
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、(  ),he is appointed as the manager. A.Be a man ever so young B.So young as a man ever is C.No matter he is young D.A man ever so young 【答案】 ACV1Z8C8I7J10W5A8HC8A10C2J1Q5C6I3ZI4X9H2J1N7P2Y7 2、计算机的存储系统通常包括(  )。 A.内存储器和外存储器 B.软盘和硬盘 C.ROM和RAM D.内存和硬盘 【答案】 ACQ5Q4Y4H8G5Q1T3HP3L7Q3O10O6L3N7ZF6I7S8V1X8G1P5 3、资料:China's Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent of Millennium BCP, Portugal's largest listed bank, and potentially lift its stake to 30 percent, following a having in its share price in the year to date. A.?197.3 million B.?240.7 million C.?438 million D.?43.4 million 【答案】 CCQ10V9X7U10U5I10C8HO6M5W10K5V1Z1S4ZZ7O4D1Z4L10F10G10 4、This well established leader in Worldwide Aviation Training is able to give you the best ______ training that meets your training needs, your budget and your time. A.most B.possible C.kind D.better 【答案】 BCI10F4F9L4R5C10K1HK8Z2K2O9C7M9V4ZP7M4C9W9B8Z6J4 5、A new power station was set ______ in my hometown. A.up B.out C.about D.forth 【答案】 ACK8P2H6X1K7W2X4HC2B4K5B5X4J2D10ZD8K2M1V8O6O4P7 6、April fifteenth represents a special date for people in USA. But it is ________ holiday. A.not B.no C.neithe D.nor 【答案】 BCQ9S1L7N7G6H10W10HA5X6R8C4K6A10Q7ZL10S10K9V5T1T6B5 7、大气中的臭氧层能够保护地球上的生物,这主要是因为臭氧层可以( )。 A.释放出大量氧气 B.滤除大量紫外线 C.屏蔽太阳的辐射 D.吸收大量二氧化碳 【答案】 BCT3R9Z3R10S2O7J2HF7V5D8U9X9D4E6ZD3W1T2K9B4Z7Z5 8、资料:Children back at school, nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable. The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets, there's a whiff of uncertainty in the air. Bond yields are up from their lows, and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset, anywhere, with some yield, is slowing. A.After Britain leaving the E.U the investment decision of investors has been affected B.After Britain leaving the E.U, the value of the pound will be seen weakened further C.After Britain leaving the E.U, the fed takes this opportunity to raise the rate D.After Britain leaving the E.U, the Bank of England has already cut policy rates to 0.25% 【答案】 ACD7D7O10Q2L3Y8U3HR4Q9O8Z2W1M2I9ZW2T5C4C7F1Z6E8 9、趋同适应是指亲缘关系相当疏远的不同种类的生物,由于长期生活在相同或相似的环境中,接受同样生态环境选择,在外貌形态、内部结构、生活特点、生理特征及发育等多方面表现出相似性,具有相同或相近的形态。 A.在同一片森林的地被层和草本层中,栖息着两栖类、爬行类等动物;在森林的下层——灌木林和幼林中,栖息着莺、苇莺和花鼠等;在森林的中层栖息着山雀、啄木鸟、松鼠和貂等;而在树冠层则栖息着柳莺、交嘴和戴菊等。 B.哺乳类的鲸、海豚、海象、海豹,鱼类的鲨鱼,它们在亲缘关系上相距甚远,但都长期生活在海洋中,整个身躯形成为适于游泳的纺锤形。 C.沙漠植物都是肉质叶或者茎,雨淋植物都是宽叶而寒带植物多是针叶。 D.蝙蝠、翼龙、鸟类为了飞翔,将前肢进化成强有力的翅。 【答案】 ACY9H5V7Y3F6U6R6HV5K4U4T8R7V3X3ZM3V6G1U8D3I8Q10 10、资料:Directions : There is 1 passage in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices , You should decide on the best choice. A.It is a whole new technique Apple Inc. applied on iPhone X B.It has started a revolution in computer-vision industry C.It has a problem of revocation D.It has embedded security mechanisms to secure the data on the phone 【答案】 BCA4Q6O7J2M5M9M3HQ1M1V9P7U10E3S10ZZ1E2S2W3K3O3C5 11、资料:Earlier this month, presidents Barack Obama of the US and Xi Jinping of China made an important symbolic gesture when they committed their countries, the two largest greenhouse gas emitters, to the Paris climate agreement. It was the clearest signal yet to investors worldwide that they need to think about the implications of global warming for their portfolios. A.The companies that carry out the project B.Environmental campaigners C.North Dakota oil producers D.Consumers 【答案】 BCH4Q6Q8Y2U8M3S7HR2F8U5F6X6O3K3ZV1X2K2D3F4J5Y3 12、In the booming city of Rio de Janeiro,a luxury hotel______trash into treasure for more than a decade,long before food waste was at the forefront of anyone’s mind。 A.had been turning B.has been turning C.was turning D.is turning 【答案】 ACN1X8L7Y4Z10M3S7HO1G2C3L10O9V7W5ZW10C7I1F1N9A7O3 13、从( )起北美自由贸易区开始运转。 A.1998年5月1日 B.1989年1月1日 C.1992年12月7日 D.1994年1月1日 【答案】 DCT7A4L7X9B9F9I6HU5C4R3A1U2F7B9ZC4N6G2E10F3T8C7 14、Passage2 A.The waves would move him backwards B.The water would choke him C.He would immediately sink to the bottom D.He would be exhausted or unconscious 【答案】 DCS8J3V3G3P4C1Q6HQ8J1I10F5T10O5Z8ZF9C7V7Y7Z3R10Z3 15、When a governing body is formed,____qualifications for guides will be sure to follow. A.average B.standardized C.typical D.indoor 【答案】 BCI10Q5V1P3M10K10Z3HE10R6H10R9J7T7B2ZO6Z3H1O9D1S4A7 16、亚当斯密在《国富论》当中,谈到的主要经济理论是(  )。 A.古典经济理论 B.分配理论 C.比较优势理论 D.绝对优势理论 【答案】 DCL3Q3P2O3U4U6I8HL5O7W1E3Z1D1Z5ZB5H1G9B7H4J6S10 17、He was determined that his children(  )to the best school. A.should go B.went C.ought to go D.would go 【答案】 ACV5F10F1Q4V2R5S2HH2Q5N4Z9Y5N5X6ZV5H9Y1W9R3M2T9 18、( )会增加失业。 A.退休工人的数量增加 B.退休劳动力队伍的人数增加 C.离开学校找工作的人数增加 D.离开工作上学的人数增加 【答案】 CCB8C10M10A2B8G10T10HA6A4V10U2C8O4N3ZM3B6X8G1W6U8S4 19、新中国成立以来被国家授予第一个特等发明奖的科学家是( )。 A.钱学森 B.李四光 C.邓稼先 D.袁隆平 【答案】 DCZ5J9V8T10L1E9K1HP9U6V10V1C3Z3T10ZN3S

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