
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. A.psychologist B.behaviorist C.writer D.sociologist 【答案】 ACO3N2K2S8O4G7J10HT5S2A7W7H7C10I2ZO6R6C2B1C4I10W3 2、某企业2011年3月发生了如下经济业务:①预付下季度房租20000元;②收到3月份 销售商品货款25000元,款项已存入银行;③购买1000元的办公用品,④预收购货方 定金12000元,货物尚未发送。以权责发生制为核算基础时,3月份的收支净额为 ( )元。 A.24000 B.16000 C.4000 D.36000 【答案】 ACW8G6N4M7W9Y5Z2HA9P5V10B5V10H10D2ZN2Q5G2J1P9P5N6 3、一般而言,物价水平年平均上涨率不超过2%~3%的是( )。 A.爬行通货膨胀 B.温和通货膨胀 C.恶性通货膨胀 D.奔腾式通货膨胀 【答案】 ACE5N9S8G9F5A6Z9HT3C4G5P5U6G10X9ZK8N2A3Q6M9A4V8 4、同时同地,一根长1米的标杆的影长0.6米,一名修理工要爬至48米高的电视塔上修理设备,他竖直方向爬行的速度为0.4米/秒,则此人的影子移动的速度为(  )米每秒。 A.0.56 B.0.24 C.0.48 D.0.36 【答案】 BCL3A1P8L6D4W8E9HG7Z10G10H4R7J1S3ZP6X2X2H4J1B10L2 5、下列句子中语句排列最连贯的一项是(  )。 A.(4)(5)(3)(1)(2) B.(5)(4)(2)(1)(3) C.(5)(3)(4)(1)(2) D.(4)(1)(2)(3)(5) 【答案】 BCV8L4E4F9T9W4D10HE8S1E8L9C5M1X5ZF3L1O7Y3X6I5R5 6、商业银行的贷款,按照贷款保全方式可分为( )。 A.长期贷款和短期贷款 B.信用贷款和担保贷款 C.企业贷款和个人贷款 D.正常贷款和关注贷款 【答案】 BCT4G4F7C6C4E6O7HA8W9T9G7A5T3R9ZL7I7P1D4E4E5N2 7、Mobiles are considered cultural tools that are A.transferring B.transforming C.transplanting D.transmitting 【答案】 DCN9M8X8E9B8O3Q5HJ2W2B5Q8Y9D5N4ZM9M5Y4C1Q10I4S6 8、Passage 5 A.brought about a rapid growth of industry and farming in the west B.attracted many visitors to the construction sites C.attracted laborers from Europe D.encouraged people to travel all over the country 【答案】 ACP1L10N7C10P4Y1R6HN10W9H9B10S4D4O8ZJ10N7Y3M7N1P8Q3 9、资料:China's Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent of Millennium BCP, Portugal's largest listed bank, and potentially lift its stake to 30 percent, following a having in its share price in the year to date. A.?0.03 B.?0.02 C.?0.05 D.?0.025 【答案】 ACU7Z6S3S10F6M3U5HG10A7K5U2I1A5M9ZQ7O8B8M1F9P4H5 10、I hear many parents saying that their teenage children are rebellion.I wish it were so.At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own two feet.But take a good look at the present rebellion.It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they degree with their parents.Instead of striking out bravely on their own,most of them are trying to seize at one another’s hands for safety. A.readers how to be popular in the world B.parents how to control and guide their children C.teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves