高中英语《The Student Who Asked Questions》优质课教案、教学设计

教学设计教学目标:教学目标:知识目标:通过学习本篇课文,学生能够掌握相关的词汇和句子。例如,staple food,leading figure,bring up 等。能力目标:通过这堂阅读课,学生可以掌握快速阅读和细读的一些阅读技巧,比如 skimming and scanning.情感目标:通过学习介绍袁隆平院士的这篇文章,学生能够学习到科学家的一些好的品质和精神,从而激励学生要向他们学习,养成良好的品质,树立远大理想,服务人民,服务社会。教学过程:教学过程:Step 1:Warming-upA Guessing Game:Who is he/she?1.She is a Polish scientistShe discovered Radium(镭)and Polonium(钋)She won Nobel Prize twiceMarie Curie2.Ancient Greek Physicist,mathematician 数学家When he was taking a bath,he found the buoyance(浮力).formula:F 浮=F 排Archimedes3.a German-born AmericanphysicistCreator of theories of relativityWon the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921Albert Einstein4.He is a Chinese scientist.He devotes himself to the research of rice.He is the Father of Hybrid RiceYuan LongpingStep2:fast-reading1.Skimming-Match the main idea of each paragraphPara1Para2Para3Para4Para5Para6A.He discovered a new type of rice.B.The yield of the new hybrid rice is much greater than that of othertypes grown in Pakistan.C.Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the rice-growingworld.D.As a boy,he liked asking questions.E.As a young teacher,he began experimentsin crop breeding.F.His discoveries have brought in great profit(收益).Structure of the passagePart1(Para1)A brief introduction to Yuan Longping.Part2(Para2-4)Yuan Longpings life and researchPart 3(Para5-6)Yuan Longpings contributions to China and the world.2.ScanningName:Nationality(国籍):Major(主修):Inventions/Discoveries:When did he invent/discover:Step3:Careful readingPart1a(para1):1.Which country is the worlds largest rice producer?2.Where is rice grown in the world?Part2(p2-p4):fill the blanks according to the time orderAs a boy,he was educated in many schools and giventhe nickname.As a college student,he studied agricultureAs a teacher,he began experiments in crop breeding.In 1966the results of his experiments were published.In 1970,a naturally sterile male rice plant was discovered1.In Yuans opinion,what is the most important way to provideenough food to people?2.What is a special type of rice plant?Part 3(Para5-6):What are the advantages of the research?Step4:After-reading1.RetellIn a (hunger)world rice is a staple food and in the rice-growing world,the(China)scientist,YuanLongping,is a(lead)figure.Yuan was born and brought up in China.As a boyhewasinmanyscools.anearlyage,hewas(interesting)plants and as a young teacher he beganexperiments in crop.He thought that the key topeople was to havemore rice.He thought there was only one way to do this-bydifferentspecies of rice plant.As a result of Yuans(discover),50thousand square kilometres of rice fields were converted growingvegetables and other cash crops.2.Disscussion:In your opinion,what has made Yuan Longping a great scientist?What have you learned from him?3.WritingHow to introduce a famous person?Part 1brief introductionPart 2major events and achievementsPart 3influenceThere is another person who has also made great contributions inagriculture.Different from Yuan,he majors in wheat genetics andbreeding.Whats more,he graduated from our school.1.出身于农民家庭的李振声院士少年丧父,是母亲带着他们兄妹4 个度过了艰难的岁月和山东的饥荒之年。1948 年 17 岁的考入了大学。2.虽然当时学校的条件比较差,但他对名师讲授的遗传课、小麦育种课产生了浓厚兴趣,因此萌生了将来也要搞小麦育种研究的想法。3.小偃 6 号(Xiaoyan No.6)的育成开创了我国小麦远缘杂交(distant crossing)品种在生产上大面积推广应用的先例。它产量高,抗病力强,大大增加了小麦的产量。Summary:Summary:1.master some words and phrases:nickname,agriculture,yield,sterile,staple food,bring up,beconverted to.2.have a better understanding about the Yuan Longping and hisinventions and great contributions3.learn how to describe a great person and know some good qulitiesto be a better and useful person to our society and contry.Homework:Homework:try to polish your writingdescribe one of your favorite scientists using the words and sturcturewe learn today.

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