
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、通常情况下,下列商业银行资产的流动性自高至低排序正确的是(  )。 A.(2)>(1)>(3)>(4) B.(1)>(2)>(3)>(4) C.(2)>(1)>(4)>(3) D.(1)>(2)>(4)>(3) 【答案】 DCW10S9S6U5P8D8R5HO8A4A9L10X10E7P10ZA3R9S6F3B8Z10S7 2、主动性在商业银行而不在中央银行的一般性货币政策工具是(  )。 A.存款准备金率政策 B.公开市场操作 C.再贴现政策 D.货款限额 【答案】 CCW8T8Q3Z7I10S6X7HZ9P6S2O9Q6W1I8ZE3W9W7B10T5D9Z6 3、下列关于计算机病毒认识不正确的是(  )。 A.计算机病毒是一种人为的破坏性程序 B.计算机被病毒感染后,只要用杀毒软件就能清除全部的病毒 C.计算机病毒能破坏引导系统和硬盘数据 D.计算机病毒也能通过下载文件或电子邮件传播 【答案】 BCI4A10T4C2O6P1Z9HO4O7J10M3Z7P5A7ZD2F5S3T2Z10P4K10 4、Players must not ____raise the ball from a hit except for a shot at goal. A.intentionally B.shyly C.timidly D.unwillingly 【答案】 ACM8F10U5N5U5R7A1HN4S4N5L5I3A7Z8ZG6L6K9U7A8O2D5 5、域名与IP地址通过(  )服务器相互转换。 A.DNS B.WWW C.E—mail D.FTP 【答案】 ACX7Z10W3R1E10V10P9HN5C9B5X5B4B5U9ZJ3E7N4L7Q1Y3I1 6、小明认为:由于今年气温比去年同期要高,因此今年的蚊虫要比去年更多。 A.高温天气有利于蚊虫繁殖 B.今年的蚊虫格外多 C.去年的蚊虫并不多 D.高温天气容易导致食物腐烂 【答案】 ACO5S2B2T9Z7Q1N5HW4L10R2C8D3Q4L7ZW8K9W7N8E2U1F2 7、She_as an animal trainer since2003. A.hasworked B.works C.willwork D.worked 【答案】 ACK5N3U4N5A1F1V6HG10Z9X3N4V1W2O5ZQ2W6H9Y5Y1K5E2 8、You can’t modernize____large external investments. A.from B.on C.without D.unless 【答案】 CCF2J3M9P6K9I4J4HQ2A1N3Z5I6E5N8ZY2Q6I1T9V10I4I6 9、Passage2 A.the uses of life preservers B.the design of life preservers C.the materials for life preservers D.the buoyancy of life preservers 【答案】 BCN5E9F10V2T2M4D8HG8Y5N9Q1A4Z3R5ZY8E1B2O10P8F7Y4 10、资料:Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. A.How to describe people’s personatities B.How to distinguish people’s faces C.How to distinguish people both inward and outward D.How to differ good people from bad people 【答案】 CCE3E7M2W6K9B6N2HK9J10V5B9S7C2F2ZX8M9W2F3F7F8L8 11、金融远期合约是一种(  )。 A.买卖标的资产的权利 B.一定时期内发生的一系列现金交易 C.在集中场所交易的标准化合约 D.无固定场所的非标准化合约 【答案】 DCC1O9E3R10S9E5Z3HS2N4F5H1J8K5J8ZA7J5V2W1Z9I2A4 12、 农村信用合作社注册资本金一般不少于人民币(  )。 A.500万元 B.300万元 C.200万元 D.100万元 【答案】 DCT6F9X10F7N9A2R1HZ7K8J10G1B1K2V2ZM9N8O7U4D5H2N6 13、按规定,我国商业银行附属资本最高不得超过(  )的100%。 A.运营资本 B.普通资本 C.实收资本 D.核心资本 【答案】 DCW1Y2G1M6N7J4H3HD7V5C1F6G3O4L4ZC9F5A6W2I10H2O2 14、The car industry has expanded at a(  )rate over the past ten years. A.rapidness B.rapidly C.rapidity D.rapid 【答案】 DCZ5P8J9D6E10F10Q1HT3F1J5R7K10J6O8ZZ5C6Y4O2W10R3F2 15、资料:It's almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shamel)on a Friday and simply not check your email until you return the office during normal working hours. A.They are inconsistent about the attitude toward after hour's emails B.They both push the employees to be available all the time C.They are consistent about the attitude towards after hour's emails D.They both don't mean to stress the employees out 【答案】 ACS7P4U6X7I3L9F5HV8Z9I9T4L1K5J3ZK7L2I7J9L9C10L10 16、Whats corrosion It’s a chemical(  )in which metal is transformed into salt and oxides. A.action B.react C.response D.reaction 【答案】 DCX1O8O5U7Q2Z3I5HE2L6P3Z7K7L10S6ZG2D4Y6R3M4I1A4 17、Starting with the______that there is life on the planet Mars, the scientist went on to develop his argument. A.foundation B.presentation C.premise D.pretext 【答案】 CCN10G5F5L2J9U8H7HQ10Q4R3A3X9H3F7ZV10W10C4C7E2J2D1 18、中国人民银行发布的2019年第三季度中国货币政策执行报告称,当前,中国仍实施常态货币政策。央行通过创新和完善宏观调控,运用多种货币政策工具,保持流动性合理充裕;加大货币政策逆周期调节力度,通过改善货币政策传导机制,落实金融对实体经济的支持。 A.央行从市场收回流动性的操作 B.央行向市场上投放流动性的操作 C.发行中央银行票据的操作 D.央行现券交易的操作 【答案】 BCY9I7C3C2J1U1I2HX5T4I5Z3O2V10O2ZZ4P1E5Y10M6N3N10 19、与零售业相比较,批发业具有自身的特点,以下表述不正确的是(  )。 A.批发业基本属于资本密集型行业 B.服务项目相对较少 C.平均每笔交易量少,交易次数频繁 D.批发业的商圈比较大 【答案】 CCS5C10V10M2E10R10V9HL5Z3K4S7Y9N1A10ZK9H1C7X5O7I8U2 20、I hear many parents saying that their teenage children are rebellion.I wish it were so.At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own two feet.But take a good look at the present rebellion.It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they degree with their parents.Instead of striking out bravely on their own,most of them are trying to seize at one another’s hands for safety. A.encouraged B.pessimistic C.depressed D.hard to tell 【答案】 ACO7E3J4T4S2N3X7HO4U4N4R1X3E4Z10ZC7P9E7O7R2P2C8 21、下列叙述中,正确的是( )。 A.高级语言编写的程序的可移植性差 B.机器语言就是汇编语言,无非是名称不同而巳 C.指令是由一串二进制数(0和1)组成的 D.由机器语言编写的程序可读性好 【答案】 CCO2D9F9Z1W8Y4Q7HD7I3A6W1B4W4A3ZT7L8N1L6Z4F9T2 22、 一般认为结算业务是一种(  )。 A.委托代理关系 B.债权债务关系 C.保管合同关系 D.以上说法都不对 【答案】 ACM10H3J2A2V10T2B4HF6R3S7F7Q1I7Y3ZY7L10Q5E1V3T8Y4 23、On an annual ( ), house prices in Scotland are now only 1% lower than they were a year ago, but they are 8% down in Northern Ireland. A.plan B.object C.found D.basis 【答案】 DCV4C8F8X6X8W

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