
This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative and copyrights belong to Bao tu internetThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er creative and copyrights belong to Bao tu internet常常见见问问题题考考情情分分析析词词性性法法链链接接高高考考How do you feel about Close Test?你 的 现 状连连蒙蒙带带猜猜你 的 现 状感感觉觉读读懂懂了了你 的 现 状WHY?Wilson Taylor Wilson Taylor Your teacherYour teacher1.完型的虐人历史已有60年1953年,英国语言学家Wilson Taylor发明了完形填空。一开始是用来测试文章的可读度,之后被加进英语国家学生的母语学习中,作为一种语言测试方法,测试一个人的语言能力:如果测试者能较好地补足缺失的词,就说明他的语言能力较强,反之,如果他补充的词汇质量较低,说明他的语言能力越差。事实证明,这种测试方式非常有效。到了70年代,外语测试专家觉得:拿这个方法考考学英语的外国人,一定很有意思于是经过不断的演变,终于在1987年被引入了中国高考英语的试卷,成了让我们头疼至今的题型。What do you see?What do you see?What do you see?格式塔心理学(Gestalt Psycology)又叫完形心理学,人们观察物体形状时,下意识地把不连贯的空缺的部分填补上,把它看成一个完整的形状。英语完形填空 基于格式塔理论,选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文语言通顺,前后连贯,结构完整,遵循在“情境”中考查考生分析和解决问题的能力。2.完形填空是正宗的心理学产物3.认识事物的两个有趣的现象自动修正现象自动修补现象3.认识事物的两个有趣的现象4.完形测试被引入语言教学领域语言学家们认为,完形填空可用于检查学生外语学习的综合水平:在知识层次,它可以检查词汇,语法知识;在应用层次,它可以检查结合背景知识理解全文主题大意和作者意图的能力、根据上下文运用语言知识猜测生词词义的能力、以及全面驾驭语篇,获取信息的能力。C h e c k!2021全国乙卷 完形填空41.A.cleanerB.chemistC.nurse D.doctor42.A.gradesB.meaningsC.needs D.expectations43.A.brushed aside B.put to the test C.brought under discussion D.taken into account44.A.departingB.escapingC.retiring D.recovering45.A.attemptingB.choosingC.pausing D.promising46.A.eventuallyB.fortunatelyC.casually D.secretly47.A.assessingB.requiringC.forming D.proving48.A.slightlyB.accidentally C.slowly D.happily49.A.gratefulB.thoughtfulC.sorrowful D.fearful50.A.surpriseB.delightC.curiosity D.disappointment51.A.operating B.thinking C.hesitating D.leaving52.A.sorry B.hello C.goodbyeD.yes53.A.reached B.consulted C.introduced D.persuaded54.A.wished B.pretendedC.failedD.refused55.A.enjoying B.doing C.securing D.starting56.A.repeated B.recited C.replied D.reported57.A.courage B.patience C.duty D.care58.A.goal B.given C.push D.greeting 59.A.risking B.changing C.saving D.building60.A.honour B.ability C.opening D.extra(_?_)/80“一针见血”This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creatie and copyrights belong to Bao tu internetThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er1.单词不认识My thoughts were soon _43_.We had a woman patient who was _44_ from a knee replacement operation.43.A.brushed aside B.put to the test C.brought under discussion D.taken into account44.A.departing B.escapingC.retiring D.recovering“一针见血”This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creatie and copyrights belong to Bao tu internetThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er2.熟词生义And it came to me then how much easier it would be if we had a range of words that express different _42_ of gratitude(感谢).42.A.gradesB.meanings C.needs D.expectations“一针见血”This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creatie and copyrights belong to Bao tu internetThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er2.熟词生义 The patient looked puzzled,and then_56_:Oh this isnt for the _57_ I had.I take that as a _58_.No,this is for setting my hair yesterday.58.A.goal B.given C.push D.greeting“一针见血”This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creatie and copyrights belong to Bao tu internetThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er3.(双胞胎)二选一,一选就错谋取:设法取得牟取:利益,名利兑现:承诺兑现实现:成为现实排除:消除剔除:把不合适去掉格局:结构样式局面:状态“一针见血”This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creatie and copyrights belong to Bao tu internetThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er3.(双胞胎)二选一,一选就错 When she _53_ one nurse,she tried to press a five-pound note into her hand.My colleague _54_ to accept it,saying that we were all just _55_ our job.54.A.wished B.pretendedC.failedD.refused“一针见血”This template is exclusively designed by Fei er creatie and copyrights belong to Bao tu internetThis template is exclusively designed by Fei er4.凭空想象,主观臆断I was considering this while working as a _41_ just a few weeks ago.41.A.cleanerB.chemistC.nurseD.doctor原文1处:We had a woman patient who was _44_ from a knee replacement operation.原文2处:As she was _51_ she was eager to say_52_ to each of us in the nursing team.选项有什么特点呢?举举 个个 栗栗 子子56.A.repeated B.recited C.replied D.reported57.A.courage B.patience C.duty D.care58.A.goal B.given C.push D.greeting 59.A.risking B.changing C.saving D.building60.A.honour B.ability C.opening D.extra举举 个个 栗栗 子子56.A.repeated B.recited C.replied D.reported57.A.courage B.patience C.duty D.care58.A.goal B.given C.push D.greeting 59.A.risking B.changing C.saving D.building60.A.honour B.ability C.opening D.extra动词名词名词动词名词我们都是一家人举举 个个 栗栗 子子纵列内容性质相同横列内容关系合理你 敢 不 敢动?We had a woman patient who was _44_ from a knee replacement operation.One afternoon,while _ attempting to get into bed she collapsed(倒下)from what was eventually discovered to be a heart attack.44.A.departingB.escaping C.retiring D.recovering举举 个个 栗栗 子子讲述了一位女患者因心脏病住院,恢复出院之际向一位护士表达感激之情。To many people,_59_lives is part of the job but styling hair is an extra and should be rewarded.59.A.risking B.changing C.saving D.building举举 个个 栗栗 子子高考完型填空主题语境人与自我(human and self)学习与生活做人与做事人与社会(human and society)社会服务与人际沟通文学、艺术与体育历史、社会与文化科学与技术人与自然(human and nature)自然生态环境保护灾害防范宇宙探索高考完型填空文章

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