
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、资料:The soybean prices ended higher this Monday as traders expect supplies to remain tight. A.It’s not worth noticing B.It will rise 15 percent C.It’s still uncertain D.It will be razor-thin 【答案】 DCO1L5O9G5J2N8E3HT1C3X2O5N3A9V7ZC7J6J6K6B5V5H1 2、Are you going on a picnic this weekend or ______weekend? A.the next B.later C.next D.the later 【答案】 CCE6N6O6D8Q4K9G7HH4D5O7X4X3K8A6ZD3I8P3W8L5F10Z6 3、小王开车上班,原计划按均速50千米/小时的速度可准时到单位,由于堵车,在行驶到2/3的路程时,他发现之前均速只有40千米/小时,如果他不想上班迟到,余下的路程他至少要达到均速(  )千米/小时。 A.60 B.80 C.100 D.120 【答案】 BCN5D7L2E6V10W8X9HU4E4H10J6M3J3M4ZP2O5Q3B7V4B7O9 4、90年来经过数代考古工作者的不懈努力,三星堆考古取得了举世瞩目的成就。三星堆的发现与发掘深刻影响了巴蜀考古和巴蜀文化研究,并与四川及中国考古事业的发展息息相关。同时,三星堆遗址被称为20世纪人类最伟大的考古发现之一,昭示了长江流域与黄河流域一样,同属中华文明的母体。 A.三星堆是人类最伟大考古发现之一。 B.三星堆考古的重大意义。 C.考古工作者的工作虽然枯燥,但意义最大。 D.长江流域与黄河流域同样是中华文明的发源地 【答案】 BCT5U2A5N7C1Q3T9HM7E9G3Z10Q4Z2R8ZF3H10I9K10P2C7M4 5、___ some mistakes, I failed to get the promotion. A.Because B.Owing to C.For the sake of D.Thanks to 【答案】 BCF4H1G6G4W10E8E5HC9V1C1V1Y5B4A7ZV7F6C3E7S3X3D1 6、This well established leader in Worldwide Aviation Training is able to give you the best ______ training that meets your training needs, your budget and your time. A.most B.possible C.kind D.better 【答案】 BCF3Z5G9K10R2Y5F4HR2A6U7V4M9I6Y3ZF8U5B3Q5G7C2K8 7、甲在2016年1月1日当着两个儿子的面立了一份口头遗嘱,2016年2月18日,大儿子为稳妥起见,将遗嘱内容以书面形式记录下来,后因大儿子不孝,老人欲将所有财产都留给小儿子,于2016年7月9日重新以书面的形式更改了遗嘱内容。试问,甲去世后,哪份遗嘱可以生效(  ) A.口头遗嘱 B.2016年7月9日立的遗嘱 C.2016年2月18日立的书面遗嘱 D.以上都无效,按法律规定继承 【答案】 BCG3L7X1O5Y5K7T6HT8G6N7P2S2H2C9ZE8T7C10O6F4K10D4 8、Their happiness was very(  ). A.crisp B.brittle C.delicate D.fragile 【答案】 DCO8V7O7A2O7B5C9HA9O9C6R4C8Y9X6ZV2E9T1I6Z3Z7T2 9、“三网”融合中的“三网”不包括( )。 A.电信网 B.广播电视网 C.互联网 D.卫星通信网 【答案】 DCU6C6L5F1Q8H9S2HW3S7Y1Y4M9E8I2ZZ6Q8U10K3R8M4Y1 10、资料:The increasing amount of personal information that can be collected by computer programs that track how people use Facebook has been revealed by an extensive academic study. A.the results of a study B.information from the Facebook C.the number of Facebook users D.personality types and emotional stability 【答案】 ACH2G8X6K8S4Q10J7HM9S3A7Z7V10X4Y1ZC6I9D7C2O10O9G9 11、当出租车租金价格上涨后,对公共汽车服务的()。 A.需求增加 B.需求减少 C.需求不变 D.需求可能增加,也可能减少 【答案】 ACL2T10A2B1P2B9Y8HH5H3C9Z3P1J3K8ZK9T3K3G7W2Y3S4 12、关注任务的完成及员工的服从,更多依靠奖励影响员工的绩效,这是(  )领导的主要特点。 A.交易型 B.改变型 C.魅力型 D.特质型 【答案】 ACY4L3S6A7K9M6X10HA1J10B2U7W3I7C1ZK6U10N4F7Y1I1X3 13、根据财务管理理论,企业在生产经营活动过程中客观存在的资金运动及其所体现的经济利益关系被称为()。 A.