
江苏省2022年中考英语真题分题型分层汇编-04阅读理解 一、阅读单选 (2022·江苏淮安·中考真题) Can you imagine a world without insects? Without ants or flies in your house, it might sound great. However, the results may be out of imagination. The number of insects has dropped by half in the past few years, according to a British biologist Dave Coulson. You may think small insects are not important. But in fact they are the main part of the species(物种)on Earth. Insects are indeed on the way to extinction, according to the first review of insect population. The researchers say the main reason for this is the use of pesticides(杀虫剂)because they destroy insects’ living areas. Also, weather change is another important cause. “Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects will go down the way to extinction in a few years,” the researchers wrote in the review. “This will have huge influences on the planet’s ecosystem(生态系统).” We need insects to pollinate(授粉)crops. They also break down(分解)dead plants and animals, which can keep the soil healthy. Without insects, many animals would have nothing to eat and die of hunger. Then, the ecosystem would be off balance. “If the number of insect species keep dropping, this will have bad influences on both Earth’s ecosystem and the survival of us humans,” said one of the writers of the review. “The first step to stop this is to let more people understand the values of the natural world,” he suggests. “The best place to start is from our children, who should realize environmental protection from an early age.” 1.The underlined word “extinction” means “________”. A.pollution B.death C.harm D.protection 2.Paragraph 5 is mainly about ________. A.the reason for producing food B.the problem of animals and plants C.the way to keep soil healthy D.the importance of insects 3.From the passage, we can know ________. A.insects may destroy the balance of the ecosystem B.ants and flies are the main part of the species on Earth C.humans’ actions influence the number of insects D.weather change has little influence on insects (2022·江苏淮安·中考真题)Once a rich businessman gave his daughter a beautiful necklace. But later the necklace for the girl went missing. The businessman offered a reward of $50,000 for anyone who could find it. One day Robin was walking home along a dirty river. He saw something shining in the river. It was the diamond necklace! He decided to catch it so that he could get the reward. He put his hand in the dirty river and tried to catch the necklace, but somehow missed it. He tried again. This time he walked into the river and put his whole arm in to catch the necklace. But strangely, he still missed it! He came out and started walking away. Then again he saw the necklace, right there. He decided to give it a final try. He jumped into the dirty water and searched everywhere for the necklace but still he failed. He came out feeling very sad. Just then an old man, who was walking by, saw him and asked what was wrong. At first Robin did not want to share the secret with the old man. But finally he decided to tell the truth. He told the old man about the necklace and how he tried to catch it. The old man then said, “Perhaps you should try looking up, towards the branches(枝条)of the tree, instead of in the dirty river. Robin looked up and the necklace was indeed on a branch of the tree. He had tried to catch a reflection(倒影)of the real necklace all the time. 4.Robin decided to catch the necklace in the river to _________. A.sell it for money B.get the reward C.help the businessman D.marry the girl 5.How many times did Robin try to catch the necklace from the river? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. 6.From the story, we know the old man was __________. A.wise B.foolish C.strict D.modest 7.The story wants to tell us that _________. A.we shouldn’t waste time catching the necklace B.we’d better help each other when in trouble C.we need to change the way of thinking sometimes D.we should take and follow old people’s advice (2022·江苏淮安·中考真题)I’m Black Beauty, a male horse. Before I was taken to Mr Gordon, my mother Duchess spoke to me, “All young horses have to leave mothers. Whatever happens, try to be gentle and stay away from bad behaviours.” Then I came to Mr Gordon’s house. In the stable(马厩) next to mine was a little fat grey horse. I put my head up and said, “Nice to meet you! What’s your name?” He seemed unhappy. “I’m Merrylegs. You are my neighbour?” I said yes. “Well,” he continued, “I hope you are well-behaved. I don’t like anyone who bites people.” Then he went on, “Mr Gordon should be the best owner!” A tall brown female horse shouted at him, “No one knows how long a good home will last!” Merrylegs lowered his voice and whispered, “She’s Ginger with a bad habit of biting people.” The angry voice came again, “You don’t know anything! ________ you would bite too.” “Poor Ginger! What made her so unhappy?” I thought to myself. The next day when I w

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