
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、为刺激经济复苏,美国将把接近于零的联邦基金利率延续到( )年底。 A.2014 B.2015 C.2016 D.2017 【答案】 ACS6D2M1H5W2M1M3HG3U5U2J1Z8Z10X1ZP4R6T8O7J1Y3P4 2、资料:“I wouldn’t be here today if not for the generosity of strangers,” said Michael Moritz, while announcing a major donation to Oxford University. A former Time Magazine reporter, Mr. Moritz left journalism to become one of the most successful venture capitalists in Silicon Valley. Through Sequoia Capital, the firm he joined in 1986 and has led for many years, Mr. Moritz was an early investor in Google, Yahoo, PayPal and LinkedIn. His personal fortune is estimated at well over $1 billion. Oxford University announced last Wednesday that he and his wife, the novelist Harriet Heyman, donated £75 million, or $115 million, to fund a new scholarship program aimed at providing financial aid to students from low-income backgrounds. Behind the headlines about the size of the gift was a family story of immigration, education and a sense of obligation that transcended generations. A.showed how scholarship changed his family members’ life B.gave him the motive to study hard to be successful C.illustrated that his family emphasized on education very much D.proved that immigration family can also make great achievements 【答案】 ACS10L9L7X6W6Q7D2HY6A8N3O4G7I2B7ZO8K5V2J1H2X3J3 3、资料:Job Description A.Hardworking but taciturn B.Little knowledge of co-branded sponsored entertainment C.Experience with on-air promotion production D.With little post production experience 【答案】 CCZ2L2G5M6G10K1X2HN2B7L8U4I6Y7K9ZL3P2O8G3N1K6G5 4、______ and predictable increases in research funding will allow the United States to accomplish a great deal. A.Detained B.Sustained C.Remained D.Constrained 【答案】 BCA9Q2E4O6O9F8O9HE3H10A9G7K2E1A8ZR3K3O3R9S9N4B4 5、以下哪一组织形式不属于国际经济一体化组织?( ) A.自由贸易区 B.关税同盟 C.共同市场 D.北约 【答案】 DCI8I10Q4D1V4C2L10HX7T5Z2L3R10Q2T3ZZ9B2I8C4W2W1M5 6、If English means endless new words,difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Haven’t you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language? A.people who can speak two languages B.second language learners C.researchers on language learning D.active language learners 【答案】 ACB4A7H8R10A2F10V1HX10D2W4J6Y6I8J2ZE7V9U4B8K9L9T3 7、财政收支对货币供应量的最终影响,取决于( )。 A.财政结余 B.财政收支平衡 C.财政支出 D.财政收支状况及平衡方法 【答案】 DCT1M5K1V2E1Y6U5HL4I1S2R9B4Y3M6ZH2V8P4O9Y3A10R10 8、要求每个管理工作者必须从思想上明确:自己负责控制的对象是一个整体的动态系统,而不是一个个孤立分割的部分,应该从整体着眼对待部分,使部分服从整体。同时还应明确自己的位置,为更大的整体效益服务。这是( )。 A.人本原理 B.系统原理 C.动态原理 D.效益原理 【答案】 BCA10C8I4O2E6N6Y10HA3V2G10B6H3I9F4ZH10Y2N5U9S5P7M1 9、阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 A.assure B.confide C.ensure D.guarantee 【答案】 CCJ2S5C2O5E5R5L9HS1D3R1U8A4Z5X5ZK2G3M6N9W5V5K5 10、2019年5月30日,作为牵头簿记管理人和联席主承销商,中国银行协助(  )政府发行20亿元熊猫债券,期限3年,获得约63.3亿元认购,票面利率4.09%。其中,境内投资人占比51.5%,境外投资人占比48.5%。本期债券是(  )政府首次发行以人民币计价的国债,也是首个欧元区国家进入中国大陆市场发行“熊猫债”。 A.西班牙 B.意大利 C.德国 D.葡萄牙 【答案】 DCU8R3R9A5Q3G7N3HP6W5J7T6Z9S8V5ZN8B7X4F4B3H3F4 11、资料:Star Airways, Mumbai's dominant airline for the past five years, has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraft fleet with European-produced Skystream jets. Starting with an initial purchase of 90 jets, Star Airways expects the changeover to take a decade to complete. The new planes will enable the airline to expand its international routes as well as provide replacements for its aging fleet of jet planes. Star Airways and Skystream, in a joint announcement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday, said that the order included seventeen of the new AWB85O aircraft. This will make Star Airways the first Indian carrier to fly the AWB850, an aim it has had since the powerful jets were first produced. A.To report on the merger of two airlines B.To inform investors of updated project plans C.To announce a new business agreement D.To describe recent renovations at an airport 【答案】 CCR8W5F1N5X6E4A3HK2G9S2J6F8I9Z6ZZ6Z7G2S7H2I3N1 12、 按照贷款是否有担保,贷款可以分为(  )。 A.担保贷款、票据贴现 B.信用贷款、担保贷款 C.信用贷款、票据贴现 D.非抵押贷款、抵押贷款 【答案】 DCI8D7J7H10N10O2W7HP9Q2T9J2M1N10G8ZP5J4U9T2G6A3X10 13、根据我国法律规定,对于两个以上的申请人分别就同样的发明创造申请专利的,实行的原 则为( )。 A.使用在先 B.完成在先 C.申请在先 D.按照本人的技术职称高低 【答案】 CCM3T3C6Y2J5D10P9HB10D7C5M6T10F7X6ZA3E8Z5Y5J9S4W4 14、下列名画按创作时间排序正确的是(  )。 A.①②③④ B.②①④③ C.③④①② D.④①③② 【答案】 CCG10Y4E2A5Z8I4K10HC1Z10V6K10M2T1C7ZZ3N3I8E3X1X10X5 15、资料:It's so common to hear people say, “I’m stressed out,” almost as a badge of honor, as if this is a symptom only of our fast-paced modern life. But in her book, “Exhaustion: A History,”Anna Katharina Schaffner writes that the syndrome of mental exhaustion has existed almost since the beginning of human history. A.A historical view was presented to prove that way of life nowadays is more harmful to human wellbeing than those inthe past B.A historical view supports the idea that current states of exhaustion are quite common in western countries C.A historical view challenges the idea th

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