
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、Which of the following is true of the squirrel bridge?__________ A.It was replaced by a longer one B.It was built from wood and metal C.it was rebuilt after years of use D.It was designed by Bill Hutch 【答案】 CCQ3T6A4B2P3L1F5HJ8H4T2E7O3A2Z2ZS7X10B1L1N10J10O9 2、某工厂男女职工比例原为19:12,后来新加入一些女职工,使得男女比例变为20:13,后来又加入了若干男职工,此时男女比例变为30:19。若最终加入的男职工比女职工多3人。那么最终工厂有(  )人。 A.686 B.637 C.720 D.764 【答案】 BCB7F1A7N4D10C7C1HS5Y10I2K6W10R1K9ZZ6R6J6B4Z4F9K2 3、下列氧化还原反应不会对人类的生活、生产造成危害的是( )。 A.金属生锈 B.物质变质 C.生产漂白粉 D.易燃物自燃 【答案】 CCV5F2G9M9R5L9Z8HW8W10J1F5M4E3W9ZS1A7O2P1T8R8Z5 4、下列说法中错误的是( )。 A.垄断市场的销售量比完全竞争市场高 B.垄断造成巨大的福利损失 C.垄断产生规模经济 D.垄断必须以法律形式予以禁止 【答案】 ACV3O10P10K10L2G10K1HT7Y8D7O7C3X5R6ZQ7E2C4U1F1N4Y3 5、Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies. Not all of these 51are the friendly, people-loving charac-ters that appear in Disney films, and in some folktales they are52and cause much human suf-fering. This is true in the tales about the Changeling. These tell the story of a mother whose ba-by grows 53and pale and has changed so much that it is almost54to the parents. It wasthen55that the fairies had come and stolen the baby away and56the human baby with afairy Changeling. There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over thebaby's head while he slept or covering him with some of his father's clothes were just two of therecommended57. However, hope was not lost even if the baby had been58. In those casesthere was often a way to get the 59baby back. You could60the Changeling on the fire--then it would rise up the chimney, and you would hear the sound of fairies' laughter and soon af-ter you would find your own child safe and sound nearby. A.babies B.fairies C.believers D.supermen 【答案】 BCI3B4G6H10Z1W1E6HX9Y3R4A5L9S2R5ZO7U6V8I8N4F4P5 6、某高校对一些学生进行问卷调查。在接受调查的学生中。准备参加注册会计师考试的有63人,准备参加英语六级的有89人,准备参加计算机考试的有47人。三种考试都准备参加的有24人。准备选择两种考试都参加的有46人,不参加其中任何一种考试的共15人。问接受调查的学生共有()人。[云南省农村信用社真题] A.120 B.144 C.177 D.192 【答案】 ACW5T9F4V10Q10L6U3HN4P8R1X1P1S2I9ZG4Y3H3Q2P5W1B5 7、The Bridgeport Revitalization Committee (BRC) A.He is a member of the BRC B.He works for Denise LeBaron C.B. He works for Denise LeBaron.C He lives between First Avenue and Lincoln Way D.He is on the board of the Roger Coopers Foundation 【答案】 ACS2X5D1T8L10U7O5HV5R5H6E3H7M1Q10ZT6U9G6O7V1C8C9 8、噪声,从物理性质上看,是由声源作无规则的非周期性振动而产生的,听起来有嘈杂、刺耳的感觉。从环境保护的角度看,人们把一切对生活和工作有妨碍的声音都算作噪声。噪声的危害性是多方面的。首先,噪声会影响身体健康,产生头痛、脑胀、耳鸣、眼花等症状,引起心律不齐、高血压、冠心病、消化不良、胃溃疡等疾病,严重时还会导致鼓膜破裂、双耳变聋、脑震荡、休克和死亡。其次,噪声对正常生活和工作产生干扰,噪声使人心烦意乱、注意力不集中,妨碍休息和睡眠。第三,特强噪声会损坏仪器设备和建筑结构,带来灾难性的破坏。例如,火箭和宇宙飞船的机械结构,在特强噪声作用下,会产生“声疲劳”,使材料或结构产生疲劳断裂;当超音速飞机在低空掠过时,引起的“隆隆声”相当于炸弹爆炸,会使门窗损坏、墙面开裂、屋顶掀翻、烟囱倒塌。据统计,在机械制造业中,近80%的事故和设备损伤与噪声、共振有关。 A.使材料产生疲劳断裂 B.造成设备损伤和生产事故 C.妨碍人休息和睡眠 D.干扰信号传输 【答案】 DCP10V1M2X2Y2H1B4HM2T3N5X8Q4X6J4ZP3N9H2H4B6E9C2 9、When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share. A.our exploration of London was a memorable gift to both of us B.we were unwilling to tear ourselves away from London C.our unpleasant feeling about London disappeared D.we parted with each other in London 【答案】 ACF1O8G5E2T2R5P8HP10D6R6X2K7Z10T3ZI3W8S1P6A5L4E7 10、The __________ that Bright Star Print offers to long-term employees help the company to attract the best production workers in the textile industry. A.controls B.interests C.benefits D.forces 【答案】 BCI2Z10X5B9X8X1H8HD6S4S8X8T1U9F8ZT3N3Q1X2R7C1E9 11、Which of the information should be entered on the form? A.Amount of money earned B.Name of employer C.Remittance method used D.Employee's company address 【答案】 ACU7M6L8J1A7G8H10HB3B7H1Z3V1F9O2ZV7A3K9S2A3M3P3 12、You are cordially invited to a formal_____being held in honor of the company's new vice president. A.receipt B.receiving C.receiver D.reception 【答案】 DCO10P9M5T2Y10L8D2HF5R3Y8Z2H3P6I7ZS2F6Y8H1F6S1X2 13、改革开放以来,我国《普通高等学校本科专业目录(2012年)》共经历了(  )次专业目录修订。 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 【答案】 DCH1S6H2E1W6I4V10HA6L2S3K1C9V5T6ZC3L6V9U3F3Q10H3 14、 2013年诺贝尔经济学奖获奖人之一的尤金·法玛以( )而著称。 A.提出有效市场假说 B.预言金融泡沫破裂 C.提出资产价格定价合理性的统计方法 D.完善随机对策理论 【答案】 ACJ4I7P5B9F3Z9W4HV4V8G9P7Z3E3J7ZV9Q9R10F2U7V5E7 15、法国巴黎当地时间2013年11月5 日 16时许(北京时间5日23时许),中国教育部副部长、中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会主任(  )当选联合国教科文组织第三十七届大会主席。 A.郝平 B.袁贵仁 C.周济 D.万钢 【答案】 ACZ3M7X8B7U2R3X9HG1D5C4E2X7Q8J6ZA10D8D1M9C8W8J10 16、签名效应是指当人们在纸上写上自己的名字时。大脑中的自我意识会加强,此时看到喜欢的东西,更容易把物品和自己联系起来,产生“这个东西真适合我”等想法,从而激发购买欲望。 A.快递公司坚持“先签字后验货”的做法 B.采取实名捐款的办法能够募捐到更多善款 C.中介公司要求租客在看房前签订《看房协议书》 D.手术前,患者被要求在《知情同意书》上签字 【答案】 CCJ4P2R3N2P2S10L7HG7Z2X3U9C5Y10A9ZD5V4F3Z5L10V10R7 17、9.19,4.27,5.35,2.43,(  )。 A.3.51 B.5.51 C.5.60 D.8.60 【答案】 BCR2X6H4D3L8D3Q7HT10O4E6P3W3K7U9ZZ6S7Y4C3A5A3Y1 1

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