
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、 We could be sliding into an extraordinary recession unless we ______ the economy immediately. A.inspire B.stimulate C.tempt D.distract 【答案】 BCX3O3C3H1S3I5F10HF1V9K2L9P7G1G10ZI2K6P10C6L4X10B3 2、为贯彻落实房住不炒的政策,各地政府纷纷出台措施,对首套房和套房的信贷政策进行差异化处理,如提高二套房的首付比例。这样的举措属于(  )。 A.间接性货币政策工具 B.一般性货币政策工具 C.选择性货币政策工具 D.直接性货币政策工具 【答案】 CCH2X2L8E4G2M6Q2HG9X8U4Y2O5T3Q7ZQ9H9Y10A8A8E8R8 3、 下列账簿中,一般不需根据记账凭证登记的账簿是(  )。 A.日记账 B.总分类账 C.明细分类账 D.备查账 【答案】 DCG3E7J8D8B5Y5X6HZ2S6X5A4P2H8B6ZZ4X9O8R1M9G9Z1 4、资料:The daily changes of the market can lead investors astray.The ups and downs make the tendency to look at the portfolio,s performance frequently too temping.This means investers are likely to perceive mere risk,forgetting about their key term goals. A.be concerned about immediate gains and loss B.be attracted by risk rather than long term goals C.be misled by the daily changes of the market D.be worried about the ups and downs of the market 【答案】 CCF2S5L8T10U3X10S9HP4G1L6B7G3A5O10ZO10W5D7B3A9N1N5 5、下列离散程度的测度值中,能够消除变量值水平和计量单位对测度值影响的是(  )。 A.标准差 B.离散系数 C.方差 D.极差 【答案】 BCB8Q2C3L10T6S6O4HM10V1Y10D2B10E6R7ZO9M1X2H6V2A6H5 6、Many states have ______, amended or repealed laws to improve school nutrition. A.instituted B.organized C.manufactured D.enacted 【答案】 DCR6J6Q1E8A10I6O6HE1N7F6V7V5I9P3ZD5Z5V8G7Q3A8S3 7、人民法院对非诉案件的审査标准是( )。 A.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否违法 B.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否明显违法 C.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否会损害被执行人的合法权益 D.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否明显违法且损害被执行人的合法权益 【答案】 DCA2H5W5T3P6S9S8HQ5H4H5A4R7W10R7ZD9C2N5H1Z6G4J7 8、The president came out of the house, ____by his 3 bodyguards. A.follows B.followed C.following D.follow 【答案】 BCL4U7W7Q1C5X8G10HF2B4W10G10S5C1T8ZN4T5O3I7N3Q1V7 9、中央银行可以通过以下哪项政策来收缩货币?(  ) A.下调存款准备金率 B.从公开市场买进证券 C.上调再贴现率 D.增加财政支出 【答案】 CCA1M8Z7B6X6G4D6HK8H2M10Y10N5H3T10ZE8L8B1O2H4M7B8 10、In____, the company owns and operates four television stations. A.addition B.plus C.also D.more 【答案】 ACU5N5C6Y3C10Z5M4HJ7P8B1J9I8X3W1ZI2H1V8T4Z7F10W7 11、(  )in computer technology are allowing users to reach into any part of the world by just clicking a mouse. A.Advancement B.Advances C.Advancing D.Advance 【答案】 BCB3F4D1Z4X1A9G9HT2B10K9H6X4E10P4ZI7V7I6M1F2X1D7 12、资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airport in Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create detailed maps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter. This will help scientists around the world better understand some of the most basic processes involved in melting glaciers, which are major contributors to rising sea levels. A.To investigate the climate change B.To make maps about moving glaciers C.To measure the rising sea levels D.To slow the melting process of glaciers 【答案】 BCU4S10P10V5S6I9M1HO7D1U9Y2I9P1E7ZZ4F3Z1I3D2O7J2 13、Problems ______ if the parents approach to discipline is inconsistent. A.reach B.arise C.anchor D.seize 【答案】 BCV6E1D2P3O9Y7W7HD4Q3X1K7A6L1G3ZF2G10E7E5Q4Z6D6 14、“马力”一词表示的是(  )。 A.是一个动力单位 B.表示一匹马的能量 C.表示一匹马的速度 D.表示发动机的功率 【答案】 DCF8N3E4L8O7Q1R4HW4W9Q6Z9M8P9U1ZM3B7D1J8F5B1E5 15、导致需求曲线发生位移的原因是(  )。 A.因价格变动,引起了需求量的交动 B.因供给曲线发生位移,引起了需求量的变动 C.影响需求量的非价格因素发生交动,而引起需求关系发生了变动 D.因社会经济因素发生变动引起产品价格的变动 【答案】 CCS5A1G1Z8A2V10J1HR6F7R3V9E1E1B7ZS2Z6M8L1O6A9T7 16、信用是(  )。 A.买卖关系 B.赠予行为 C.救济行为 D.借贷关系 【答案】 DCD9L10C3J7L9W6Q1HK7J7E5H7B8B3N7ZX2A2S8W10X4J10Z4 17、资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem. A.Confidence B.Ability C.Diligence D.Willpowe 【答案】 DCZ4I5R7W6X6D10S6HI8F1K7B9K6H5P6ZG8K6E3T3Q2T10X10 18、下列说法不正确的是( )。 A.孔子是儒家创始人,核心是“仁” B.庄子是道家代表,代表作是《道德经》 C.韩非是法家思想的集大成者 D.朱熹是理学的重要代表,著有《四书集注》 【答案】 BCV9M3A2O6W5Q3O1HK7B1Q7W5U6W8Q8ZF5G5O1T7B4O7Y5 19、资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem. A.to give several possible solutions to the problem of poverty B.to explain why some people in the United States are below the poverty line C.to show sympathy for those poor people D.to give the definition of “poverty line” 【答案】 ACL5C5Q8J5J8T6J7HZ7V3V9C4A4G2U6ZT1A1L3X1L6T9Z6 20、2017年4月份,某省规模以上食品工业增加值同比增长15.0%,比全省规模工业平均水平高9.4个百分点。其中,农副食品加工业增长14.0%,食品制造业增长18.6%,酒、饮料和精制茶制造业增长13.9%。1—4月,规模以上食品工业产值累计增长11.6%,增幅比全省规模工业平均水平高4.5个百分点。 A.9.5 B.10.2 C.11.4 D.12.6 【答案】 CCX4U1Y10G10K6D7T8HY8H5K7O5C1E4B9ZP10E3L9I6D10G5N4 21、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others. HSBC’s History Wall, a striking art installation at the bank’s London headquarters, is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the bank’s archives and arranged in chronological order. A.It strengthens the company’s relations with customers and emplo

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