
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、A joke which was funny to American people might seem ______ to Chinese. A.defense B.fence C.offense D.intense 【答案】 DCB1O7J1R5M6U4F2HZ6R3R8J8J2Y2M6ZL2W6P1B10J6Q10Y3 2、资料:When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturer's claims, the first step is to present the warranty, or any other records which might help. at the store of purchase. In most cases,this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer's favor, assuming he or she has a just claim. A.To ask for help from the shop assistants B.To show the written promise by the company C.To post it online D.To complain to the company 【答案】 BCY9G5T6F4M7X8R8HX10Y8L6N1I5Q5P2ZW6M8Z2C1D7W3M3 3、债券本期收益率的计算公式是( )。 A.票面收益/市场价格 B.票面收益/债券面值 C.(出售价格一购买价格)/市场价格 D.(出售价格一购买价格)/债券面值 【答案】 ACT3S5R8P8S4U10U8HN4G1P6C10O9A9J10ZX8C6C9K2R10R8D9 4、If you want children to work hard,you must(  )their interests more. A.look up to B.look into C.give rise to D.go in for 【答案】 BCE4C1U2Q8C9F1L5HW5Y5Q3F5R3Y5S2ZW1X10V2I5L6O8Z9 5、以下不属于金融衍生品的是(  )。 A.股票 B.远期 C.期货 D.期权 【答案】 ACP4M9G5P9W9G2L4HJ10S2Y3V1M2P3J5ZL1R4K10U1S6Q3E1 6、At the meeting, the manager talked ______about the need for better attendance and punctuality. A.briefly B.briefing C.shortly D.shorts 【答案】 ACH1E5M5E4R10E10G2HU7K9D10Z2G6F7W1ZG1J10X2J10N6S10C10 7、资料:American Airlines CEO takes blame for maintenance errors, disrupted flights A.American Airlines is trying to meet the FAA regulations B.American Airlines is canceling 570 flights today C.American Airlines is blaming its CEO Gerard Arpey D.American Airlines is making internal inspections 【答案】 ACG4H10H2N1T9L4U6HW2H9B4S8R9M5R9ZF7T6L4G5C8D3Q8 8、按照法律规定,职工累计工作已满1年不满10年的,可享受带薪年休假(  )。 A.1天 B.5天 C.10天 D.15天 【答案】 BCK9H8X6A2W2I2B9HT8A2V8P5F4O7Y8ZX10F7Q8H4I1L10B7 9、资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices , more users are implementing security measures for their devices, according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and commissioned by the CTIA. A.Developers and device manufacturers are becoming more aware of security features B.Lack of security features could result in negative consumer attitudes C.Smartphone users are becoming more aware of security features D.Smartphone users are becoming more aware of government surveillance 【答案】 CCC6P9M10P5Y10J2K9HH5J6N1V9Q10P6K4ZQ9I7S6D8H1G10O4 10、资料:As a business owner, it is vital that you understand and use advanced technologies. Technology can help increase business efficiency and even expand operations. A.The Age of Advanced Technology B.How to be a Good Business Owner C.Using Technology to Stay Competitive D.The Convenience of Technology 【答案】 CCV1E1T4P5K10I7C4HQ6I2X2F8C10G7Q10ZI1Q5O6E10G5E1Y5 11、若信道的复用是以信息在一帧中的时间位置(时隙)来区分,不需要另外的信息头来标志信息的身份,则这种复用方式为(  )。 A.异步时分复用 B.频分多路复用 C.同步时分复用 D.以上均不对 【答案】 CCI10M7F2T7X8I10J1HK7R6Z1Z10B10M5Z6ZT3U5K1C4I5X6J8 12、电脑以其卓越的性能,可以代替人们完成复杂而繁重的某些工作。如两名美国科学家用电脑做完了200亿个逻辑判断,终于证明了“四色定理”。这一事实说明()。 A.电脑能模拟人脑的思维 B.电脑的思维将指挥人脑的思维 C.电脑的思维将超越人脑的思维 D.电脑的思维能完全代替人脑的思维 【答案】 ACM4T3X9E8F9R2J8HI3N10K1P2T10U10X6ZH1P5K4P10P4I4J7 13、2011年4月14日,( )加入金砖国家以来,该国总统首次以“金砖国家”成员国的身 份参加金砖国家集团第三次首脑会议。 A.南非 B.印度 C.俄罗斯 D.巴西 【答案】 ACO2T7Q5S7V7I6I1HW6R3C7L8W1M1D2ZZ7J9I4T1B1Z9D7 14、 (  )可以为企业筹集自有资金。 A.内部积累 B.融资租赁 C.发行债券 D.向银行借款 【答案】 ACR8I4Y9M1A1R8C4HU2I1Z10J3U6P8W4ZH9W3Z7U6L3E7L2 15、2013年9月7日,( )击败西班牙马德里和土耳其伊斯坦布尔,最终成为2020年夏 季奥林匹克运动会的举办城市。 A.巴西里约热内卢 B.美届芝加哥 C.日本东京 D.阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯 【答案】 CCU1K9O5J1R6Y10G10HM2E3J2Q4K5R3Q5ZQ7L4K5T1U9Z10A6 16、资料:(一) A.a form of gambling B.a way of making money quickly C.useful and necessary D.old-fashioned 【答案】 CCW2D4G10N9R2Y9V9HL5E1B4A2D3X8C2ZK7R1L2X9A2Y4R2 17、资料:Seeking to end a stalemate in negotiations over her country’s withdrawal from the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc during a two-year transition period immediately after the country’s exit. A.To demonstrate her resolve to divorce Britain from EU B.To pave the way for dialogues and negotiations with EU on Brexit C.To comfort the sentiment of British people D.To end the division between her cabinet and the Conservative Party 【答案】 BCZ1V6M7B9T4O2W9HF4M8E8U1K9E6V7ZM3B7Q5D8W9B7K5 18、This documentary is particularly compelling:______with previously unseen footage and interviews with Houston's closest confidants. A.deplete B.depleted C.replete D.repleted 【答案】 DCE10L5S6K6V4F4R2HS4R8E5W10O5E9C10ZE5L3U1J8Y2H2I6 19、当某一社会处于经济周期的萧条阶段时(  )。 A.经济的生产能力增加,因而存货增加 B.总需求逐渐增长 C.总需求少于总供给 D.总需求超过总供给 【答案】 CCZ6R9Y2M3K7V2F3

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