
2018年江苏第一次全国大联考英语试卷一、听力 略 二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.I love online shopping.I think many things on the Net are quite good._ Some of them are of low quality beyond expectation.A.Thats for sure.B.Its not the case.C.I couldnt agree more.D.Im pleased to know that.2.John is said to be in a job paying over$10,000 _ year.Yes,he will be paid by _ week.A.the;theB.a;theC.the;aD.a;a 3._,these gases account for nearly half the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.A.DisturbinglyB.SlightlyC.ExactlyD.Flexibly 4.As the saying goes,all pains help to make us rise,_ much we may hate them at the time.A.howeverB.no matterC.althoughD.whatever 5.When it came to online games,my deskmate asked me a question _ I had played _ he called Angry Birds.A.that;whichB.whether;thatC.whether;whatD.that;where 6.The dictionary I bought yesterday is far from cheap.But actually I would willingly have paid _ for it.A.as much twiceB.much as twiceC.as twice much1/17D.twice as much 7.The entire book detailedly analyzes all the essential concepts of computer system from a programmers _.A.perspectiveB.priorityC.participationD.privilege 8.We _ solving international dispute by negotiation,instead of appealing to arms.A.advocateB.admitC.assessD.approach 9.My money _.I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before Ive none in hand.A.has run outB.is running outC.has been run outD.is being run out 10.It is marvelous for children to have a harmonious school,_ teachers treat students like their own.A.whyB.thatC.whichD.where 11.Lets _ some of those words mentioned above so that you can get a better idea of what I mean.A.go overB.get overC.take overD.turn over 12.Hurry up!The concert will begin at half past eight.The performers _ half an hour when you arrive.A.will be playingB.will have playedC.are playingD.have played 13.Whats your opinion about the requirement that an MBA student _ working 2/17experience?A.hasB.will haveC.haveD.would have 14.I had to admit the fact that the ring was _,and it was no use _ over spilled milk.A.lost;cryB.lost;cryingC.losing;to cryD.losing;cry 15.Not until they had a heart-to-heart talk with me _.A.I had realized my mistakeB.had I realized my mistakeC.I realized my mistakeD.did I realize my mistake 三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)16.请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。When Eric Darko arrived in Seattle from Ghana to participate in a professional leadership exchange program in 2015,he had no idea that his visit would be _01_ not only for himself,but also for the people in his community back _02_.The 33-year-old biochemist,who _03_ in a regional office of the Food and Drugs Authority,a state agency in Ghana,_04_ being moved by the experience of volunteering at Northwest Harvest,Washingtons only statewide non-profit _05_ distributor.I had never seen a food bank before.The _06_ of hungry people coming in and picking up food really _07_ me,Mr.Darko says.I am the kind of person who likes _08_.I remember saying in our closing meeting I would open a food bank in Ghana.Five months ago,he kept his _09_,launching Eastern Harvest Food Bank in the New Juaben Municipality of the Eastern Region of Ghana.Its believed to be the first food bank in the country with warehouse operations.Ghana is a country of about 28 million people.Despite its relatively small size,it _10_ a fast-growing economy because of natural _11_ such as gold,diamonds,and oil.It also has a strong agricultural sector,and the government is pushing more _12_ in vegetable production.Over the years,the government has made _13_ gains in fighting hunger.Yet even with much progress,food _14_ remains a problem.With two assistants helping Darko as well as volunteers,Eastern Harvest Food Bank is _15_ on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m.to 2 p.m.It provides people _16_ generally local residents who are age 50 or older with _17_ such as rice,beans,tomato paste,sugar and _18_ else.Since its launch,Eastern Harvest Food Bank has _19_ more than 2,400 people.Some days we run out of food,Darko admits.We need more _20_.So far at least 54 volunteers,some of whom work for the Municipal Nutrition Office,have given their time to help distribute 3/17food.And some return with donations.16.1.第01处应选择()A.life-threateningB.ever-lastingC.wonder-workingD.life-changing 16.2.第02处应选择()A.homeB.yardC.stageD.street 16.3.第03处应选择()A.managesB.operatesC.worksD.belongs 16.4.第04处应选择()A.enjoysB.recallsC.suggestsD.reports 16.5.第05处应选择()A.food bankB.hospitalC.churchD.school 16.6.第06处应选择()A.soundB.sightC.sceneryD.expectation 16.7.第07处应选择()A.puzzledB.satisfiedC.touchedD.varied 16.8.第08处应选择()A.taking4/17B.sightseeingC.touringD.giving 16.9.第09处应选择()A.intentionB.budgetC.promiseD.attempt 16.10.第10处应选择()A.lacksB.possessesC.locatesD.provides 16.11.第11处应选择()A.resourcesB.sourcesC.originsD.boundaries 16.12.第12处应选择()A.strengthB.valueC.measureD.growth 16.13.第13处应选择()A.imaginaryB.impressiveC.imaginativeD.impossible 16.14.第14处应选择()A.productionB.shortageC.qualityD.quantity 16.15.第15处应选择()A.packedB.crowdedC.valid5/17D.open 16.16.第16处

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