
国开英语1形考答案国开(中央电大)专科《商 务英语1》形考任务(单元自测1至8)试题及 答案 国开(中央电大)专科《商务英语1》形考任务(单元自测1至 8)试题及答案 (电大网上形考必备资料)说明:课程代码:04009。 适用专业及层次:电子商务、工商管理(市场营销方向)、会 计学(财务会计方向)、金融(保险方向)、金融(货币银行方向)、 金融(金融与财务方向)、物流管理和物业管理专科。 平台考试网址:://.ouchn。 单元自测1 试题及答案 题目顺序是随机的,使用查找功能(Ctrl+F)进行搜索[ 题目] — Can you please tell me about your responsibilities?— . [ 答 案 ] Yes.I was in charge of the northwest region of China.[ 题目] — Could you give me an exle of good team 第 1 页 共 8 3 页 working  there? —  . [答案] Sure.I was the treasurer of the Students' Union.[ 题目]- I believed Ted only from his resume.In fact he is not qualified for his job.一 , [答案] Oh,it's such a pity![ 题目]—— We had a very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy.—— ,SO you're a good planner . [答案] Very impressive [ 题目]A conversation between an interviewee and the interviewers . [答案] goes on [ 题目]At university I never my assignments in late.[答案] handed [ 题目]Domingo Café,a modern European style café,is in the a r e a . [答 案] downtown [ 题目] — — Hello,I'm John Taylor,the General Manager.And you must be......—— 第 2 页 共 8 3 页 [答案] Daniel Anderson.[ 题目]However nowadays,people often find such advertisements on a website.[答案] moro 「 O1E 题目]I believe team work important . [答案] is [ 题目]I was the of the Students' Union.[答案] treasurer [ 题目]I’m particularly proud of I organized the finances.[答案] how [ 题目]The pany's Human Resources department will then select the most suitable people to an interview.[答案] attend[ 题目]Then people, are interested,can apply for the job. [答案] who [ 题目]When a pany needs to new people,it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website.[答 案] 第 3 页 共 8 3 页 employ二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最 适合的中文翻译。 1. A job interview is a kind of employment test and usually very formal. {A;B;C} A. 工作面试既是一种就业测试,也是形式上必要的。 [答案]B.求职面试是一种就业测试,通常都很正式。 C. 工作会谈是一种雇佣测试,通常是很注意方式的。 2.In order to be employed,you need to make a very good first impression . {A; B;C}A .为了工作,你需要做出 一个良 好的第一 印象。 B. 为了受聘,你需要给人一个深刻的良好印象。 [答案]C.为了得到工作,你需要给人一个良好的第一 印象。 3.It looks like you achieved a lot during your time at university. {A; B; C} A. 它看起来像你在上大学时取得优异成绩。 [答案]B.看起来你在上大学时取得了很大成就。 C. 看起来你在上大学时得到了很多。 4.If 第4页共83页 you need any help,please feel free to contact Mr.Zhang. {A;B; C}[答案]A.如果你需要任何帮助,请随时联系张先 生。 B. 如果你需要任何帮助,请自由联系张先生。 C. 如果你需要任何帮助,请在有空时联系张先生。 5.They send in a letter(or an email)and also a resume as well. {A;B; C} [答案]A.他们发一封信(或电子邮),同时也发一份简历。 B. 他们发一封信(或电子邮),不过还是发一份简历好。 C. 他们发一封信(或电子邮),不妨发一份好的简历。 二、 请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为T,错 误为F。 U1-%20Task%203.mp3 1.Daniel invited John to the job interview . {[答案]F} 2.Daniel worked in Corporate Pan - Asia for 6 years . {[答案]F} 3.Daniel was in charge of the southwest region of Canada . {[答 案]F}4.A 第5页共83页 50% increase in sales over a three-month period proved Daniel a good manager. {[答案]T}5.Teamwork helped Daniel achieve an outstanding increase . {[答 案]T}二、听力理解:请听下面的对话,根据对话内容从A、B、 C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 If you don’t have much experience of making phone calls in English,making a business call can be a worrying experience.Most business people,unless they feel very confident, prepare for an important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in advance.And during the call they make notes while they’re talking to help them to remember what was said.Although it's quick and convenient to phone someone to give them information or to ask questions,the disadvantage is that there is nothing in writing to help you to remember what was said.It’s essential to make notes and often when an agreement is reached on the phone,one of the speakers will send a fax or e-mail to confirm the main points that were made. Because 第 6 页 共 8 3 页 it's so easy to be misunderstood when talking on the phone,it's a good idea to repeat any important information(especially numbers and names)back to the other person to make sure you’ve got it right.Always make sure you know the name of the person you’re talking to.If necessary,ask them to spell it out to you, so that you can make sure you’ve got it right----and try to use their name during the call.And make sure that they know your name too. 1. If you don’t have much experience of making phone calls in English,making a business call can be {A; B; C}. A. an easy thing B. a happy experience [答案]C. a painful thing 2. Most business people prepare

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