
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、民间组织不是政治组织,但是具有一定的政治功能。政治的核心概念是权力,所谓政 治,乃是指权力的占有和使用。 A.民间组织必须在法律的范围内活动 B.民间组织的领导者也需要遵守纪律 C.民间组织的权力小于政府权力 D.权力的重点在使用而不是占有 【答案】 CCB10Z1U7P6S10B9W6HK7O3P8J7L10H8G4ZV10N10V2E2X2Y4T1 2、On which of the following statements would the author most probably agree? (  ) A.Democrats should reach an agreement in the face of Republican pressure B.Senator Reid should send the bill after Obama becomes president C.¥25 billion in loans should be solely used for updating factories D.The chance of passing the bill in January would be greater than now 【答案】 DCB1I9S10B2F3Y1K7HX8T6R2D1W10D6Z1ZH6D1W7H9E5W8Q10 3、老周、老吴、老郑、老王四人参加一次乒乓球比赛,获得比赛前四名。据了解,他们之间有以下关系: A.老郑、老周、老吴、老王 B.老王、老周、老郑、老吴 C.老王、老郑、老周、老吴 D.老郑、老王、老周、老吴 【答案】 ACM3X9M9W9G10L6J5HV5N1S6L7Q7Z1S2ZB1G3X10H9D5D10S3 4、 宏观经济调控体系中,直接调控实际上是一种( )调节。 A.超经济的强制性 B.强制性 C.经济杠杆 D.超经济 【答案】 ACA10N10D6Y7Z5M7P7HV8K5R2F3R10Y8Q5ZF9A8B7U2N3W4D5 5、小明家电热水器贮满了水。一天早晨,小明妈妈用去了 20%,小明的爸爸又用去18升,小 明用去了剩下水的10%,最后剩下的水只有贮存量的一半还少3升。小明家的电热水器 贮水量是( )升。 A.36 B.42 C.54 D.60 【答案】 DCA7M8E8M1X1I5F3HA6Z7M9K8G4A3B5ZW8J4M3H9F5N5J8 6、One reason why employees don't want to trade money for leisure is that__________. A.they don't want to be considered to be lazy B.they have to pay a lot of money for leisure C.their companies are lacking in employees D.they love their companies so much 【答案】 ACM4X8J9L10Y5K7L2HV1V2D3H10W1E10K8ZW6J4F1C4T6E1L4 7、近期,中国翰园碑林被中国书法家协会命名为全国首家“中国书法名园”,可以说是 ____,当之无愧。 A.众望所归 B.实至名归 C.人心所向 D.各得其所 【答案】 BCT5U2R9S6J6T3U1HQ4Z4G1B1P8X1V8ZG1L9A4O5P8G1Z3 8、Consumers appreciate that Reston Home Appliances offers a five-year full warranty on this particular__________. A.product B.productivity C.produce D.production 【答案】 ACS3L1F2A6C8E5C10HZ6W8K8E8C9E4W4ZH4J7P2V8O3Z7F7 9、电子现金是一种通过电子方式进行银行署名的数字信息。它同信用卡不一样,信用卡本身并不是货币,而只是一种转账手段,电子现金本身就是一种货币,可以直接用来购物。但它又和金币、纸币不一样,是一种没有物理实体的货币,需要通过数据的交换实现现金的功能。 A.电子现金,是一种可以直接用来购物的数字信息 B.电子现金,是由银行署名、以转账方式实现交换的货币 C.电子现金,是一种不具备物理属性的货币形态 D.电子现金,是与金币、纸币形态不同的数字货币 【答案】 ACF9Q8J9B8H2D1G3HF4D2V10I8Q7N7Z10ZW5L9D5I5H3B7A3 10、Which of the following is the tone of this essay? (  ) A.objective and detached B.piercing arid indifferent C.sarcastic and prejudice D.impassive and hostile 【答案】 ACG10D8W7W9Z1M2S3HA10D2S8G6J4C8P1ZI5A8Z1F6L10E1I5 11、中国农业银行的客服电话是(  )。 