D.people how to understand and respect each other 【答案】 CCN6S2R8E9K5O1W2HI6U5B6S10E2D3U5ZT2L5L10O10Q9N1J1 11、Under no circumstances______without looking carefully to the rear. A.should one back up a motor vehicle B.a motor vehicle should back up C.one should back up a motor vehicle D.should back up a motor vehicle 【答案】 ACX6T10N3T1A5W6L1HX2U9H7X10E5E1Q1ZJ3H1J9O8Q5X3C7 12、Traditionally young Asians in Britain have ______ towards medicine, law and engineering. A.gravitated B.gravitating C.been gravitated D.to gravitate 【答案】 ACG9P7Z5X7P10A10U8HU3Q8M9V3S4Q6F5ZE1N10E6E3W6P7D7 13、《中华人民共和国土地改革法》规定土地改革的根本目的是(  )。 A.废除封建剥削的土地制度 B.实行农民的土地所有制 C.解放农村生产力,为工业化开辟道路 D.实行耕者有其田的土地制度 【答案】 CCO7Q7C4H4P3R8H5HH7M2V8M8H9W8W5ZC8A6F2I9H7C6Q1 14、目前,我国金融债券的发行主体是( )。 A.财政部 B.中国人民银行 C.商业银行 D.政策性银行 【答案】 DCO10C8G1W2J5T4D5HD2O4N2P7B9J4Z9ZK1Y2G5Z9G5G4V5 15、These small companies now have their own ______ identity. A.discreet B.discrete C.separated D.isolated 【答案】 BCP8E8I5S9E9K7A7HA6F6V1T9P1J8Z5ZN5E6T4A3R9H5M6 16、关于X理论和Y理论,下列说法中正确的有(  )。 A.只有(1)和(2) B.只有(1)和(3) C.只有(2)和(3) D.三项观点都正确 【答案】 DCZ2T3D2V4N6N4U8HS9G2F10O4F2P7J8ZY3F3U5S5H6G3R10 17、1912年(  )写出第一本以“Marketing”命名的教科书,被认为是市场营销学作为一门独立学科出现的标志。 A.鲍敦 B.菲利普·科特勒。 C.彼得·杜拉克 D.赫杰特齐 【答案】 DCP4L2Y4P1W5B1F4HD8S7F1D4T8F10R4ZP6R3J2R3C9A8J1 18、提出“复杂人”假设的是(  )。 A.哈罗德·孔茨 B.亨利·法约尔 C.埃德加·沙因 D.弗雷德里克·泰勒 【答案】 CCZ3T7H3Z10K6J10M5HU7C7L4A7J10D8R5ZZ8N4Z4B4Y6F9C8 19、一般均衡经济理论中,商品的供给和需求依赖于经济体中(  )的价格。 A.所有其他商品 B.技术研发 C.单一商品 D.相关商品 【答案】 ACA8L7K4S1Q7Y2Q7HZ1W3H10R5L5M7U6ZE3S2K8G8K4Y7W10 20、下列哪项权利属于公民基本权利中的政治权利和自由?( ) A.言论自由 B.宗教信仰自由 C.批评建议权 D.平等权 【答案】 ACT1K9Z1Q3X9J8U7HD7S2G3C5Y10L10H3ZU7K5U2Y9D6C10I3 21、根据我国法律规定,我国货币政策目标是(  )。 A.保持货币币值稳定,并以此促进经济增长 B.调控货币供应,促进经济社会发展 C.提高货币使用效率,改善民众生活 D.加强人民币流动管理,促进人民币的国际流通 【答案】 ACQ6V3I4I9G9S8T4HD5T2N10D2E7A4L2ZT10D7N8L8I3L6A9 22、A公司于10月20日向B公司发出一项要约,欲向其购买材料一批,第二天因为发生安全事故公司停产,便想反悔,10月23日发出撤回通知。要约于10月26日到达B公司。27 日,B公司正在组织讨论是否应该接受这个要约的时候,撤回通知到达。则( )。 A.要约有效,撤回通知后于要约到达,未被撤回 B.要约有效,要约未被撤销 C.要约无效,要约已被撤回 D.要约生效,要约已被撤销 【答案】 DCM1Q6B4O3G8A2K6HR2K10J5C3H10D5D3ZZ5I5U8T5A7U3B2 23、资料:(一) A.a form of gambling B.a way of making money quickly C.useful and necessary D.old-fashioned 【答案】 CCX5R8I10G10F2H3Q8HV7S3A7B3D2J3R8ZC6A10I5U9J3B3T10 24、For the new

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