企业财务管理 B.企业财务活动 C.企业财务关系 D.企业财务 【答案】 DCH2N4Y10Q9J8M6C8HZ4O1J4F3K5E4X3ZB9S3I1I1B8U2I1 14、Food seems to have been ( ) in the local markets, even if the quality left much to be desired. A.available B.avoidable C.adorable D.advisable 【答案】 ACJ3I10S7S2X10Y4Y4HA4O7C2R8I2G1H9ZX10J5W2D2W7H9I8 15、______the farm subsidies, the built-in costs of growing crops have a bigger impact on the price of staples. A.Comparing with B.Compared with C.Compare with D.Compare within 【答案】 BCH2U3V10L6R5I2X7HY7L7L6A10L5N2J2ZC10T4I1Q6H8Y3B4 16、下列关于中国航天技术的说法,不正确的是(  )。 A.我国运载火箭均属于“长征”系列 B.中国现在已建成的航天器发射场有酒泉、西昌、西宁三处 C.中国于1970年成功发射了第一颗人造地球卫星“东方红一号” D.“嫦娥工程”是中国启动的第一个探月工程 【答案】 BCV8Q10M7P4M4G5D4HX10N6D7L4P4N4N9ZC1G10J5R9L7F8A7 17、典型的代用货币是(  )。 A.辅币 B.银行存款 C.银行券 D.现金 【答案】 CCY5Q4K2T9I5Y9W3HP10L8L10M1A6K8C6ZU5K9D4D5J9H10O9 18、 “应解汇款”属于( )类账户。 A.所有者权益 B.损益 C.资产 D.负债 【答案】 DCB7H2B3V4X1J4P5HM6X7S2H10F5X8K3ZJ5N10I10W10D3T9H1 19、资料:Memo A.She is the owner of a financial sevices company B.She has published several books C.She has experience running a business D.She teaches management courses at a university 【答案】 CCY1S4U10P5H2S2J10HH3O7I6Q4N9A8D2ZJ2J10I3J6S1K7W9 20、资料:Western business visitors are often deadline-driven and unwilling to slow down to the Chinese pace when discussing business. But in China the pace can be fast and slow simultaneously. A.Westerners may establish long term cooperation with one supplier B.Chinese panel tends to look for clear alternatives C.Chinese negotiator is illogical D.Westerners are straightforward in Chinese businessmen’ s eyes 【答案】 ACV5G9M6Z9Q7Y7B4HX6U1Y5L5I4W1E3ZW8P1K3I2S2A2Y7 21、下列不属于衍生工具的是(  )。 A.期货 B.股票 C.掉期 D.期权 【答案】 BCN9J8Y3L1N7C4M9HJ1B10H4S4A9P5D3ZC1P2S10Z2R10X7F4 22、资料:It is September of 1998, I’m sitting in a windowless office room inside the Office of the Independent Counsel underneath humming fluorescent lights. I'm listening to the sound of my voice on surreptitiously taped phone calls that a supposed friend had made the year before. For the past eight months, the mysterious content of these tapes has hung like the Sword of Damocles over my head. A few days later, the Star Report is released to Congress, and all of those tapes and transcripts, those stolen words, form a part of it. That people can read the transcripts is horrific enough, but a few weeks later, the audio tapes are aired on TV, and significant portions made available online. The pubic

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