A.95566 B.95577 C.95588 D.95599 【答案】 DCG1F8X3B10X1A6R8HM1P10E7H2D7T5L10ZV5H5H5V7R9P3V1 12、Questions 115-117 refer to the following email. A.To ask a colleague for assistance B.To request funding for a project C.To share the results of a previous meeting D.To express appreciation for a coworker's help 【答案】 ACZ1A3R2H7E1R10G1HL3L10E2S3N10D4X9ZS10J10U1P8V1S8O9 13、The chapter on reimbursements in the employee handbook advises__________ to report any travel expenses to the financial department. A.our B.us C.we D.ourselves 【答案】 BCQ7H4L7B7B3R10E3HL9H6J9J6U2I5J7ZP8Q3P3O6U5Z8F5 14、国民收入核算中的五个总量中,PI 的意思是( )。 A.国民生产净值 B.个人可支配收入 C.国民收入 D.个人收入 【答案】 DCC2R4V2K2R6M3T4HS7B1Q2W7A9S3Y4ZO1D6K8C9P4E7M7 15、Crane(  )your report on increasing operational efficiency, and he is eager to talk to you about it on Monday. A.seen B.see C.has seen D.seeing 【答案】 CCI10B7X3G8V2S2R4HT1D2G5U6V2A8O9ZC4B1H8T2Y8X9N8 16、The small village is said __________ in a battle during World War ]]. A.to have been destroyed B.to be destroyed C.to destroyed D.to have destroyed 【答案】 ACX10N6V8E7W2J5M1HK7C10T2R10E2G2N10ZF8Y5B4Y10H7N7Z2 17、关于绩效计划的说法,错误的是( )。 A.绩效计划不仅包括组织对员工工作成果的期望,还包括对员工行为和技能的期望 B.绩效计划的制订是一个自上而下的过程,也是将组织绩效分解成个人绩效目标的过程 C.绩效计划是由上级主管制订的,员工无须参与计划制订的过程 D.绩效计划目标可以包括绩效目标和发展目标两类 【答案】 CCH8V8Z7Z1Q2X10R4HH9N2H6M5B7E1K6ZK6T10F1M4L8C5W7 18、2012年1~5月以下哪类地区房地产销售单价同比上涨比例最高?(  ) A.西部地区 B.东部地区 C.中部地区 D.全国地区总计 【答案】 CCS9Z7C1N10Q9H9Z9HQ5X2Y7F8S7R9K3ZY7J7G7N7Y10C3U6 19、货币可兑换程度主要取决于国家的(  )。 A.技术实力 B.经济实力 C.经济结构 D.政治政策 【答案】 BCE6U3Z4F3W9Z2B5HH10W4V3G5Y5B4B9ZU4Q5G4R9Z3F3K6 20、“书香门第”中的“书香”原意指( )。 A.书纸自然发出的清香 B.书籍的油墨味 C.书中夹香草发出的香气 D.读书人的自称 【答案】 CCQ9S7D2Z10B10N2G5HR3U5Y3H2B2R3C4ZJ5G6J2S3E6D7X10 21、Modern scientists divide the process of dying into two stages--clinical or temporary death and biological death. Clinical death occurs when the vital organs, such as the heart or lungs, have ceased to function, but have not suffered permanent damage. The organism can still be revived. Biological death occurs when changes in the organism lead to the disintegration of vital cells and tissues. Death is then irreversible and final. A.lasting damage to the lungs B.destruction of the tissues C.temporary non-functioning of the heart D.that the organism cannot be revived 【答案】 CCC7U10V5I8T10Z4I5HB7D7M8L2A5F3D7ZZ1L10I5M3E8S8W9 22、知政失者在草野,知屋漏者在宇下。民间不乏真知灼见之士,他们的声音往往能提供另外一个_____,给执政者以参考和启发。 A.思维 B.视野 C.视角 D.观点 【答案】 CCU1S4Q5C8E4Z6V10HR2K2J2X1F8F4J9ZM6R9O7V7H4U4E9 23、__________her time at the university, Dr. LeFleur built a solid reputation for leadership among both students and faculty. A.about B.upon C.during

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