
《银行招聘》职业考试题库 一 , 单选题 (共200题,每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意) 1、After a long and difficult strike,the plant workers will show up to work______Monday. A.starting on B.afterwards C.instead D.outside 【答案】 ACX2N4S2X2A7U1K8HK9K1Z10W2J7C7Q2ZY8S8S5A3Z1Z6B3 2、In low and middle income countries, heart disease and cancer get much of the attention given to ______ diseases. A.sustained B.chronic C.permanent D.perpetual 【答案】 BCP3V7Y4F1W4U2Y2HN2M7B9W4U8A7T6ZO10Z4K1Z8K2X6S8 3、就业是最大的民生,保市场主体也是为稳就业保民生。各地加大稳岗扩岗激励力度,企业和员工共同克服困难。多渠道做好重点群体就业工作,支持大众创业万众创新带动就业。新增市场主体恢复快速增长,创造了大量就业岗位。2020年全年城镇新增就业1186万人,年末全国城镇调查失业率降到52%。生活必需品保供稳价,居民消费价格上涨25%。线上办公、网络购物、无接触配送等广泛开展。大幅度扩大失业保险保障范围。对因疫情遇困群众及时给予救助,新纳入低保、特困供养近600万人,实施临时救助超过800万人次。 A.4% B.5% C.6% D.7% 【答案】 BCY1I8T3Y10N6F7U9HQ5W6K7G1G9O2S3ZL3T3V6R3S1O2C10 4、宋朝著名的女词人在她的作品《醉花阴》中写道“东篱把酒黄昏后,有暗香盈袖,莫道不消魂,帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦。”请问这个女词人是(  )。 A.朱淑真 B.李清照 C.卓文君 D.花蕊夫人 【答案】 BCB4L5A7H10U9M6V9HO7N1Z1S1A2B3W6ZV7C5Y5E8D1F6A7 5、资料:China's Fosun has offered to buy almost 17 percent of Millennium BCP, Portugal's largest listed bank, and potentially lift its stake to 30 percent, following a having in its share price in the year to date. A.?0.03 B.?0.02 C.?0.05 D.?0.025 【答案】 ACY7U4C2L10L4D9Q8HM2F6Q4S6M9F1M10ZR10T10N4H4W8W1D6 6、______ and predictable increases in research funding will allow the United States to accomplish a great deal. A.Detained B.Sustained C.Remained D.Constrained 【答案】 BCM8N2T1E6N5E6E9HS3H4D8A1K5X10Z4ZF10T9X9E3T10D1X3 7、以动产作为抵押的,办理动产抵押时,向抵押人住所地的( )办理抵押登记。 A.工商行政管理部门 B.证券登记结算机构 C.信贷征信机构 D.财政管理部门 【答案】 ACR7J5D1S10P7W6P6HB3S3G9Q1S8T6Y1ZW9R3V8V5N6U5B10 8、资料:(四) A.Suspicious B.Objective C.Optimistic D.Critical 【答案】 BCV6Y9J8X2C3A1E6HA6D4T10K6U9Q7Q5ZO3R8F5D7N4W4N9 9、多媒体处理的信息是( )。 A.模拟信号 B.数字化信息 C.电视信息 D.网络信息 【答案】 BCD2C5A3Y4S4P9D10HJ4S6O6R2K1I4O1ZI3I10T6J2C4P1T1 10、I hear many parents saying that their teenage children are rebellion.I wish it were so.At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own two feet.But take a good look at the present rebellion.It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they degree with their parents.Instead of striking out bravely on their own,most of them are trying to seize at one another’s hands for safety. A.encouraged B.pessimistic C.depressed D.hard to tell 【答案】 ACO5Y5L7Q2S7O7R3HT3F6Y10L7M1R3W3ZI7U10Y10P2V5C7D10 11、______ATA-100, each page is identified by a three element number and a page number. A.According with B.In accordance with C.To D.In according to 【答案】 BCE8W5A8X6C4E7M9HI10X1N3P6X8S9D3ZF8B3J8W3M6B9A3 12、下列各项中不会引起其他货币资金发生变动的是(  )。 A.企业销售商品收到商业汇票 B.企业用银行本票购买办公用品 C.企业将款项汇往外地开立采购专业账户 D.企业为购买基金将资金存入在证券公司指定银行开立账户 【答案】 ACN7E10P2X7P1G7C1HI1E3S3W7A1W2K1ZB3Q1Z10W2L3O5A9 13、资料:Star Airways, Mumbai's dominant airline for the past five years, has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraft fleet with European-produced Skystream jets. Starting with an initial purchase of 90 jets, Star Airways expects the changeover to take a decade to complete. The new planes will enable the airline to expand its international routes as well as provide replacements for its aging fleet of jet planes. Star Airways and Skystream, in a joint announcement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday, said that the order included seventeen of the new AWB85O aircraft. This will make Star Airways the first Indian carrier to fly the AWB850, an aim it has had since the powerful jets were first produced. A.To increase its number of flight destinations B.To replace the older planes in its fleet C.To be among the first to use a new aircraft D.To relocate its international headquarters 【答案】 DCW4R3V5X4C2F8G6HX3O5Q5V7E4S6X7ZA10O7A5Y4X6X5G5 14、证券投资基金体现当事人之间的() A.产权关系 B.债权关系 C.保证关系 CO4H4Z4R5S5J9K9HH3D7D9C3Y7Z2A10ZX7U8K10F4L8E6T3 15、【答案】 C 16、平原是地球上最适宜人类居住的地貌,下列平原中,面积最大的是(  )。 A.西西伯利亚平原 B.华北平原 C.亚马孙平原 D.东欧平原 【答案】 CCP3R7M2T3E6M7F5HC4Y3S1P6J8D3Y6ZS2W1N9O4P1I7T5 17、金融创新就是( )。 A.在金融市场开展金融业务 B.金融体系与金融结构的变化 C.在金融领域内,各种要素实行新的组合 D.金融市场监管与金融发展关系的确定 【答案】 CCT1I1W10O3A3G2C3HN8C2I3M6Z2V10B10ZU8C5M1M7G10J2V3 18、商业利润的来源是(  )。 A.生产过程在流通中继续所创造的价值 B.产业工人创造的剩余价值 C.流通中发生的价值增值 D.流通领域中商品买和卖的差额 【答案】 BCT2P3J9P2L2O6P4HJ4I3F5S5J9L3K9ZA8Y1P4B9V6D1Z5 19、 犯罪的未遂可能发生在(  )。 A.犯罪着手以前 B.犯罪着手以后 C.犯罪预备阶段 D.犯罪中止之后 【答案】 BCC6S9K6S7Q8Z3Q8HS2J8H1V2J5I5I1ZA10Y8Z6E3H8L2I1 20、资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem. A.some people are too young to work in many industries B.some people are satisfied with the government welfare C.some people don’t have motion to work D.some people are not qualified to work 【答案】 BCU3Z2T7R3K2S10Q9HQ3X9H10W7U2S1X5ZP10Z10I4X8W2L7W1 21、《党政机关公文处理工作条例》规定的公文种类有(  )。 A.14种 B.13种 C.15种 D.17种 【答案】 CCY5Y7G6C2Z1C4H1HS

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