 11、With the U.S. government amassing growing amounts of______every year,it needs the money that foreign investors offer. A.currency B.cost C.payment D.debt 【答案】 DCO5R10U7Z2B3A6M4HD2E2A4I9E8W6S3ZA2A2E4B5F4T5B6 12、下列说法不正确的是( )。 A.孔子是儒家创始人,核心是“仁” B.庄子是道家代表,代表作是《道德经》 C.韩非是法家思想的集大成者 D.朱熹是理学的重要代表,著有《四书集注》 【答案】 BCX4Z5M9W7C1E4M3HP5S1J3S3F1Y10G7ZT2Q7S2A4R1M7I10 13、范某以10万元从某商店购入标注为缅甸翡翠手镯一个,好友李某见后拿来欣赏,不慎将手镯打碎。经鉴定,手镯为赝品,市场价值为10元,该商店系知假卖假。下列范某请求中合法的是(  )。 A.要求该商店赔偿20万元 B.要求该商店赔偿10万元 C.要求李某赔偿10万元 D.要求李某赔偿10元 【答案】 DCJ1J9J4W8B2R4Q3HD8E4D9C4C10O3G10ZZ7J3U10Q10N2C10X2 14、债券本期收益率的计算公式是( )。 A.票面收益/市场价格 B.票面收益/债券面值 C.(出售价格一购买价格)/市场价格 D.(出售价格一购买价格)/债券面值 【答案】 ACA10D9E3M3C10Y1B3HL3J3A8L4G5Y7N6ZB3F3R6Q3T4J8Q2 15、资料:What,if anything,do we gain by clinging to our antioxidant supplements? A.It is good for muscle cramps B.It is good for macular degeneration C.It goes well with trauma D.It makes human body stronger 【答案】 DCK1Q1V10C3U8M6U2HB2M1J2X2M10Q4L1ZY9F7E7M4D8L5A3 16、已知工作表中C3单元格与D4单元格的值均为0,C4单元格中为公式“=C3=D4”,则C4单元格显示的内容为(  )。 A.C3=D4 B.TRUE C.#N/A D.0 【答案】 BCZ10X9Y9E5E10W10K5HO6O4N2M1A3D5O5ZL8J10D10F1H4N5O5 17、政府无论调高或者调低价格,其结果(  )。 A.都会使消费者得到好处 B.都会使生产者得到好处 C.都会使供求失衡现象消失 D.都可能使供求失衡现象持续存在 【答案】 DCH1X3Z4U5S3E8D5HM1Z10V7W2Y10O2A6ZT2X1I7Y1L8Y3Y3 18、我国历史上第一个统一的中央集权制的封建国家是()。 A.夏 B.商 C.秦 D.汉 【答案】 CCB7K5E4J2X1T7C9HC4M10R1V1P7B3P10ZB4X5J4P9G2D9R2 19、Many of those that are prosecuted and sentenced and end____in a jail are subsequently freed or simply walk out the door as there are prisons in Congo that simply do not have doors. A.down B.off C.up D.beyond 【答案】 CCO3D3S2V4J9I5Q10HN8X10S8W1C10N4H2ZQ3H10J1S7P4C8S5 20、下列通常被视为无风险利率的是( )。 A.企业债券利率 B.国债利率 C.投资基金收益率 D.回购利率 【答案】 BCY2K2M10P2U1R5R9HL4N8X3N3U4N2E1ZW1D6Y8R10C8P5F5 21、要求每个管理工作者必须从思想上明确:自己负责控制的对象是一个整体的动态系统,而不是一个个孤立分割的部分,应该从整体着眼对待部分,使部分服从整体。同时还应明确自己的位置,为更大的整体效益服务。这是( )。 A.人本原理 B.系统原理 C.动态原理 D.效益原理 【答案】 BCB5K1H9F3L10C9I7HY2L9B3D2N7B6C1ZM6V5P5I1A8L10X8 22、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees, it is detrimental to businesses." Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses, such as hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, and substance abuse." says Rubin. A.Devastating B.Deleterious C.Harmful D.Destructive 【答案】 BCP5W10T6E3W4Q2D7HG9B6G6V10S7A1W5ZW6L5X4X1D8W1T1 23、资料:Imagine you went to a restaurant with your girlfriend, had a burger, paid with a credit card, and left. The next time you go there, the waiter or waitress, armed with your profile data, greets you with, “Hey Joe, how are you? Mary is over there in the seat you sat last time. Would you like to join her for dinner again?” Then you find out that your burger has been cooked and placed on the table. Forget the fact that you are with anot

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