
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、Passage 7 A.They may become exhausted by making too many decisions for themselves B.They are more cautious in making decisions for others than for themselves C.They tend to make decisions the way they think advantageous to them D.They show considerable differences in their decision-making abilities 【答案】 ACY4A10L3L2R8U9E9HO4W10G7B5K2I1D3ZU7J3J5Z3G5Y8J1 2、下列各项中,关于无形资产摊销表述不正确的是(  )。 A.使用寿命不确定的无形资产不应摊销 B.出租无形资产的摊销额应计入管理费用 C.使用寿命有限的无形资产处置当月不再摊销 D.无形资产的摊销方法主要有直线法和生产总量法 【答案】 BCO1R6V2V4J4R4J8HO9G9M8Z7V3V6J4ZO9W2K7E1P10T3Q9 3、资料:THOMAS WILSON A.screening calls B.managing calendars C.photocopying documents D.organizing offices for efficiency 【答案】 CCK1B10X4T8V3I1B9HK3O4J7B5J6T2G9ZP6M3H2C1E4B6T7 4、资料:Word of Mouth promotion is based on the principle of pull marketing. A.because it helps to generate momentum B.because the events are funny enough to be transmitted C.because it helps to create brand awareness and grow sales D.both A and C 【答案】 DCX8U8P6G3Y9U8S6HP4G9U10O6G6M5I9ZN4A10R6E10L9S3P3 5、Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer’s life. A.the sleeper’s wishes B.the sleeper’s imagination C.the sleeper’s feeling D.the sleeper’s own mind 【答案】 DCM5C8T10V2K4J7O9HM1B2D3L4F8L3F10ZJ8A2L9L4I7T7W2 6、I have a presentation this morning,and I need to prepare copies of the report for all the(  ). A.engineers B.attendees C.board of directors D.Faculties 【答案】 BCG4G8Z3K7F8P7K1HE7P2B6H5Z1V1X5ZS8M8R1K6R3Z9B3 7、Although some of these projects have been recently completed,the majority of projects will ______ in the fall of 2019. A.initiate B.originate C.manipulate D.commence 【答案】 DCH5Y1E4N9V10H10X2HC9W3G10S5H4M5M5ZS4D5A9D8I7V4Y6 8、For customer convenience,the manual is available______both microfilm and book forms. A.on B.to C.in D.for 【答案】 BCO3X10X10L5O8T8M10HH2W2P5B5T7G9Z7ZZ8J7D1J9X6F8U2 9、资料:To:Sherry Linton A.A memo B.A minutes C.An announcement D.A notice 【答案】 DCM1H5X8T6D9U2U9HW1V7J10O2T9Q5N7ZS1L4O1A5W4U4F4 10、Passage 4 A.The more money we have,the more stress we have B.Money can be of great help C.We should try our best to earn money D.Money is helpful in some way,but we should make full use of it 【答案】 DCA3V3A2F10P4F5E10HT1E2L8I5E8N6O8ZV10B10A5L10A4K1L3 11、下列不属于企业经济利益流入的是(  )。 A.销售收入 B.租金收入 C.为第三方代收的款项 D.投资收入 【答案】 CCN5Y9L7Y3R6Q8Z8HM5B1S10O7U1H7K5ZS8H4E2G10L8L2X6 12、We G20 members must(  )follow the underlying historical trend so as to chart the course for the future. A.closed B.closing C.closely D.close 【答案】 CCD8B10F6A9T5Q1R1HT9L6P10G5Y9L7C1ZC8L8L6Q4O6R7G3 13、资料:When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer's claims, the first step is to present the warranty, or any other records which might help. at the store of purchase. In most cases,this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favor, assuming he or she has a just claim. A.Demonstrate the problem specifically B.Do it politely but firmly C.Do it in person D.Make general statements first 【答案】 DCY1A1K6P9T1B5W1HJ2D3U7Y8F5W8V8ZR3U6T9Q5W1C8M4 14、近三十年的航海历程推动了作为商品的青花瓷的大量生产与外销,不仅促进技术创新,使青花瓷达到瓷器新工艺的顶峰,而且改变了中国瓷器发展的走向,带来了人们审美观念的更新。这也就意味着,如果没有郑和远航带来活跃的对外贸易,青花瓷也许会像在元代一样,只是中国瓷器的诸多品种之一,而不会成为主流,更不会成为中国瓷器的代表。由此可见,青花瓷崛起是郑和航海时代技术创新与文化交融的硕果,中外交往的繁盛在推动文明大交融的同时,也推动了生产技术与文化艺术的创新发展。 A.航海历程推动了青花瓷的发展 B.郑航下西洋使得青花瓷发展到鼎盛 C.中外交流的繁多也推动了科技和文化的创新 D.中外交往的增多推动了文明的大融合 【答案】 CCM3O8B10E5V10D2S2HS2W7W4Z2F4X1E6ZA10G4M9T5E7U4O2 15、Passage 4 A.the visit to the United Kingdom was amazing B.Kieran has made great progress in many aspects C.the youth have found a way to solve their problems D.the mentoring sessions are held every day except Friday 【答案】 BCU3W10H8I6A2N4G5HM1J9W7C8P4T8T10ZM7X2C3M6E10I5U4 16、货币市场工具一般具有期限短、流动性强、对利率敏感等特点,有()之誉。 A.货币 B.票据 C.基础货币 D.准货币 【答案】 DCQ1Q5J4P10R7Z8C9HD3F10K5P3C4L2C5ZQ8F8E6S1U10P5R2 17、Passage3 A.are cooked with the powder of some plants B.have fufu in them C.are too hard to eat D.are very hard 【答案】 DCT4G2H10D7L1B5M5HK2M1P4H9B2J3M2ZU8C7H9E2M10T5J9 18、假定当前汇率1美元兑换人民币6元,1欧元兑换人民币8元,那么1欧元兑换美元的汇率是(  )。 A.1.33 B.0.75 C.1.16 D.1.13 【答案】 ACP3R3M2U10A7Z2C4HT9G5W6H7C9E10K2ZA1M8J4Z4O5O1M3 19、中华民国成立,清王朝统治覆灭是在( )。 A.1911 年 12 月 B.1912 年元旦 C.1912 年 2 月 D.1912 年 3 月 【答案】 BCE10I5F5C5E2R4W10HE2C5H4A9K6Q6B10ZR5X2O1I10V5F10R10 20、As the old empires were broken up and new states were formed,new official tongues began to_at an increasing rate. A.bring up B.build up C.spring up D.strik

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